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  1. Field Initial Value For most field types, allows the definition of an initial value that is automatically set when pages are created. The initial value can be set in template context if you want a different initial value in different templates. Example for a "Countries" Page Reference field using AsmSelect: Example with explanatory notes in a CKEditor field: Differences from "Default value" The core allows setting a "Default value" for certain field types. The "Initial value" setting added by this module is different from the "Default value" setting in the following ways: The "Default value" is a setting that applies only to the inputfield, meaning that the value is shown in the inputfield by default but is not stored until you save the page. By contrast, the "Initial value" is automatically saved to the page when the page is first created. Related to point 1, when a page is created via the API rather than in the ProcessWire admin the "Initial value" is saved to the page but the "Default value" is not. The "Default value" has no effect when a field is not "required", but the "Initial value" is set for both required and not required fields. Related to point 3, a user can empty a field that had an "Initial value" applied but a field with a "Default value" set cannot be emptied. The "Initial value" setting is available for more field types than "Default value". Supported field types The following field types are supported, along with any types that extend them: FieldtypeText (includes types that extend it such as Textarea, CKEditor, URL, etc.) FieldtypeDatetime FieldtypeInteger FieldtypeDecimal FieldtypeFloat FieldtypePage (with all core inputfield types) FieldtypeCheckbox FieldtypeOptions (with all core inputfield types) FieldtypeToggle FieldtypeSelector FieldtypeMultiplier (ProField) FieldtypeCombo (ProField, only supported when File and Image subfields are not used) FieldtypeStars (third-party module) If you want to try field types beyond this you can define additional types in the module config, but your mileage may vary. Unsupported field types It's not possible to set an initial value for these field types, along with any types that extend them: FieldtypeFile (and FieldtypeImage) FieldtypeRepeater (includes types that extend it such as Repeater Matrix and Fieldset Page) FieldtypePageTable FieldtypeTable (ProField) Notes Seeing as the initial value is defined in the field config it has no idea of the current page - for the purposes of rendering the initial value inputfield the home page is supplied as a dummy page. This probably isn't an issue in most cases but it might have an effect for some Page Reference fields if they use the current page to limit the selectable pages. https://github.com/Toutouwai/FieldInitialValue https://processwire.com/modules/field-initial-value/
  2. It's incredible what you can do with ProcessWire. I did hit a limitation on my side though... ? and would like to ask for some support: Problem: I'm using a Page Reference Checkboxes field that gets it's Options from a few Pages; Page field value type is set to "Multiple pages PageArray". Screenshot: What I want: to check if each checkbox is checked or not (without using a foreach loop). What I tried: var_dump( $page->config->has(1898)); var_dump( $page->config->getValues()); // (WireArray is output, I don't know how to use that.) var_dump( $page->config->getValues(1898)->id ); // Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on array var_dump( $page->config->get(1898) ); // NULL var_dump( $page->config->get(1898)->id ); // Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null var_dump( $page->config->first()->id ); // int(1898) ... better, but how to get the next value? var_dump( $page->config[1898] ); // bool(false) var_dump( $page->config->find(1898) ); var_dump( $page->config->find(1898)->id ); var_dump( $page->config(1898) ); NULL (checkbox is set) var_dump( $page->config->1898 ); // unexpected integer "1898", expecting identifier or variable or "{" or "$" var_dump( $page->config->find(1898)->id ); // Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function find() on null var_dump( $page->config->has(1898)); // Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function has() on null $a = $page->config->getValues(); echo isset($a->1898->id) ? 1 : 0; $a = $page->config->getValues(); echo isset($a->1898->id) ? 1 : 0; // Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected integer "1898", expecting identifier or variable or "{" or "$" echo isset($a[1898]->id) ? 1 : 0; // 0 (but checkbox is set?) echo isset($a[1898]['id']) ? 1 : 0; // 0 (but checkbox is set?) var_dump( $page->config->eq('foo')->id ); // int(1898) var_dump( $page->config->eq('foo') ); // wirearray var_dump( $page->config->has('foo')); // bool(true) // Is this a bug? eq() returns same Page ID for two names. echo $page->config->eq('foo'); // 1898 (correct) echo $page->config->eq('bar'); // 1898 (incorrect, the ID is 1899. ... and thanks for always being a helpful, constructive, and knowledgeable community! Make a great day! ?
  3. I have a page with a table. Each table row has a page-reference field and a checkbox. The Page sends emails to all users (page-refrence->email-field) and change the value of the checkbox in a row to 1. It works with this: <?php // event ID fron url query $eventID = $input->get('eventID','int'); // get event-page $event = $pages->get($eventID); // config $fromEmail = $event->event_mail_from; $fromName = $event->event_mail_from_name; $emailSubject = $event->event_subject; // email html body ob_start(); include('./_inc/emailbody.inc'); $emailBody = ob_get_clean(); // make event-page editable $event->of(false); // loop through table and send out emails foreach($event->event_clients_list as $event_table_row) { // get client page $clientPage = $event_table_row->client_name; // get client email $clientEmail = $clientPage->email; // if client isn't invited yet (checkbox not checked) if($event_table_row->client_invited == '') { // send email $m = new WireMail(); $m->to($clientEmail); $m->from($fromEmail, $fromName); $m->subject($emailSubject); $m->bodyHTML($emailBody); $m->send(); // mark client as invited $event_table_row->client_invited = 1; $event->save('event_clients_list'); } } ?> But i have to use a variable in my emailbody.inc which i'm able to get in the table-loop. So i do the including of the body inside my loop. But this doesn't work anymore. Page sends out the emails but is unable to change the value of the checkbox. I get no errors! I'm using ProTable <?php // event ID fron url query $eventID = $input->get('eventID','int'); // get event-page $event = $pages->get($eventID); // config $fromEmail = $event->event_mail_from; $fromName = $event->event_mail_from_name; $emailSubject = $event->event_subject; // loop through table and send out emails foreach($event->event_clients_list as $event_table_row) { // get client page $clientPage = $event_table_row->client_name; // get client email $clientEmail = $clientPage->email; // email html body ob_start(); include('./_inc/emailbody.inc'); $emailBody = ob_get_clean(); // make event-page editable $event->of(false); // if client isn't invited yet (checkbox not checked) if($event_table_row->client_invited == '') { // send email $m = new WireMail(); $m->to($clientEmail); $m->from($fromEmail, $fromName); $m->subject($emailSubject); $m->bodyHTML($emailBody); $m->send(); // mark client as invited $event_table_row->client_invited = 1; $event->save('event_clients_list'); } } ?>
  4. Hi there! I'm using some page reference fields to create lists of tags, categories, years, etc.. I'm able to find the pages like so: $pages->find("template=project, {$filter}={$page->title}"); Which dynamically does something like: $pages->find("template=project, tags=Experimental"); Only if the value (the page name, like "Experimental") starts with letters. If it starts with numbers, find returns nothing. Why is this and how can I fix it?
  5. Hi everyone, I am new to ProcessWire and have an question about the methods get field values. First of all my page setup: I have a page as a child of the Admin page which is named Data. The idea is to create all my data objects as children of this page. So the data page and all of its children should never be seen on the front-end. Every page uses the same template. The template has one field named playername of type Text. Now I am looping through all pages which are children of the Data page in this way (The page id is 1011): //get the data-page $datapage = $pages->get(1011); //get all children from data-page $players = $datapage->children(); //loop through the children foreach($players as $player) { $field = $player->fields->get("playername"); echo $player->title . " " . $field . "<br> "; } The problem now is, that I don't get the value of the field playername. Instead the output of $field is "playername". Why am I getting the field name instead of the fieldvalue. I am expecting to get the string, which is entered in the playername-field and not the name. Hope anybody can help me and big thanks in advance!
  6. Hi all, I do have a form in the 'backend' of my website which has a fieldtype of ASMSelect. I gave all the options of that field a custom attribute with a value: foreach ($feature_group['features'] as $feature_id => $feature) { $field->addOption($feature_id, $feature['name'], array('data-feature_group' => $feature_group_id)); } How can I read out the value of that custom attribute named data-feature group? I've tried it with $selected_feature_groups = $form->get($category_id)->getAttribute('data-feature_group'); //AND selected_feature_groups = $form->get($category_id)->feature_group; but that doesn't work. How can I get this to work? ~Harmen
  7. This is probably really simple but can't figure it out. note_page_id is a hidden field with the page id as it's value. $note_page_id = wire('sanitizer')->text($input->post->note_page_id); $note_page_id is an [object HTMLInputElement] rather than the value. Why is it not returning the value like it normally would? How can I get the value?
  8. Silly question maybe, but I'm new to PW. How can I retrieve the value of a custom field? I'm trying for the label: <?php echo $fields->get("caracteristicas_superficie")->label; ?> And it's working just fine, but: <?php echo $fields->get("caracteristicas_superficie")->value; ?> doesn't work Thanks very much.
  9. Hello, in a 2.6.22rc1 install I have a page field "workshops" that selects pages via selector "template=workshop,sort=-dat_start,dat_start>=today)". The field is in a template "anmeldungen". When I edit a page with template "anmeldungen". I can choose pages from the page field "workshops". But when I want to save that page, I get an error Page 2188 is not valid for workshop (Page 2188 does not match findPagesSelector: template=workshop,sort=-dat_start,dat_start>=today) But the workshop I am trying to save to the page field is definitely in the date range >=today. Otherwise it wouldn't be listed in the page field select dropdown. The same error is thrown when I change my selector to "template=workshop,sort=-dat_start,dat_start>=2015-11-04". Also saving pages through the API to that field doesn't work. Only if I omit the dat_start>= selector, I can save pages to the page field.
  10. Hello, I'm playing with the new each() API method. $warning = $divesites->each(function($item) { $warning = ""; if (!$item->marker->address) { $warning .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>coordinates for {title} not set</div>"; } else { $warning .= ""; } return $warning; }); $warning should return an empty string, when all dive site adresses are set. But instead it returns the page id of the last dive site in the loop. When I do it the foreach way $warning = ""; foreach ($divesites as $site) { if (!$site->marker->address) { $warning .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>coordinates for {$site->title} not set</div>"; } else { $warning .= ""; } } the $warning is an empty string as expected. Why is that? Any pointers would be much appreciated.
  11. I've just come across a really strange problem where processwire is throwing a 404 error after I enter a value into one of my fields. I'm sure this is probably down to my code. I have a set of fields that when a value is entered some output is echoed to my template. Every field works as expected except the last field which throws the 404 after entering a value and saving the page. Here's the code. <?php $settings = $pages->get("/site-settings/"); if ($settings->social_facebook) echo "<li><a class='icon-small small-icon-facebook' href='{$settings->social_facebook}' target='_blank'></a></li>"; if ($settings->social_twitter) echo "<li><a class='icon-small small-icon-twitter' href='{$settings->social_twitter}' target='_blank'></a></li>"; if ($settings->social_linkedin) echo "<li><a class='icon-small small-icon-linkedin' href='{$settings->social_linkedin}' target='_blank'></a></li>"; if ($settings->social_youtube) echo "<li><a class='icon-small small-icon-youtube' href='{$settings->social_youtube}' target='_blank'></a></li>"; if ($settings->social_picasa) echo "<li><a class='icon-small small-icon-picasa' href='{$settings->social_picasa}' target='_blank'></a></li>"; if ($settings->social_upon) echo "<li><a class='icon-small small-icon-stumble' href='{$settings->social_upon}' target='_blank'></a></li>"; ?> I'm guessing there's a better way to write this but not quite sure why it's throwing an error. I've tried deleting and recreating the last field with a different name but it still throws the same error. Can anyone help?
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