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  1. I am working on my first Process Module. I am creating forms. Fairly straightforward. However, I really can't work out how to create multiple fieldsets? $fieldset = $this->modules->get('InputfieldFieldset'); $fieldset->label = 'Customer Source'; $field = $this->modules->get('InputfieldPage'); $field->inputfield = 'InputfieldSelect'; $field->findPagesSelector = 'parent_id=1449, include=hidden'; $field->labelFieldName = 'yff-lead'; $field->name = 'yfflead'; $field->columnWidth = 16; $fieldset->add($field); $field = $this->modules->get('InputfieldPage'); $field->inputfield = 'InputfieldSelect'; $field->findPagesSelector = 'parent_id=1452, include=hidden'; $field->labelFieldName = 'customer-type'; $field->name = 'customertype'; $field->columnWidth = 16; $fieldset->add($field); //Rinse and Repeat $fieldset->label = 'Contacts'; $field = $this->modules->get('InputfieldPage'); $field->inputfield = 'InputfieldSelect'; $field->findPagesSelector = 'parent_id=1538, include=hidden'; $field->labelFieldName = 'salutation'; $field->name = 'salutation'; $field->columnWidth = 16; $fieldset->add($field); I can create the first fieldset (Customer Source) but then get into trouble as the second fieldset overwrites the first. I understand why, but trying to use the open and close fieldset routine has flummoxed me. Any help appreciated.
  2. What is the best practice for having a form (only accessible to a logged in user) save the user's progress between sections of the form? Fieldsets? Multiple forms? Use case: I have a very long application form that would take 30 minutes for the applicant to fill out and I would hate for all progress to be lost due to user error. The progress needs to be logged into the user's page. Thanks!
  3. In one of my templates, I have divided my fields into 5 fieldsets. The default tab now only appears when you create a new page. Once saved, you only see the custom 5 tabs. Now my problem is: When you open a page with such a template, it still jumps to the 1st tab (which is hidden by custom CSS). How can I achieve that it shows another tab? Would I have to write a hook? Some sort of redirect? e.g. I want to open the "Projekt" tab, so I don't get to see an empty page with just the save-button, when opening a page using that template.
  4. Hey guys, I'm trying to build a submit form with the ProcessWire API. After the form is submitted its data should be saved into different pages. I've followed Soma's great tutorial and wanted to improve it for my use case: Instead of adding every field manually to the form I already managed to automatically read out the fields that belong to a specific template like this: // Build form $form = $modules->get("InputfieldForm"); $form->action = "./"; $form->method = "post"; $form->attr("id+name",'$page->name'); // Build fieldset $fieldset = $modules->get('InputfieldFieldset'); $fieldset->label = 'Personal Data'; // Read out template fields and append them to the fieldset $registration = $templates->get("registration"); foreach ( $registration->fields as $field ) { $field = $field->getInputfield($page); $fieldset->append($field); } $form->append($fieldset); // more fieldsets... // Submit $submit = $modules->get("InputfieldSubmit"); $submit->attr("value","Anmelden"); $submit->attr("id+name","submit"); $form->append($submit); This seems to work great – with just one little restriction: Instead of the global field labels I would love to get the template specific settings for each field (defined within the template). E.g. in this template I'm using a body-Field not labeled as "Body" but as "Description". Same would be great for things like field's columnWidth, required properties and Co. Is this possible? Thanks a lot for your help! Nik
  5. Galaxy


    I am very new to ProcessWire so please excuse my ignorance, but I'd like an opinion on the best way to set up tabbed info that displays on each page for a directory type website. I have successfully created blocks of repeater fields so each page (a child page of "Organisations" which is a single Organisation) can have details such as contact person, physical address, postal address, attached files etc. The fields work nicely on the admin side of the site but I am at a loss on how to get these to display through a template. I'm ashamed to say the best I've done so far is list all the repeater fileds using: foreach($page->fields as $field) echo $field->name . ", "; In my case it displays the actual repeater fieldset names like so: "applicant_details, primary_contact, secondary_contact, address, postal," I'd like each of these to be a tab with relevant fields in each eg. Applicant Details (tab 1) - Organisation name - Sector Primary Contact (tab 2) - First name - Lastname - Email - Phone Secondary Contact (tab 3) - First name - Lastname - Email - Phone Address (tab 4) - Address 1 - Address 2 - Town/City - Postcode Postal Address (tab 5) - Postal address 1 - Postal address 2 - Town/City - Postcode Note: I have set up all these fields within repeater sets. I just can't get them to display through the template.
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