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is it possible to restrict the page level of drag & move of a page ?


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child pages could not able to drag and move to higher level than it parent page.


    +---------Page A.1
    +---------Page A.2
    +---------Page B.1
    +---------Page B.2
    +---------Page C.1
    +---------Page C/2


Childs of pageA, pageB and pageC could drag and move within its parent

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If you set the correct family settings to the parent and child template, then the children can only be placed as a child of template for pageA, pageB, pageC, ... but as I read your post again... I guess you don't want them to change parents as well?

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46 minutes ago, Klenkes said:

If you set the correct family settings to the parent and child template, then the children can only be placed as a child of template for pageA, pageB, pageC, ... but as I read your post again... I guess you don't want them to change parents as well?

if it is a matter of parent and child template relationship, it is fine for me.

I will test it later soon

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Finishing configured the parent child template relationship.

The page move restriction is working properly. However there is a ui issue (?)

A popup shown that I don't ve permission to move to another template



After clicking "OK" the page is moved. But actually it is not when I did a browser refresh.

This may confuse to user.








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12 hours ago, adrianmak said:

After clicking "OK" the page is moved. But actually it is not when I did a browser refresh.

This may confuse to user.

What you notice is the default behavior. I've never heard one of my users complain, but I think you have a point here. It would be better if this (just visually) "move" wouldn't take place. It's quite irritating and somewhat annoying one must reload the browser to be sure. I guess it's hard to fix, because the drag and drop move is made by JS, which isn't aware at that moment that some permissions shouldn't allow this.Maybe @ryan can re-think about it? I would be glad if you could fill in an issue report.

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