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Repeater (slice long list into 2)


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I have a repeater that generates a list of links. The list could get pretty long (40+).

I'd like to break that up into 2 equal (or roughly equal) columns, but I can't get my head around how to do it with repeaters.

I'm trying this (which isn't working).

$p = $pages->get("/sponsors/");

$len = count($p->links);

$col_a = array_slice($p->links, 0, $len / 2);
$col_b = array_slice($p->links, $len / 2);

var_dump() for $col_a and $col_b returns NULL.

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OK, tried that and got:

Recoverable Fatal Error Argument 1 passed to RepeaterPageArray::__construct() must be an instance of Page, none given, called in
$p = $pages->get("/sponsors/");
$len = count($p->links);
$col_a = $p->links->slice(0, $len / 2);
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OK, tried that and got:

Recoverable Fatal Error Argument 1 passed to RepeaterPageArray::__construct() must be an instance of Page, none given, called in
$p = $pages->get("/sponsors/");
$len = count($p->links);
$col_a = $p->links->slice(0, $len / 2);

That error is strange as if it tries to create new RepeaterPageArray and nothing to do with slice(start,end)...

Might be a bug.

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That error is strange as if it tries to create new RepeaterPageArray and nothing to do with slice(start,end)...

Might be a bug.

This is a bug. I'd actually fixed this one a week or two ago on the dev branch but hadn't carried it over to master. I just put it on master so it should be fixed now.

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