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Found 5 results

  1. Hi All! I just did an update on one of my ProcessWire sites, updating from 2.7.something to 3.0.42. As you might have already guessed I'm using the CropImage module...hence the title of the Topic. The thing is, as the 3.0.42 version has a hover-state for images, I can no longer access the button to generate the thumbnail/cropped image (titled news-home in this case). As I'm using these on the overview pages of my website they are quite important I checked if there is an update for the module, unfortunately not, so I'm open for any suggestions... Different module, or is it possible within the new version already?
  2. Hello I'm quite new to pw so please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious. I just updated from pw 2.7 to 3.0.18 (an existing local developement site, xampp 3.2.1, win8.1, in which I replaced the index file and the wire-folder according to the instructions with the 3.0.18 versions). Somehow the image field does not work properly since then: upload works properly and image appears in the field, but when I click on Edit or on the delete-icon, just nothing happens. The expected edit-widget below the image as shown in the video (about the brand new image field features) does not appear. See first screenshot attached . Note: Everything works fine in a new local pw 3.0.18 installation (local, xampp 3.2.1, win8.1), so it is not a browser issue. What am I doing wrong or what setting am I missing? Debug mode is on, no errors appear and there's nothing to find in the error log and other logs. In a cropimage field I have a similar problem: there the image does not even appear - not on hover and not on click. Crop and Variations work, but I can't ad a description. See second screenshot attached . Thanks for any ideas/help. Markus
  3. Title says it all... other image types are saving fine, including cropimages in other (non-repeater) contexts. However the cropimage in the repeater field uploads to 100%, then disappears. Please help!
  4. Hi, I have a field called thumbnail_image. It is used in 14 of my templates. It started out as a normal image field reducing uploaded images into 150X150px images. After installing CropImage I altered the field type from normal Image into CropImage. Something went badly wrong. Already while saving the field change something went wrong after confirming I wanted the change. Unfortunately I did not save the error message at that point. Now I get error message in the following cases: 1: While trying to edit a page based on any of the templates that has the thumbnail_image (CropImage type) field. 2: If trying to delete the field thumbnail_image (CropImage type) from any of the 14 templates. Once confirming "Delete" I get the error screen. 3: If trying to edit the thumbnail_image field I get the error screen instead of the Edit Field screen. In all cases the error message comes on a plain white page as text only with the following text being the same for all three cases: Warning: Creating default object from empty value in C:\wamp\www\wire\modules\Fieldtype\FieldtypeFile.module on line 54 Catchable fatal error: Argument 3 passed to FieldtypeFile::setupHooks() must be an instance of Inputfield, instance of stdClass given, called in C:\wamp\www\wire\modules\Fieldtype\FieldtypeFile.module on line 56 and defined inC:\wamp\www\wire\modules\Fieldtype\FieldtypeFile.module on line 80 This error message was shown because site is in debug mode ($config->debug = true; in /site/config.php). Error has been logged. I cannot remove the CropImage module since the field is in use. I cannot delete the thumbnail_image field since it is used in templates. Hoping for some assistance so I can avoid re-creating all my 14 templates...! I do not mind loosing what is already in the thumbnail_image field.
  5. Here is a recent site done in processwire: http://licoriceensemble.com/ modules used include formbuilder procache cropimage version control for text fields after save actions based on a template by the great team at Elemis.
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