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ProcessRedirects questions


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Hi there,

I've just installed apeisa's ProcessRedirects module and I have a few questions around it.

I've inserted a bunch of URLs that are similar to the following:

in the above case, the "Redirects from" takes the following form:
IOW, the slash is added in front of the URL. I'm assuming therefore that we don't need the domain to be specified, just the path. However, if I specify the path(s) of:
The module complains: redirect_from: Error found - please check that it is a valid URL
The original URLs are from a dynamic Ajax based site. The form /#/ is how the system itself defines its URLs but Google sees them as /? hence why they are specified twice, depending on what has been linked to.
Any ideas around this or am I better off using .htaccess or seeing if I can modify the plugin?
Many thanks! :)
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I could be wrong, but I don't think that the Redirects module works with source URLs that have query strings or anchors. I think you'd probably have to handle these redirects from your .htaccess file. The /#/pagename/ style URL is an unusual URL mapping system. It looks like it's trying to hack around using homepage anchor links to deliver different pages. Usually anchors would be to jump to different parts of the same page (in this case, the homepage). Google probably saw that it's being delivered completely different content for different anchors, rather than the expected homepage with an anchor point. It's probably not great from an SEO standpoint. :) I'm not sure how to account for an anchor in .htaccess rules, but I'm certain you could account for the query string "?" version with apache rewrite rules. 

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