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Datetime Carbon Format


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Format Datetime fields as Carbon instances.

You can find the latest release and the complete readme on Github.


composer require daun/datetime-carbon-format


All Datetime fields will now be formatted as Carbon instances instead of strings. Some examples:

// $page->date is a Datetime field
// Output format: j/n/Y

echo $page->date;                    // 20/10/2020
echo $page->date->add('7 days');     // 27/10/2020
echo $page->date->format('l, F j');  // Monday, October 20
echo $page->date->year;              // 2020
echo $page->date->diffForHumans();   // 28 minutes ago

Frontend only

The ProcessWire admin seems to expect datetime fields to be strings. This module will only return Carbon instances on frontend page views.

Date output format

When casting a Carbon instance to a string (usually when outputting the field in a template), the field's date output format will be respected.


GitHub • Readme • Carbon docs



PS. I remember reading about a Carbon module in a recent newsletter, but couldn't find it anywhere. Was that you, @bernhard?

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