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  1. I don't really have anything public to show, as nearly all the work is back-end, but I thought I'd post here anyway as it's a pretty good example of just how powerful Processwire can be. About a year ago, I inherited an incomplete Craft website made by a designer. Apart from the usual company information site, it was supposed to provide a customer portal for clients of a wine bottling company to make bookings for production runs. Data for stock levels of goods like bottles and labels was to come from an inventory management system Unleashed https://www.unleashedsoftware.com/ Unleashed provides a REST API, so I had to integrate with that first by writing an API integration module, and then ended up using Processwire's core lazy cron module to periodically pull data from Unleashed using a custom module. The booking forms have a lot of conditional fields, eg if you are bottling a given wine variety, you should only be able to select labels that match that variety. All this conditional stuff was achieved with a lot of additions to ready.php. I also needed to be able to created a predefined set of pages when a new user is added if they have a 'client' role. Once again, more hooking in ready.php I've used the Admin Restrict Branch module so clients can only see their own records when they're logged in, but staff can see all records. Lister Pro provides the ability to search and view completed production runs. Part way through the project, as the client was happy with the way things were going, I was asked to add in logistics and dispatch which is provided by another company, which also runs Unleashed with a separate set of data, and with some clients who don't bottle wine, but will end up using the same portal, so using the roles and permissions inherent in Processwire, I set up production templates with separate roles to dispatch templates, so I could easily have clients assigned access to just the templates they need. Tracey Debugger got a thorough workout along the way, and the debugger console is an absolute killer tool for making quick changes to data when updating a live site to match changes from the dev site. At the start of this project, I'd used Processwire quite a bit, but never dived into module development or hooking, but I've now ended up with a reasonable idea how they work. @bernhard has produced some excellent tutorials which I found really helpful figuring out how to create modules, and other people like @Robin S have answered questions when I've got stuck. @ryan himself has been helpful when I've been trying to do things that push either the limits of my knowledge or Processwire or both ? . Could I have done this with other tools? Depends. Wordpress would have been as useless as using petrol to fight a fire, however something like ASP.Net COULD have done the job but would have probably made things a lot more complicated. In parallel, I've been working on building a REST API with ASP.Net for another client to integrate with an existing SQL Server database, and I've found that Visual Studio is inclined to break projects quite regularly, with dependencies getting messed up, or even whole configuration files getting corrupted when it has a hissy fit, so working with Processwire is a pleasure in comparison.
  2. Hi folks, I have a marketplace site built on PW which I'd like to tie to a subscription payment system for those selling. The user accounts currently use specific PW user accounts. I'm looking closely at PayWhirl to manage payments and subscriptions as it looks ideal for subscriptions. Their API seems to work well too from initial testing. I wondered if anyone else in this super forum had used PayWhirl and had any advice or tips & tricks? Thanks. https://app.paywhirl.com/
  3. Docker (http://www.docker.com) is an open platform for building, shipping and running distributed applications. Docker containers are a great way to package a complete application with its specific dependencies in a portable way so that it can easily be deployed on any compatible network or cloud infrastructure. Recently I spent a few days making my ProcessWire site run in a Docker container, and - as I could not find any good tutorial for this - it sounded like a good idea to write one. You will find on the web plenty of presentations and tutorials about Docker, so I won't start with the basic concepts, and this tuto assumes that you have a first understanding of Docker's fundamentals. What we want to do here is to migrate an existing site to a set of docker containers. Therefore, to start with, you should have: - docker installed on your computer; - the site directory of your ProcessWIre site - a backup of your site's MySQL database Let's start. Create a docker container for the site database For several reasons (insulation, security, scalability), it is preferable to host the site database in a separate docker container. 1. Set-up a SQL database with MariaDb or MySQL $ docker run --name database -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootdbpassword -d mariadb Here I choose to use the MariaDB official container in its latest version, but MySQLwould be just fine as well. 2. Run a PhpMyAdmin container and create the ProcessWire database We first select an simple image with PhpMyAdmin on the Docker Hub: nazarpc/phpmyadmin and we create a docker container based on this image. This container will access the port exposed by the database container via a private networking interface. We specify this with the `--link` option. It can be run temporarily (and exited by ctrl-C): docker run --rm --link database:mysql -p 8881:80 nazarpc/phpmyadmin Or it can be run as a daemon in the background: docker run -d --name phpmyadmin --link database:mysql -p 8881:80 nazarpc/phpmyadmin From phpmyadmin (accessed from your browser at http://hostaddress:8881) you can now create your ProcessWire database, create a dedicated user for it, and import the database content from a previously saved SQL file. Note: alternatively, you can do all database operations from the command line in the database docker container created during step 1, or use another mysql user interface container if you prefer… 3. Update the database parameters in your site configuration In your site's `config.php` file, the sql server name shall be set to `mysql`: $config->dbHost = 'mysql'; Other `$config->dbXxx` settings shall match the database name, user and password of the just-created database. Create a Docker Image for Apache, PHP and the Processwire site 1. Create an image-specific directory with the following contents and `cd` to it bash-3.2$ ls -l . config .: total 16 -rw-rw-rw- 1 jean-luc staff 1163 21 aoû 12:09 Dockerfile drwxr-xr-x 17 jean-luc staff 578 17 aoû 12:48 ProcessWire drwxr-xr-x 7 jean-luc staff 238 21 aoû 12:07 config drwxr-xr-x 7 jean-luc staff 238 20 aoû 18:46 site config: total 160 -rw-rw-rw- 1 jean-luc staff 160 20 aoû 18:28 msmtprc -rw-rw-rw- 1 jean-luc staff 72518 20 aoû 18:56 php.ini where: `ProcessWire` contains the version of ProcessWire that we want to use for this site; It can be retrieved from github with a link like https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/archive/{version}.zip` For example, the 2.6.13 dev version can be obtained by the link https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/archive/7d37db8d6b4ca6a132e50aff496a70e48fcd2284.zip `site`: our site-specific files `Dockerfile`: the dockerfile for building the image (see below) `config`: a directory containing specific configuration files copied to the docker image (see below) 2. Set the `Dockerfile` content FROM php:5.6-apache RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libmcrypt-dev libpng12-dev zziplib-bin msmtp\ && a2enmod rewrite \ && a2enmod ssl \ && docker-php-ext-install mysqli pdo_mysql iconv mcrypt zip \ && docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/ \ && docker-php-ext-install gd EXPOSE 80 EXPOSE 443 # Add a specific php.ini file COPY config/php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/ # Configure the mail sent utility msmtp (http://msmtp.sourceforge.net) and make it readable only by www-data COPY config/msmtprc /usr/local/etc/php/ RUN chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/php/msmtprc \ && chown www-data:www-data /usr/local/etc/php/msmtprc # Remove all default site files in /var/www/html RUN rm -fR /var/www/html/* # Copy ProcessWire core files COPY ProcessWire/wire /var/www/html/wire COPY ProcessWire/index.php /var/www/html/index.php COPY ProcessWire/htaccess.txt /var/www/html/.htaccess # Copy site-specific files COPY site /var/www/html/site # Make www-data the owner of site-specific files RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/site VOLUME /var/www/html/site Based on the official image `php:5.6-apache`, it installs missing packages to the system, adds mod-rewrite and mod-ssl to Apache, plus a number of PHP modules needed by Processwire (core or modules): mysqli, pdo_mysql, iconv, mcrypt, zip, and gd. Then it copies the site files to the location expected by the Apache server. Finally it declares a Docker volume `/var/www/html/site` (i.e. the site files and assets), so that it can be shared with other containers. 3. Set the msmtp configuration We need to configure a sendmail utility, so that we can send emails from php, for example when a user registers on the website. The simplest way to do it is to rely on an external smtp server to do the actual sending. That's why we use msmtp. - define the desired smtp account in `config/msmtprc` account celedev-webmaster tls on tls_certcheck off auth on host smtp.celedev.com port 587 user webmaster@celedev.com from webmaster@celedev.com password thepasswordofwebmasteratceledevdotcom - in `config/php.ini`, configure the sendmail command so it uses msmtp: sendmail_path = /usr/bin/msmtp -C /usr/local/etc/php/msmtprc --logfile /var/log/msmtp.log -a celedev-webmaster -t 4. Build the Docker image docker build -t php-5.6-pw-celedev . 5. Create a Data-only container for the site files docker run --name celedev-data php-5.6-pw-celedev echo "Celedev site data-only container" 6. Run the web server container docker run --name celedev-site -p 8088:80 --link database:mysql --volumes-from celedev-data -d php-5.6-pw-celedev Note that this container is linked to our database and shares the 'celedev-data' volume created previously During development, it can be convenient to keep an access to the host file system from the container. For this, we can add a shared volume to the previous command: docker run --name celedev-site -p 8088:80 --link database:mysql -v /Users/jean-luc/web/test-docker:/hostdir --volumes-from celedev-data -d php-5.6-pw-celedev Our ProcessWire website is now up and running and we can test it in our browser at http://hostaddress:8088. Great! What we now have in Docker bash-3.2$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE php-5.6-pw-celedev latest 2aaeb241c2e2 3 hours ago 1.149 GB nazarpc/phpmyadmin latest e25cd4fd48b3 8 days ago 521 MB mariadb latest dd208bafcc33 2 weeks ago 302.2 MB debian latest 9a61b6b1315e 5 weeks ago 125.2 MB bash-3.2$ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 68cc5d976f0d php-5.6-pw-celedev "apache2-foreground" 20 hours ago Up 20 hours 443/tcp,>80/tcp celedev-site 0729fe6d6752 php-5.6-pw-celedev "echo 'Celedev site d" 20 hours ago Exited (0) 20 hours ago celedev-data e3e9e3a4715c mariadb "/docker-entrypoint.s" 3 days ago Up 3 days 3306/tcp database Saving the site data We can create an archive of the site files by running a tar command in a dedicated container: bash-3.2$ docker run --rm -it --volumes-from celedev-data -v /Users/jean-luc/web/test-docker:/hostdir debian /bin/bash root@2973c5af3eaf:/# cd /var/www/html/ root@2973c5af3eaf:/var/www/html# tar cvf /hostdir/backup.tar site root@2973c5af3eaf:exit bash-3.2$ Tagging and archiving the Docker image We can also add a tag to the docker image that we have created in step 4 (recommended): bash-3.2$ docker tag 2aaeb241c2e2 php-5.6-pw-celedev:0.11 bash-3.2$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE php-5.6-pw-celedev latest 2aaeb241c2e2 3 hours ago 1.149 GB php-5.6-pw-celedev 0.11 2aaeb241c2e2 3 hours ago 1.149 GB nazarpc/phpmyadmin latest e25cd4fd48b3 8 days ago 521 MB mariadb latest dd208bafcc33 2 weeks ago 302.2 MB And we can archive this image locally if we dont want to push it now to the Docker Hub: bash-3.2$ docker save php-5.6-pw-celedev:0.11 | gzip > php-5.6-pw-celedev-0.11.tar.gz And that's it! You now have a portable image of your ProcessWire website that you can run directly on any docker-compatible system.
  4. I am running development server where I test and try the changes in fields and templates of ProcessWire. The php files are stored in git@bitbucket. The part of managing changes and versions of php code itself via git is quite straightforward, as I presume we all know. However, I have not been able to come up with decent way of moving the changes in fields, templates, modules and settings from development to production other than repeating them, step-by-step, manually in production environment via the admin back-end. Perhaps there is more sophisticated way of transferring these changes?
  5. While the implementation here is specific to InGo product functionality, we thought we'd share it here generally as well because the approach and use of templates, fields and other aspects of the implementation might be useful to others trying to incorporate third-party widgets into your pages. Enjoy! Integrating InGo Into a ProcessWire Site
  6. I want to use the ProcessWire API and rendering of templates inside of a Shopware installation. So CMS pages should be served via ProcessWire (but with elements like a shopping cart coming from Shopware) and the products category page and the products detail page should be served from Shopware. How would I do that? I tried to include ProcessWire´s index.php into the shopware.php and even Shopware´s autoload.php but when I do this, I get a 500 Server Error. I use ProcessWire Version 3.0.24 (devns) and Shopware 5.2.1 My shopware directory is located at the same level as ProcessWire´s index.php and site and wire directories. Now I enabled ProcessWire´s debug mode and I get the following error: Error: Uncaught Zend_Session_Exception: session has already been started by session.auto-start or session_start() in K:\xampp\htdocs\meinprojekt\relaunch2016\src\shopware\engine\Library\Zend\Session.php:473 Stack trace: #0 K:\xampp\htdocs\meinprojekt\relaunch2016\src\shopware\engine\Shopware\Components\DependencyInjection\Bridge\Session.php(77): Zend_Session::start(Array) #1 K:\xampp\htdocs\meinprojekt\relaunch2016\src\shopware\var\cache\production_201607041559\proxies\ShopwareProductionda39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709ProjectContainer.php(679): Shopware\Components\DependencyInjection\Bridge\Session->factory(Object(ShopwareProductionda39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709ProjectContainer)) #2 K:\xampp\htdocs\meinprojekt\relaunch2016\src\shopware\vendor\symfony\dependency-injection\Container.php(314): ShopwareProductionda39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709ProjectContainer->getSessionService() #3 K:\xampp\htdocs\meinprojekt\relaunch2016\src\shopwar (line 473 of K:\xampp\htdocs\jentschura\p-jentschura\relaunch2016\src\shopware\engine\Library\Zend\Session.php) This error message was shown because: site is in debug mode. ($config->debug = true; => /site/config.php). Error has been logged. So it seems, when I include ProcessWire, it wants to start a new session, but Shopware already started one. Any suggestions what to do?
  7. Hi all, Our company is e-commerce site selling furniture both online & offline. We use Salesforce to manage our customer base and Magento as e-commerce platform. Now we have used Processwire to run our business as Magento is too slow and buggy. That's why we also intend to create an in-house data integration system between Processwire & Salesforce, something similar to the integration tool we are using now for salesforce magento. It saves us so much time when we can integrate data between the 2 systems (Processwire & Salesforce). Some mapping fields we have finalized: + Name + SKUs + Email About 5 mapping fields more we are discussing. My question is that what APIs can I call to build this integration between Processwire & Salesforce?
  8. Right now I have my processwire files in a folder called "processwire" on my remote server, as a child of the root folder. I'm wondering how I can begin to apply the CMS process to my existing website pages instead of the default, sample site. I'm guessing I can start by moving all those files in the "processwire" folder out into the root directory, but what should I do with the index.php file which the processwire folder came with? I'm also guessing I should replace my sites original index.php file and set the processwire one as the default. But then what should I do with the old index and the other pages as well? Where do the pages I already have go? Basically I'm unsure how I should go about "integrating" processwire into my already made pages. The Basic Website Tutorial ("http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial") instructs me to clean out everything but leave the default site template and a few fields, but it seems like I would be adapting my site to that template. Instead, I wish to adapt processwire to the pages which I've already made. Tell me if I'm getting the workflow/structure wrong: I feel like the workflow/structure requires me to make each of the pages that I already have -- or an identical part of each page -- a template, and then in processwire spawn off a duplicate of each page in my website using the "new" button and selecting those pages as as a template. I feel like I'm kind of working backwards relative to the workflow, or I'm getting the workflow/structure wrong in my head. Thanks for any help in advance! ​ Update: I've tried changing the "home" page to a template that is basically my original site's homepage, but I get the error: Can't save page 1: /: Selected homepage template cannot be used because it does not define access. I read that ryan said the home, admin, and 404 page are essential. However I don't want the home's template style. What is the php code I need to include in my own homepage to start using it as a template? I've tried copy and pasting this from the original home.php template: <?php /** * Home template * */ include("./head.inc"); echo $page->body; include("./foot.inc"); But I'm still getting the same message.
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