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Truncate – Remove <figure> and it’s contents


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Hi Forum!

I have the following content in a ckeditor body-field:

<figure class="align_right"><img alt="some random alt text" src="path/to/image-file" />
<figcaption>some random caption text</figcaption>

<p>some random text</p>

I use 

$text = $sanitizer->truncate($page->body, [
	'type' => 'sentence',
	'maxLength' => 400,
	'visible' => true
$content = "<p>";
$content .= $text;
$content .= "</p>";

echo $content;

to output the body-field in my template, which results in…

<p>some random caption text some random text</p>

Is there any way to tell $sanitizer->truncate to skip/remove/ignore anything that’s inside a <figure> Tag, so that I get rid of the part "some random caption text"?



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$string = '<figure class="align_right"><img alt="some random alt text" src="path/to/image-file" />
<figcaption>some random caption text</figcaption>
<p>some random text</p>';

$purifier = $sanitizer->purifier();
$purifier->set('HTML.ForbiddenElements', array('figure'));
$purifier->set('Core.HiddenElements', array('figure' => true));
$clean = $purifier->purify($string);
$text = $sanitizer->truncate($clean, [
	'type' => 'sentence',
	'maxLength' => 400,
	'visible' => true
$content = "<p>";
$content .= $text;
$content .= "</p>";



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Hi Zeka,

ahh, I missed the purifier! Thanks for this solution.

After messing around with regex, I found out that this is working too:

$content = preg_replace('/<figure[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/figure[^>]*>/', '', $page->body);
$text = $sanitizer->truncate($content, [
	'type' => 'sentence',
	'maxLength' => 400,
	'visible' => true
echo '<p>' . $text . '</p>';

Thanks again!

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