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Finally I took the big step of creating a bookmarks folder only for bookmarking threads or individual post from the forum. If someone wants to follow maybe we can have a nice repository of code in some months by joining everything.

Just an idea :)

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We still have the Wiki ready to go (http://wiki.processwire.com/). It's just looking for someone to show it some love. I've closed off public post access because of all the spammers, but happy to add any new accounts for anyone that wants to work on this -- let me know?

After looking at the Wiki, I think it needs a snippet section :)

All those in favor say 'AY'.


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I am making my own collection in a google site, though I would be nervous of putting them in the wiki as I think the accuracy of some of my notes are suspect to say the least!

I am not bad at explaining things, however

(Which is a touch of a relief since I am meant to be a professional writer!)

One thing that would be very useful is some very, very short howtos with examples.

I have found what I search for most is things like "how to get the output from a page field" or "what path do I write to include something;" really simple stuff that tends to get left out because the more experienced writer forgets that not everyone is starting with their knowledge.

It is the curse of "assumed knowledge" that haunts every technical manual. "What do you mean, you can't read my mind?" This has been a problem with just about every open source system I have ever attempted to use - the documentation is brilliant, as long as you already know how to use the software .... :)

So, covering the basics, complete with one or two simple examples that can be copied and pasted, would be extremely helpful.

To a certain extent, I suppose, it is probably going through many of the variables in the API and expanding them to show how they are used.

I sometimes wonder whether the eventual Book that everyone rushes out to buy, ought to be actually the edited result of the community created documentation. Not sure if that has been done or not.


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I am making my own collection in a google site, though I would be nervous of putting them in the wiki as I think the accuracy of some of my notes are suspect to say the least!

That doesn't really matter - the advantage of a wiki is that everyone (who is a registered user, in the case of wiki.processwire) can edit anything, and annotate their changes as to why they made the edit.

My own feeling is that people should be a bit more relaxed about diving in and adding to the wiki, as I am sure that the PW community is one place where you can be sure of a supportive and friendly response to contributions.

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Dave, your faith in mankind is enlightening!

Years ago I helped write a technical manual for a system I did not understand at all. Those that really did know, however, could not even grasp enough good grammar to successfully request a cup of coffee without help.

Here is what we did.

Once I worked out what the final user would want, (which was a lot more comprehensive than was originally envisaged) I wrote a whole pile of pages that consisted of little more than.

"How to relocate widget B"

1 sentence explaining what widget B is

1 short para explaining what widget B is to be located in

1 short list of things needed for relocating widget B

2 paragraphs of instructions

1 para of conclusion

1 list of further info ... etc

Actually, It was a little more detailed - I often wrote the introduction, for instance.

The tech boys filled in the gaps and I then went over it and rewrote it to make it as near a pleasure to read as possible.

What I had identified was that they knew what they were talking about, but knew surprising little about the audience or how much the audience knew already.

This was pre-internet and was a printed manual and so had to carry all its own references, which was cumbersome, but it worked. In fact, by the end of it, the techs' writing abilities had grown substantially, though they still forgot to mention things if no one chased them.

The worry with the PW wiki is that I could probably start a huge number of "stubs" that would need sorting out by people who a) know what they are talking about and b) may not have time to sort them out in a timely fashion, leaving the wiki looking a mess.


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I am making my own collection in a google site, though I would be nervous of putting them in the wiki as I think the accuracy of some of my notes are suspect to say the least!


Well, all the more reason to share amigo!

Sharing what you think you know, and having more experienced users edit the Wiki entry would only help you and us.

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That's great Joss! Let me know if I can set you up with a Wiki account. We need all the help we can get, even if some things are just stubs, etc. I like where you are going with your cms notes pages.

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That's great Joss! Let me know if I can set you up with a Wiki account. We need all the help we can get, even if some things are just stubs, etc. I like where you are going with your cms notes pages.

Wow. you know where I am going? That is one up on me - I never know! These are just the sort of rough notes I keep for myself on everything - I have a memory like a swamp (but less attractive - too many years in the music business)

If you can set up a category that is called pages for checking or being worked on or something so some poor unsuspecting innocent does not wander in and think this is Gospel, I would be happy to start putting in all kinds of stuff.

Actually, that is a good idea whoever is inputting stuff on a Wiki - the good side of a wiki is that it encourages community co-operation. The not so good side is that there is often a lack of editorial process, and readers can get really messed up!

Getting some sort of oversight also frees up and encourages contributors - they are less worried writing something that might be wrong or has already been covered, or needs to be cleaned up if they think someone else is going to check the entry before they put their foot in it.

I would suggest a series of banners:

"This article has been adopted as part of the official documentation"

"This article is awaiting peer review and is not yet adopted as part of the official Documentation"

"This article is currently work in progress and should not be used as an authoritative source."

The last one would be automatically added to all new entries.

Oh, and all articles should be related to PW versions, so stuff that applies to v2.2 but not to 2.3 is clearly marked as such, for instance.

If anyone has ever used the Joomla documentation via google, they will know that they can spend hours trying to make something work that wont because they ended up on the old help site by mistake. (Oh, was that only me then?)

Other bits and pieces that jump to mind is with relating the WIki to a snippet library (possibly) and making sure things like the SyntaxHighlight GeSHi extension is installed (probably is).

I could waffle on all day about this stuff - mostly because I am no fan of MediaWiki! (but use it anyway.) Anyone got a great big Java servlet based server so we can install Liferay??? :)


Edit: On a side note, I have just cooked baked salmon and served it with a turnip and carrot purée with orange zest, a mushroom and fennel sauce and pepper and pea cous-cous. Just thought I would throw that in.

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Edit: On a side note, I have just cooked baked salmon and served it with a turnip and carrot purée with orange zest, a mushroom and fennel sauce and pepper and pea cous-cous. Just thought I would throw that in.

Stack overflow AND Twitter ;)

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For a little bit of fun, I have written an alternative (and possibly inaccurate) overview of ProcessWire.

https://sites.google.com/a/stonywebsites.co.uk/cms-notes/ It is on the front page.


Stack overflow AND Twitter ;)

Well, I like to give the customer his money's worth

http://www.foodloversdiary.com (the salmon recipe would have gone up, but it got eaten before I could grab my camera!)

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"This article has been adopted as part of the official documentation"

The wiki is too small and in too much of an early stage for us to say for certain what it will become. But I've been thinking it would (at the very minimum) serve as a interim place for content that could be pulled over into the main site's documentation. There is already some stuff in there we should pull over. However, if the wiki starts to become a great resource in it's own right, then we'll make it look like the main site and put it in the navigation.

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The wiki is too small ...

Yep, I sort of noticed that!

These are only flags really, just template that can be added to articles so that people who are involved know what is what. For instance if you or one of the very experienced users see "This article is awaiting peer review and is not yet adopted as part of the official Documentation" Then you would be tempted to read through it and either think, fine, and change the template on the page, or make some comments in Talk so it can be changed.

We can make it less formal:

"This article is work in progress"

"This article needs checking"

"Ryan likes this one!"

Might be worth starting a dedicated forum section so that users can post that they have put up a new article and can someone please check it, or whatever.

By the way, I cant create or edit in the wiki.....



PS: Can the wiki be changed so that it doesn't have the index.php in the address? Makes it more logical to use. I can't remember how to do it, before you ask!

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