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What does your GULP workflow look like? Care to share?


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I just finished following this tutorial on CSS tricks called Gulp for Beginners https://css-tricks.com/gulp-for-beginners/.

I didn't copy and paste. For the first time, I typed out all the code and constantly checked on https://www.npmjs.com/ to better understand how things works.

I'm very excited and curious now, how everyone else is using Gulp.

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I wrote about my gulp experience here:


I'm using PhpStorm and it has a feature to autostart certain tasks. I set it to load "watch" so starting up the IDE automatically loads all the tasks I need during development.

I'm not fan of installing softwares system-wide (being a portable application fan), so I figured out how to use Node without globally installing it. My npm modules are on a non-system partition D:\, and I symlink them in my projects.


Imo web development is complex enough to use helpers like gulp to make things simpler. It has a small learning curve but then it saves a lot of time.

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It's been a while but i've used Gulp for the basic stuff:

  • watch source files (css, less, scss, js) for changes
  • run preprocessors or postcss
  • concatenate and minify
  • run autoprefixer
  • revision asset filenames for cachebusting

I never got further then copy/pasting from the web and then adjusting to my needs but you can get a lot done this way.

Gulp can do almost everything you can dream of but i would identify what tasks need automating the most, spend an hour/couple of hours and get to work.

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