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server slows down: looping through repeaters


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have included a repeater on my page (well, four to be exact) but I am having an issue on how to loop through the Repeater in the code behind to retrieve the value of a text box in each row....


add_action( 'genesis_entry_content', 'your_plugin_slug_repeater_loop' );
 * your_plugin_slug_repeater_loop function.
 * @access public
 * @return void
function your_plugin_slug_repeater_loop() {
	$rows = get_field( '_your_repeater_field' );  //this is the ACF instruction to get everything in the repeater field
	$i = 0;  //this is a variable which sets up the counter starting at 0
	if($rows) {
		echo '<ul class="your-class-list">';
		foreach($rows as $row) {	
			$i++; //this says keep counting
			if( $i % 3 == 1) { // this says, if the item number is divisible by 3 then
				$class = '&nbsp;first' ;  // add this class
				$i = 1;  // then reset the counter back to 1
				$class = ''; //otherwise don't output anything
				echo '<li class="repeater-item one-third' .  $class .'"><span class="repeater-title">' . $row['name_of_repeater']. '</span><a title="'. $row['name_of_repeater'] . '" href="' . $row['link_to_repeater'] .'"><img class="" src="' . $row['item_repeater'] .'" /></a><a href="' . $row['link_to_repeater'] .'" class="button">Download PDF&nbsp('.  $row['pdf_size'] . ')</a></li>';
		echo '</ul>';


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