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PW 3.0.55: Core updates and dropdowns


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The Tree menu will come handy, even if I use the Reno theme.

Is this feature connected with the Page List module's "Allow use of bookmarks" setting? If I uncheck the tree is gone, except from Reno.

Update: only the Bookmarks menu items is present in the Tree flyout if I enable this setting, no pages there. Using 3.054 (multilanguage) the Tree was there but disappeared a few days later.

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These dropdown menus are a little better suited to the Uikit admin theme than the Default admin theme, mostly because the top navigation lives on the left rather than the right. This leaves more room for drilling down through the page tree.

For those wanting more room for the tree dropdowns in the default admin theme it's easy as pie with a little custom CSS:

/* Align tabs to left to make more room for tree dropdowns */
#masthead #topnav { float:left; margin-left:30px; /* just a little left margin to leave some space around the PW logo */ }

@tpr, could maybe be an option in AdminOnSteroids?

@Pete, the syntax highlighting in forum code blocks seems be broken for CSS - looks good in the modal, but no highlighting when the modal is closed.

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