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Accessing TextformatterMarkdownExtra extra functions


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While looking for a way to add target="_blank" to markdown formatted fields I came across these little gems in the TextformatterMarkdownExtra.module (in the wire>modules>textformatter folder, I'm running v3.0.33). Turns out someone (Ryan? Did you add this?) already thought of it:

	 * A couple RCD extentions to MarkDown syntax, to be executed after Markdown has already had it's way with the text
	protected function markdownExtensions(&$str) {

		// add id attribute to a tag, when followed by a #myid
		if(strpos($str, '>#')) $str = preg_replace('/<([a-z][a-z0-9]*)([^>]*>.*?)(<\/\\1>)#([a-z][-_a-z0-9]*)\b/', '<$1 id="$4"$2$3', $str); 

		// add class attribute to tag when followed by a .myclass
		if(strpos($str, '>.')) $str = preg_replace('/<([a-z][a-z0-9]*)([^>]*>.*?)(<\/\\1>)\.([a-z][-_a-z0-9]*)\b/', '<$1 class="$4"$2$3', $str); 

		// href links open in new window when followed by a plus sign, i.e. [google](http://google.com)+
		if(strpos($str, '</a>+')) $str = preg_replace('/<a ([^>]+>.+?<\/a>)\+/', '<a target="_blank" $1', $str); 

		// strip out comments
		// if(strpos($text, '/*') !== false) $text = preg_replace('{/\*.*?\*/}s', '', $text); 
		// if(strpos($text, '//') !== false) $text = preg_replace('{^//.*$}m', '', $text); 



$f->addOption(self::flavorRCD, 'RCD extentions'); 

after line 107 of the file, adds an option field which you can handily check from the module's config screen in the admin. Now, the question I should have asked before doing this is:
Does changing that have any detrimental effect on things I don't know about yet? : )

Would be great if someone with actual knowledge on this could chime in before I shoot myself in the foot (There must be a reason why this is not active by default?)

Cheers guys!



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  On 9/15/2016 at 9:26 PM, phil_s said:

Would be great if someone with actual knowledge on this could chime in before I shoot myself in the foot (There must be a reason why this is not active by default?)


That function is now deprecated. You can create a Textformatter module if you want to, eg.:

  Reveal hidden contents


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