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Unorganized List Using Repeater Field Help


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In my template I have an UL (see code example 1) which I am converting to the ProcessWire CMS. Now I am unsure how to do this... and I have done the code on the repeater via the docs example (see code example 2) but I am not getting any results. My backend is setup with a repeater field called home_slider and inside the repeater is: [ image is sliderimg title is slider_title and text is slider_text].




<ul class="orbit-container">
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<? foreach($page->home_sliders as $home_slider) {
  <li class='orbit-slide'>
      <div class='clearfix'>
          <div class='small-12 large-10 large-centered columns'>
              <div class='featured-image float-left'>
              	echo "<img src='{$home_slider->sliderimg}' style='height:340px;width:auto;' alt='Scrolling Featured Images'/>";
              <div class='featured-text'>
                  echo "<h3>{$home_slider->slider_title}</h3>";
                  echo "<p>{$home_slider->slider_text}</p>";
                  echo "<a href='{$home_slider->slider_btn_url}' class='button'>Read More</a>";


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I think the problem here is the way you are mixing PHP and HTML together:

<? foreach($page->home_sliders as $home_slider) {
  <li class='orbit-slide'>

This isn't valid PHP - you need to either echo all the HTML or switch in and out of PHP like so...

<?php foreach($page->home_sliders as $home_slider): ?>
    <li class="orbit-slide">
    ...more HTML...
<?php endforeach; ?>

As an aside, the short PHP open tag <? is discouraged - the short echo tag <?= is okay though.

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