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Rebuild my old portfolio site (2011) with PW


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Hi Thomassausen

That is a great way to start - and a nice clean site, by the way.

I am just doing a similar exercise on my own portfolio site .... though I keep getting distracted playing with functionality that the site will never use!


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Look at the screenshot, I created lots of options in the backend to make this slider working.

So in EE I have one slider-channel with these custom fields and options (screenshot). Each slide is an entry within the channel. 

I used this plugin http://pixelandtonic.com/matrix to create unlimited number of static fields. Just click on plus and there you have a new row. Each row is a layer of the slide.

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You could do the same thing in PW with repeater fields, but IMO the values that you have on these fields should be decided once in the design process and kept in the code. What's the point of sacrificing your website performance by having all this info in the database?

@apeisa, same time :)

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The ProcessWire equivalent would be repeater fields: http://processwire.com/videos/repeater-field-type/

And you could easily set field widths to have a layout similar or indeed slightly better than that interface :)

But yes, what diogo said about coding it without storing settings in the database is also very relevant.

EDIT: Stop replying so fast you guys, I'm having a slow day :D

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