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  1. Multi field support The latest version adds support for multiple PAGEGRID fields per page. This makes PAGEGRID more flexible when you want editors to control only some parts of the layout. Each field can use its own block templates: If you want to render more than one PAGEGRID field per page, you can call the render function for a specific field like this (assuming you added the fields named “mygrid” and “mygrid2” to your page template): <!-- render markup for field mygrid --> <?= $page->mygrid; ?> <!-- render markup for field mygrid2 --> <?= $page->mygrid2; ?> The old render function $pagegrid->renderGrid($page) still works, but it will always render the first field it finds. You can use $pagegrid->renderGrid($page, $field) or $page->fieldName to render a specific field. Custom code and markup You don’t have to write complicated foreach statements, PAGEGRID takes care of rendering clean markup. PAGEGRID wraps each item in a wrapper element. You can change the tag name or add custom classes to it easily. The rest of the markup is inside your block templates. Nice and clean. Add this function at the top of your block template file to change the wrapper element: <?php //The wrapper element of this block template uses the section tag and some custom classes $pagegrid->renderOptions(['page' => $page, 'tag' => 'section', 'classes' => 'my-class my-class-2 foo-class']); //Here goes your markup ?> CSS code It’s also easy to control the behavior of the grid using only CSS code (If you prefer to write your own CSS code or include a CSS framework, you can disable PAGEGRID‘s style panel): /* overwrite PAGEGRID defaults */ /* wrapper */ /* Use 6 equally sized grid columns */ .pg { grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr); } /* items */ /* set both properties to auto */ /* let grid items take the available space */ .pg .pg-item { grid-row-start: auto; grid-column-start: auto; } /* or set only grid-row-start to auto */ /* items can still be positioned freely on the columns */ .pg .pg-item { grid-row-start: auto; } /* new items */ /* you can use this class to set the defaults for new items */ /* here we are overwriting the default size of grid items */ /* using this class makes sure you can still resize items with the PAGEGRID field */ .pg .pg-item-added { grid-column-end: span 3; /* let new grid items span 3 columns */ grid-row-start: auto; /* you can also change the placement here */ } You don't even have to use grid, flexbox or block also works. PAGEGRID makes no assumptions about your CSS code. Just make sure to call your stylesheet after you render the styles from PAGEGRID, so you can overwrite the defaults. Item Placement As a default dragged items will be placed manually on the grid. Manually placed items can overlap themselves. Here is a quick example, how the CSS properties grid-row-start: auto; and grid-column-start: auto; effect the dragging of grid items: Backend/Frontend PAGEGRID renders the same template in the backend (iframe) and frontend so the design will look the same. If you want to render only some parts in the backend you can use this check: <?php if( $pagegrid->isBackend() ) { // render things only for the backend } else { // render things only for the frontend } ?> Alternatively you can also load different templates for the backend and the frontend. E.g. you can do this at the top of your template file (assuming you use your own template file instead of the default pagegrid-page.php): <?php namespace ProcessWire; // in the backend we render the default template and return (renders just the field) // ignores markup regions by default (file has $pagegrid->noAppendFile($page)) and just renders that file if( $pagegrid->isBackend() ) { include('pagegrid-page.php'); return; } ?> <!-- render frontend stuff here (you can use markup regions if you like ) --> <div id="content"> <p>Custom frontend code for <?= $page->title ?></p> <!-- render PAGEGRID for the frontend --> <?= $pagegrid->styles($page); ?> <?= $pagegrid->renderGrid($page); ?> <?= $pagegrid->scripts($page); ?> </div> In this case you have to load your custom CSS code in both files if you want the backend/frontend to look the same. For more examples check out the docs
  2. This is part two of my tutorial on integrating Twig in ProcessWire sites. As a reminder, here's the table of contents: Part 1: Extendible template structures How to initialize a custom twig environment and integrate it into ProcessWire How to build an extendible base template for pages, and overwrite it for different ProcessWire templates with custom layouts and logic How to build custom section templates based on layout regions and Repeater Matrix content sections Part 2: Custom functionality and integrations How to customize and add functionality to the twig environment How to bundle your custom functionality into a reusable library Thoughts on handling translations A drop-in template & functions for responsive images as a bonus Make sure to check out part one if you haven't already! This part will be less talk, more examples, so I hope you like reading some code ? Adding functionality This is more generic Twig stuff, so I'll keep it short, just to show why Twig is awesome and you should use it! Twig makes it super easy too add functions, filters, tags et c. and customize what the language can do in this way. I'll show a couple of quick examples I built for my projects. As a side note, I had some trouble with functions defined inside a namespace that I couldn't figure out yet. For the moment, it sufficed to define the functions I wanted to use in twig inside a separate file in the root namespace (or, as shown further below, put all of it in a Twig Extension). If you want a more extensible, systematic approach, check out the next section (going further). Link template with external target detection This is a simple template that builds an anchor-tag (<a>) and adds the necessary parameters. What's special about this is that it will automatically check the target URL and include a target="_blank" attribute if it's external. The external URL check is contained in a function: // _functions.php /** * Finds out whether a url leads to an external domain. * * @param string $url * @return bool */ function urlIsExternal(string $url): bool { $parser = new \League\Uri\Parser(); [ 'host' => $host ] = $parser->parse($url); return $host !== null && $host !== $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } // _init.php require_once($config->paths->templates . '_functions.php'); // don't forget to add the function to the twig environment $twig_env->addFunction(new \Twig\TwigFunction('url_is_external', 'urlIsExternal')); This function uses the excellent League URI parser, by the way. Now that the function is available to the Twig environment, the link template is straightforward: {# # Renders a single anchor (link) tag. Link will automatically # have target="_blank" if the link leads to an external domain. # # @var string url The target (href). # @var string text The link text. Will default to display the URL. # @var array classes Optional classes for the anchor. #} {%- set link_text = text is not empty ? text : url -%} <a href="{{ url }}" {%- if classes is not empty %} class="{{ classes|join(' ') }}"{% endif %} {%- if url_is_external(url) %} target="_blank"{% endif %}> {{- link_text -}} </a> String manipulation A couple of functions I wrote to generate clean meta tags for SEO, as well as valid, readable IDs based on the headline field for my sections. /** * Truncate a string if it is longer than the specified limit. Will append the * $ellipsis string if the input is longer than the limit. Pass true as $strip_tags * to strip all markup before measuring the length. * * @param string $text The text to truncate. * @param integer $limit The maximum length. * @param string|null $ellipsis A string to append if the text is truncated. Pass an empty string to disable. * @param boolean $strip_tags Strip markup from the text? * @return string */ function str_truncate( string $text, int $limit, ?string $ellipsis = ' …', bool $strip_tags = false ): string { if ($strip_tags) { $text = strip_tags($text); } if (strlen($text) > $limit) { $ell_length = $ellipsis ? strlen($ellipsis) : 0; $append = $ellipsis ?? ''; $text = substr($text, 0, $limit - ($ell_length + 1)) . $append; } return $text; } /** * Convert all consecutive newlines into a single space character. * * @param string $text The text to convert. */ function str_nl2singlespace( string $text ): string { return preg_replace( '/[\r\n]+/', ' ', $text ); } /** * Build a valid html ID based on the passed text. * * @param string $title * @return string */ function textToId(string $title): string { return strtolower(preg_replace( [ '/[Ää]/u', '/[Öö]/u', '/[Üü]/u', '/ß/u', '/[\s._-]+/', '/[^\w\d-]/', ], [ 'ae', 'oe', 'ue', 'ss', '-', '-', ], $title )); } // again, add those functions to the twig environment $twig_env->addFilter(new \Twig\TwigFilter('truncate', 'str_truncate')); $twig_env->addFilter(new \Twig\TwigFilter('nl2ss', 'str_nl2singlespace')); $twig_env->addFilter(new \Twig\TwigFilter('text_to_id', 'textToId')); Example usage for SEO meta tags: {% if seo.description %} {% set description = seo.description|truncate(150, ' …', true)|nl2ss %} <meta name="description" content="{{ description }}"> <meta property="og:description" content="{{ description }}"> {% endif %} instanceof for Twig By default, Twig doesn't have an equivalent of PHP's instanceof keyword. The function is super simple, but vital to me: // instanceof test for twig // class must be passed as a FQCN with escaped backslashed $twig_env->addTest(new \Twig\TwigTest('instanceof', function ($var, $class) { return $var instanceof $class; })); In this case, I'm adding a TwigTest instead of a function. Read up on the different type of extensions you can add in the documentation for Extending Twig. Note that you have to use double backslashes to use this in a Twig template: {% if og_img is instanceof('\\Processwire\\Pageimages') %} Going further: custom functionality as a portable Twig extension Most of the examples above are very general, so you'll want to have them available in every project you start. It makes sense then to put them into a single library that you can simply pull into your projects with git or Composer. It's really easy to wrap functions like those demonstrated above in a custom Twig extension. In the following example, I have wired the namespace "moritzlost\" to the "src" folder (see my Composer + ProcessWire tutorial if you need help with that): // src/MoritzFuncsTwigExtension.php <?php namespace moritzlost; use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension; use Twig\TwigFunction; use Twig\TwigFilter; use Twig\TwigTest; class MoritzFuncsTwigExtension extends AbstractExtension { // import responsive image functions use LinkHelpers; public function getFunctions() { return [ new TwigFunction('url_is_external', [$this, 'urlIsExternal']), ]; } public function getFilters() { return [ new TwigFilter('text_to_id', [$this, 'textToId']), ]; } public function getTests() { return [ new TwigTest('instanceof', function ($variable, string $namespace) { return $variable instanceof $namespace; }), ]; } } // src/LinkHelpers.php <?php namespace moritzlost; trait LinkHelpers { // this trait contains the textToId and urlIsExternal methods // see the section above for the full code } Here I'm building my own class that extends the AbstractExtension class from Twig. This way, I can keep boilerplate code to a minimum. All I need are public methods that return an array of all functions, filters, tests et c. that I want to add with this extension. As is my custom, I've further split the larger functions into their own wrapper file. In this case, I'm using a trait to group the link-related functions (it's easier this way, since classes can only extend one other class, but use as many traits as they want to). Now all that's left is to add an instance of the extension to our Twig environment: // custom extension to add functionality $twig_env->addExtension(new MoritzFuncsTwigExtension()); Just like that we have a separate folder that can be easily put under version control and released as a micro-package that can then be installed and extended in other projects. Translations If you are building a multi-language site, you will need to handle internationalization of your code. ProcessWire can't natively handle translations in Twig files, so I wanted to briefly touch on how to handle this. For a recent project I considered three approaches: Build a module to add twig support to ProcessWire's multi-language system. Use an existing module to do that. Build a custom solution that bypasses ProcessWire's translation system. For this project, I went with the latter approach; I only needed a handful of phrases to be translated, as I tend to make labels and headlines into editable page fields or use the field labels themselves, so there are only few translatable phrases inside my ProcessWire templates. But the beauty of ProcessWire is that you can build your site whatever way you want. As an example, here's the system I came up with. I used a single Table field (part of the ProFields module) with two columns: msgid (a regular text field which functions as a key for the translations) and trans (a multi-language text field that holds the translations in each language). I added this field to my central settings page and wrote a simple function to access individual translations by their msgid: /** * Main function for the translation API. Gets a translation for the msgid in * the current language. If the msgid doesn't exist, it will create the * corresponding entry in the settings field (site settings -> translations). * In this case, the optional second parameter will be used as the default * translation for this msgid in the default language. * * @param string $msgid * @param ?string $default * @return string */ function trans_api( string $msgid, ?string $default = null ): string { // this is a reference to my settings page with the translations field $settings = \Processwire\wire('config')->settings; $translations = $settings->translations; $row = $settings->translations->findOne("msgid={$msgid}"); if ($row) { if ($row->trans) { return $row->trans; } else { return $msgid; } } else { $of = $settings->of(); $settings->of(false); $new = $translations->makeBlankItem(); $new->msgid = $msgid; if ($default) { $default_lang = \Processwire\wire('languages')->get('default'); $new->trans->setLanguageValue($default_lang, $default); } $settings->translations->add($new); $settings->save('translations'); $settings->of($of); return $default ?? $msgid; } } // _init.php // add the function with the key "trans" to the twig environment $twig_env->addFunction(new \Twig\TwigFunction('trans', 'trans_api')); // some_template.twig // example usage with a msgid and a default translation {{ trans('detail_link_label', 'Read More') }} This function checks if a translation with the passed msgid exists in the table and if so, returns the translation in the current language. If not, it automatically creates the corresponding row. This way, if you want to add a translatable phrase inside a template, you simply add the function call with a new msgid, reload the page once, and the new entry will be available in the backend. For this purpose, you can also add a second parameter, which will be automatically set as the translation in the default language. Sweet. While this works, it will certainly break (in terms of performance and user-friendliness) if you have a site that required more than a couple dozen translations. So consider all three approaches and decide what will work best for you! Bonus: responsive image template & functions I converted my responsive image function to a Twig template, I'm including the full code here as a bonus and thanks for making it all the way through! I created a gist with the extension & and template that you can drop into your projects to create responsive images quickly (minor warning: I had to adjust the code a bit to make it universal, so this exact version isn't properly tested, let me know if you get any errors and I'll try to fix it!). Here's the gist. There's a usage example as well. If you don't understand what's going on there, make sure to read my tutorial on responsive images with ProcessWire. Conclusion Including the first part, this has been the longest tutorial I have written so far. Again, most of this is opinionated and influenced by my own limited experience (especially the part about translations), so I'd like to hear how you all are using Twig in your projects, how you would improve the examples above and what other tips and tricks you have!
  3. Just wondering what software/approaches others take to the management of their code snippets. Relatively new to PW and finding that its logical approach is making it far easier for me to reuse code in projects and encourages me to try and be more organised! I've looked at few notes apps that piggyback of Gists - although I'm not sure if Gists is a good idea for private project work seeing as they're never totally private.
  4. I've got this code to fetch all pages: /** @var PageArray $pages */ $pages = $this ->wire('pages') ->find(sprintf( 'has_parent!=2,id!=2|7,status<%s', Page::statusTrash )); With this I fetch all pages except admin, but that includes the 404 page as well. Is there a way to exclude pages like the 404 page from the result? Or maybe loop through the result set to check for the pages response code (without curl that is)? I want to avoid filtering the 404 page by ID if possible.
  5. At page editor level I need to place a piece of code which is unique to that page. This is the code: <healcode-widget data-type="class_lists" data-widget-partner="mb" data-widget-id="xxxxxxxx" data-widget-version="0.1"></healcode-widget> This code pulls in data from a third-party site. The Body Field won't accept this code. I could place this in the template file but for that I'd have to crate a separate template file for each page. I'd rather use a common "basic_page" template file for most pages. Also, I would like to give the client the ability to change/edit code when necessary if it is at page editor level. Is there any way to achieve this? Thanks.
  6. I'm looking for the module(s) that contain the code used to define and process forms. I don't see anything in the dist/wire/* directories that has 'form' in the name. Does anyone know where this code is?
  7. This isn't related to Processwire, but just so the PW community is aware, today we discovered several malicious files in our server (Wordpress environment). The code in the files ultimately allows for the same thing, remote code execution. I'm guessing some security hole allowed an attacker to execute code via a plugin, which wrote a file to www.example.com/dump.php This file contained the following code: http://pastebin.com/dsLZnbCW After deciphering it slightly: http://pastebin.com/NiCe9ftn I then realised it was looking for a post request variable "n59a097" Malicious code was then being sent base64 encoded to this post variable, where it was then being decoded and run through the eval() function. Digital Ocean alerted us of the issue, after our server had been reported to them for sending out spam email. Just a heads up really as to the possibility of security holes allowing simple files to be written, that then allow for remote code execution. I'm sure Processwire is far less a target than Wordpress for these types of exploits but keep an eye out.
  8. I'm using processwire to power my (mostly) coding blog, and have had problem finding a stable solution for including code snippets from various langauges, to display them with proper formatting and syntax highlighting etc. I finally ended up just embedding gists (gist.github.com) since it was the only thing that would not mess up totally with the HTML on the page, etc, but that is some extra work, creating a new gist for every little code snippet you want to show. So, I was wondering what other use for this purpose, and what seems to be the best solution right now?
  9. Hello, My code seems to become quite messy very quickly when I do something... For example : $taskId = $input->post->task[$checked_player]; if ( $taskId != 0) { // Task selected // Get the task bonuses $task = $pages->get($taskId)->title; $new_XP = $pages->get($taskId)->XP; $new_HP = $pages->get($taskId)->HP; $new_GC = $pages->get($taskId)->GC; // Do the math $player->XP = $player->XP + $new_XP; $player->HP = $player->HP + $new_HP; $player->GC = $player->GC + $new_GC; } I feel like I'm using to many 'bridges' variables (I'm not sure this is clear)... Do you think the following would be better? : if ( $input->post->task[$checked_player] != 0) { // Task selected // Get the task bonuses $task = $pages->get($input->post->task[$checked_player])->title; $new_XP = $pages->get($input->post->task[$checked_player])->XP; $new_HP = $pages->get($input->post->task[$checked_player])->HP; $new_GC = $pages->get($input->post->task[$checked_player])->GC; // Do the math $player->XP = $player->XP + $new_XP; $player->HP = $player->HP + $new_HP; $player->GC = $player->GC + $new_GC; } Or even (not tested) : if ( $input->post->task[$checked_player] != 0) { // Task selected $task = $pages->get($input->post->task[$checked_player])->title; // Do the math $player->XP = $player->XP + $pages->get($input->post->task[$checked_player])->XP; $player->HP = $player->HP + $pages->get($input->post->task[$checked_player])->HP; $player->GC = $player->GC + $pages->get($input->post->task[$checked_player])->GC; } Is it just personal preferences or does it have a performance issue to use variables ? It may sound like a 'noob' question, and I know it's not specific to ProcessWire, but I felt like asking, so I know better ;-) Thanks! PS : I've just noticed there was a 'dev forum' for such questions! It should go there... But I guess that's too late... Sorry!
  10. Hi guys and gals! I'm pretty new to ProcessWire, and trying to figure out as much as I can myself, but I'm totally stuck on this little piece though. • I've got a one-page scrollable site, and am using hashtags to jump to the next area (which is incidentally of course also a $page) • what I'm looking to do is link the next-page to an href, so I figured I could use $page->next, but that gives me a number (1007 in this case). Same goes for the siblings. What I thought would happen would be the following; just as $page->name gives me the current name (and thus the current hashtag) I figured 'next' would give me the name of the 'next' page. But I probably didn't do my homework. $page->next->name gives me 1007->name so that clearly isn't working. So to end this query: How do I get the name of the next page displayed so I can use it in my href? thanks for the help! p.s.: ->next is shown here: http://processwire.com/api/variables/page/ but not here: http://processwire.com/api/cheatsheet/
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