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Wish: Retain Image Description When Replacing Image

Lance O.

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At some point with all of my projects, the client will ask for an image to be replaced. But the image description rarely needs to be updated when the image is replaced. (For example, the client may wish for the image to be cropped in a different way.)

Unfortunately, when replacing an image in PW, the description is deleted. If the client isn't aware that it will be deleted, it leads to frustrated clients and missing data. And if a large number of images need to be replaced, it is cumbersome to copy the description and paste it back into the field when the image is replaced.

In a future version of PW, I've love to see the description remain untouched when an image is replaced.

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In the majority of scenarios, when I replace an image, it's because the image has changed, and thus so has the description. But we all use things differently, and sometimes needs change from site to site. It sounds like in your case, you are replacing an image where you want to retain the same description. In this case, I would suggest making your image field a multi-image field, and just use the first image in your site. When you upload another image, you will then have two images. You can drag your second image to be first, and copy/paste the description when it should be the same. In this workflow, you at least can retain your description in a manner that can't be lost and is easy to migrate where you need it.

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Can you clarify the current functionality in PW when a new image is uploaded in place of an existing image? Does PW delete the original image and add the new image? It isn't actually "replacing" the image, is it? What if the image names (example.png) are the same?

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