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Include in Module giving weird url

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So I was working on a module and trying to include a library (so I could use it across the site) using $modules->get('myModule'); . However, When I go to include the library folder (modeled after the LibFlourish module created some time ago). I keep getting: 


This comes with an error notifying that "failed to open stream: No such file or directory in ...".. Is ProcessWire supposed to be in the include url, or is there a way around this? Sorry, I am quite new to working with my own modules.


I just noticed the sub forum regarding Development, if someone could move this to the correct area I would appreciate it.

Edited by louisstephens
I just noticed the sub forum regarding Development, if someone could move this to the correct area I would appreciate it.
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How are you including it? What's your code? Where is the location? For a file in the same location as the module, the following should suffice:

$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
#require_once("$dir/someFolderName/FileToInclude.php");// if in a folder

This way, __FILE__ will deal with paths rather than you.



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Thanks @kongondo, I was using: 

public function init() {
    spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'loadingMyFiles'));

private function loadingMyFiles($class_name){
    include (__DIR__ . "/{$class_name}.php");

I should have included that earlier. I am probably missing something important/small here. I tweaked mine to resemble what you had, but I am still getting /ProcessWire\ in the string. The file(s) I am trying to load are in a folder within the module file.

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