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Can you give some examples where you are using it ? I gave up on database comparison local/online because it's too time consuming. I also stopped with website file syncing as I find it too slow. Uploading a zip and unpacking it on the server goes way faster.

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Sure :) 

diff features:

  • If you have a local version of a PW site you can compare it to the production one in seconds (depending on the connection speed usually in 4-40 seconds), benefits:
    • dead easy to spot new log entries, such us: errors.txt, sessions.txt, etc...
    • easy to apply changes both directions, after all, it is a diff tool :)
    • helps when doing upgrades: it is possible to compare updated index.php to .index-3.0.x.php, for example. Same goes for wire folder and .htaccess, of course. You can delete what is no longer needed, rename what should be changed right form the diff view window. I usually also delete previous module directories renamed and left over by the upgrade module.
    • You can batch select changed/new files, expand the tree view to see only changed/new files/folders, temporarily see "files/folder hidden by you" etc... all in all it is very fast to manually sync a site.
    • It is possible to temporarily exclude and/or hide files/folders, excluding can be saved as a "permanent session" (can be changed later on, of course)

I'm just scratching the surface with this sort description, it has tons of other features, but most importantly if configured properly it is the fastest (by far) of all similar GUI diff tools I've ever tested.

Automatic file sync features are good too but I use those less often.

I want to write a blog post about my workflow that heavily relies on all the above. I just need to find the time to do that :) 

Edited by szabesz
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If you can do offline / online comparison, that's probably worth it alone. 
Especially .htaccess comparisons ....

What would also make my life complete is a DB comparison tool to work out what's change between versions.
Does anyone use one or can recommend one here? (Sorry for the hijack ...)

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10 minutes ago, FrancisChung said:

What would also make my life complete is a DB comparison tool to work out what's change between versions.
Does anyone use one or can recommend one here? (Sorry for the hijack ...)

We've already discussed it, I use my own script:


I clone the database to a temporary one, update the site/module, after that: compare. I confess that I do not do it all the time :-[ I tend to be lazy even though it really takes less than a minute to perform all this.

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