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Hanna code inside a function [solved]


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I am sure I knew how to do this once, or I was dreaming, which is equally as likely.

How can I output hanna code INSIDE a function?

So, I have this:

$hanna = $modules->get('TextformatterHannaCode');

Which I would normally use stand-alone. But I want to shove it into something like this in my functions page:

function SomeFunction(){
	$out ="<div>";
     // hanna in here
      $out .="</div>";

echo $out;

Any clues how to do it without melting the site?

Thanks, dear people!

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Hi @elebx 

Yeah, I'm okay with the first line, erm, I think.  It was how to then get the actual specific code [[subscribebuttons]] and render it within the function, outputting it as part of my  $out chain, if you know what I mean.

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I never used Hanna Code myself, but can't you just do

$buttons = $hanna->render("[[subscribebuttons]]");

and then

$out .= $buttons;


Don't know if you gotta have $hanna = $modules->get('TextformatterHannaCode'); inside or before your function definition though...

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Got it!!

It just took waking my brain up and using the clue from @dragan

But, of course, this is inside a function - we have to use wire, don't we!!!

$hanna = wire("modules")->get('TextformatterHannaCode');
$buttons = $hanna->render("[[subscribebuttons]]");


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@elabx was right :-)

Here't two ways in addition to @dragan's above:


Method 1: Call Hanna inside your function

function SomeFunction(){
	$out ="<div>";

	 // hanna in here
	 $hanna = wire('modules')->get('TextformatterHannaCode');// @note: wire!
	 $out  .= $hanna->render("[[hello]]");

      $out .="</div>";

	return  $out;

$out = SomeFunction();

echo $out;

Method 2: Pass your function an argument/parameter with Hanna rendered output

$hanna = $modules->get('TextformatterHannaCode');
$hannaString = $hanna->render("[[hello]]");

function SomeFunction2($string){
	$out ="<div>";

	 // hanna in here

	 $out  .= $string;

      $out .="</div>";

	return  $out;

$out = SomeFunction2($hannaString);
echo $out;


Edited by kongondo
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3 minutes ago, Joss said:

But, of course, this is inside a function - we have to use wire, don't we!!!

That's what @elabx said! :-) ??

1 hour ago, elabx said:

Hi @Joss !!

What are you having trouble with? Most of the time I forget to call ProcessWire variables like this inside custom functions:

$hanna = wire('modules')->get('TextformatterHannaCode')



Just now, Joss said:

Beat you to it, @kongondo !!!

I do know this stuff (somewhere in my head), but it is so long since I have done any of it that I am struggling to dredge it out!

Good to see you (again) as always ?.

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