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Paginating search results with checkboxes


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I have a series of videos, and the following search form (translated into English here) that allows to filter these videos on the frontend:


I've built a few of these search forms, but only with text fields, selects and radio buttons. Here I'm using an array with checkboxes ("Level" field above), and it's causing me grief when I try to paginate these results. I've done a lot of searching in the forum and spent too many hours to try to get it to work. Here's how I'm building the selector:


  // Level is an array. Code adapted from Ryan's snippet here:
  // https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3472-enable-pagination-for-search-results/?tab=comments#comment-38042
  if($input->get->level) {
    $level = array();
    foreach($input->get->level as $id) $level[] = (int) $id; // sanitize to INTs
    $level = implode('|', $level); // convert to 123|456|789 string, ready for selector
  else {
    $level = '';

$data = array(
    'training_type' => array('=', (int) $input->get->training_type),
    'duration' => array('=', (int) $input->get->duration),
    'level' => array('=', $level),
    'limit' => array('=', (int) $input->get->limit)

    $selector = '';

    // iterate through the $data we made above to create a selector string
    foreach($data as $field => $a) {

      list($operator, $value) = $a;
      if(empty($value)) continue;

     // send value to the whitelist so that it can be used in pagination
    $input->whitelist($field, $value);

    //  append to our selector string
     $selector .= "$field$operator$value, ";

$videos = $page->children("$selector");

When I hit search, I get the expected results. So far so good. The GET parameters are the following with the options selected in the screenshot above:


$selector echoes the following as the "level" field is an array with a pipe character:

level=1476|1477, training_type=1473, duration=1485, limit=10

Now, when paginating these results, the following page (page 2) shows these GET parameters:


And I think that's where the problem lies. The "level" field is "lost" and I'm getting more results than expected on subsequent pages. If I manually add "page2" to the initial results in the URL, just to test, everything works fine:


But how can I achieve this in code? Do I need to revert to "level[]=1475&level[]=1477" instead of "level=1476|1477" for the pagination to work correctly, and can you PHP gods illuminate me?

Any help would be really appreciated, really.

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@jacmaes you can simply add a new condition if the the GET var level is a string ? let's try :

    if($input->get->level && is_array($input->get->level)) { // level as array given
        $level = array();
        foreach($input->get->level as $id) $level[] = (int) $id; // sanitize to INTs
        $level = implode('|', $level); // convert to 123|456|789 string, ready for selector
    elseif($input->get->level && is_string($input->get->level) && $input->get->level !== '') { // level as string given
        // can be optimized (sanitizer)
        $level = array();
        foreach(explode('|', $input->get->level) as $id) $level[] = (int) $id; // sanitize to INTs
        $level = implode('|', $level); // convert to 123|456|789 string, ready for selector
    else {
        $level = '';



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As far I can see you handle only the array version of the get parameter 'level', but not the pipe separated version. I didn't tried it out, please check:

  if($input->get->level) {
	if (is_array($input->get->level)) {
		// Level is an array. Code adapted from Ryan's snippet here:
        // https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3472-enable-pagination-for-search-results/?tab=comments#comment-38042
        $level = array();
        foreach($input->get->level as $id) $level[] = (int) $id; // sanitize to INTs
        $level = implode('|', $level); // convert to 123|456|789 string, ready for selector
    } else $level = "$input->get->level";
  else {
    $level = '';


@flydev ?? ... one second quicker ?

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