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  1. It's incredible what you can do with ProcessWire. I did hit a limitation on my side though... ? and would like to ask for some support: Problem: I'm using a Page Reference Checkboxes field that gets it's Options from a few Pages; Page field value type is set to "Multiple pages PageArray". Screenshot: What I want: to check if each checkbox is checked or not (without using a foreach loop). What I tried: var_dump( $page->config->has(1898)); var_dump( $page->config->getValues()); // (WireArray is output, I don't know how to use that.) var_dump( $page->config->getValues(1898)->id ); // Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on array var_dump( $page->config->get(1898) ); // NULL var_dump( $page->config->get(1898)->id ); // Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null var_dump( $page->config->first()->id ); // int(1898) ... better, but how to get the next value? var_dump( $page->config[1898] ); // bool(false) var_dump( $page->config->find(1898) ); var_dump( $page->config->find(1898)->id ); var_dump( $page->config(1898) ); NULL (checkbox is set) var_dump( $page->config->1898 ); // unexpected integer "1898", expecting identifier or variable or "{" or "$" var_dump( $page->config->find(1898)->id ); // Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function find() on null var_dump( $page->config->has(1898)); // Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function has() on null $a = $page->config->getValues(); echo isset($a->1898->id) ? 1 : 0; $a = $page->config->getValues(); echo isset($a->1898->id) ? 1 : 0; // Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected integer "1898", expecting identifier or variable or "{" or "$" echo isset($a[1898]->id) ? 1 : 0; // 0 (but checkbox is set?) echo isset($a[1898]['id']) ? 1 : 0; // 0 (but checkbox is set?) var_dump( $page->config->eq('foo')->id ); // int(1898) var_dump( $page->config->eq('foo') ); // wirearray var_dump( $page->config->has('foo')); // bool(true) // Is this a bug? eq() returns same Page ID for two names. echo $page->config->eq('foo'); // 1898 (correct) echo $page->config->eq('bar'); // 1898 (incorrect, the ID is 1899. ... and thanks for always being a helpful, constructive, and knowledgeable community! Make a great day! ?
  2. Hello all! I am pretty new to PW and now trying to figure out how to build a filter that uses AND logic and includes many fields. With help I have figured out Page Reference fields and Repeaters, but simple Text Filed with dropdown text tags makes me confused. As I think of it, first I need to get the array of given fixed options of Text Tags here: And then I just need to print it out as checkbox form and circle through each page to see if they have the checked value in place of this field. Like what I have with page references: But for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get this list...So if you have suggestions, I would really appreciate it! Best, Kseniia
  3. I have a series of videos, and the following search form (translated into English here) that allows to filter these videos on the frontend: I've built a few of these search forms, but only with text fields, selects and radio buttons. Here I'm using an array with checkboxes ("Level" field above), and it's causing me grief when I try to paginate these results. I've done a lot of searching in the forum and spent too many hours to try to get it to work. Here's how I'm building the selector: <?php if(count($input->get)): // Level is an array. Code adapted from Ryan's snippet here: // https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3472-enable-pagination-for-search-results/?tab=comments#comment-38042 if($input->get->level) { $level = array(); foreach($input->get->level as $id) $level[] = (int) $id; // sanitize to INTs $level = implode('|', $level); // convert to 123|456|789 string, ready for selector } else { $level = ''; } $data = array( 'training_type' => array('=', (int) $input->get->training_type), 'duration' => array('=', (int) $input->get->duration), 'level' => array('=', $level), 'limit' => array('=', (int) $input->get->limit) ); $selector = ''; // iterate through the $data we made above to create a selector string foreach($data as $field => $a) { list($operator, $value) = $a; if(empty($value)) continue; // send value to the whitelist so that it can be used in pagination $input->whitelist($field, $value); // append to our selector string $selector .= "$field$operator$value, "; } $videos = $page->children("$selector"); When I hit search, I get the expected results. So far so good. The GET parameters are the following with the options selected in the screenshot above: videos/?level[]=1476&level[]=1477&training_type=1473&duration=1485&limit=10 $selector echoes the following as the "level" field is an array with a pipe character: level=1476|1477, training_type=1473, duration=1485, limit=10 Now, when paginating these results, the following page (page 2) shows these GET parameters: videos/page2/?level=1476|1477&training_type=1473&duration=1486&limit=10 And I think that's where the problem lies. The "level" field is "lost" and I'm getting more results than expected on subsequent pages. If I manually add "page2" to the initial results in the URL, just to test, everything works fine: videos/page2/?level[]=1476&level[]=1477&training_type=1473&duration=1486&limit=10 But how can I achieve this in code? Do I need to revert to "level[]=1475&level[]=1477" instead of "level=1476|1477" for the pagination to work correctly, and can you PHP gods illuminate me? Any help would be really appreciated, really.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm having some issues with a checkbox list: I have a "select options" field with multiples checkbox, and I need to add an attr to each checkbox. Is possible to do it without JS? Thanks
  5. Howdy all! In my process module I am creating a dynamic form which contains a variable number of checkboxes. The form displays correctly, and all but the selected checkboxes are saved. Tracy and the network show the array being passed in the post back to my process module. The target field was created as Select Options type, and the input is Checkboxes (Multiple values). I have tried the following without success: $p->of(false); $p->myOptionsField->removeAll(); // remove previous selected options foreach( $p->fields as $fld ) { // iterate page fields if( $fld->name == 'title' ) continue; // skip page title field if( $fld->name == 'myOptionsField' ) { bd( $input->post('myOptionsField') ); // Shows correct array of selected options $p->set( $fld->name, $input->post($fld->name) ); // No error produced //$p->myOptionsField = $input->post('myOptionsField'); // No error produced //$p->myOptionsField = $input->post($fld->name)->value; // Property of non object error } else { $p->set( $fld->name, $input->post($fld->name) ); // other fields are saved to database } } $p->save(); Note: I've also gotten an error about the sleepValue of the selectableOptionArray, but I don't remember what was wrong with the code to produce it. I left the tags in for this post to help others searching. Can someone please tell me how I should be doing this. I know it will be simple, as it always is, but my eyes are crossed.
  6. I'm sure it's been asked before on the forums, but I haven't found a relevant answer after multiple searches. I have a form on the frontend that mirrors the user profile on the backend. After logging in, I want the user to be able to edit multiple fields on his or her profile. For simple text entries (e.g. First Name, Street Address, Phone Number or Email), and single options (e.g. radio buttons for Gender: male or female or select dropdowns for a Country list), I have no issue and everything works fine: the user first fills out the form then can go back and update whichever field they want. That's standard profile editing stuff from the frontend. But I hit a roadblock when I want to offer multiple choices. For example, I have a Select Options field set up to show multiple checkboxes for choosing various types of driver's licences. With the following code (edited for brevity): $licence_types = array('B1', 'B', 'A1', 'C1', 'D1'); // same options as defined in my select options field foreach($licence_types as $licence) { $content .= "<label><input type='checkbox' name='licences[]' value='$product'> $licence</label>"; } .... $user->of(false); $user->licences = $licences; $user->save(); $user->of(true); the user can successfully submit this info from the frontend form: But now how do I show them the result of what they submitted when they go back and want to update their profile from the same form? In other words, how do I insert the checked='checked' (or simply 'checked') HTML in the previously selected checkboxes? For example, if they selected the first two options –B1 and B– in the example above, how do I make these two checkboxes ticked? With the following loop, I can show the previously selected checkboxes: foreach($user->licences as $licence) { $content .= "<label for='$licence->id'> <input name='licences[]' type='checkbox' id='$licence->id' value='$licence->id' checked>$licence->title</label>"; } How do I merge the two loops so that they see this, as expected: Maybe with in_array()? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Hi All, Current I have a field with page reference type. Which is showing everything in one column like 1 2 3 4 5 6 How can we specify the check boxes to show like 1 2 3 4 5 6 is it possible to obtain these in the admin panel?
  8. Hello processwire community, this is my very first post, I am newbie in php - trying to test a simple search form which allow frontend user to search and filter data. Macro steps are as follow: 1) Create the form with options as checkboxes, allowing the user to choose multiple values selection within multiple checkbox groups; 2) Create the pw process code in order to revert back the selected items (as a result of multiple checkbox filter combination), allowing pagination as some results may be more than 50 items; --- Here some of the most related topics I've found over PW forum: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7282-paging-issue-with-html-form-check-boxes/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3472-enable-pagination-for-search-results/#comment-38214 https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1883-how-to-use-input-whitelist-with-checkboxes-or-any-array/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1547-getting-multiple-checkbox-values-within-processwire/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1034-search-form-with-multiple-fields/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10193-multiselect-search/ --- Now, the html form works just fine (code below), it brings all checked values to the url string. Essentially I have four different groups of checkboxes: cb_sectors[] (multiple pages as categories); cb_expertise[] (multiple pages as categories); cb_status[] (multiple pages as categories); cb_year[] (integer). The user may select multiple values within the above four checkbox groups, thus creating even quite complex combination. <form name='search' id='search-works' method='get' role='form' action='<?php echo $pages->get('/search/')->url; ?>'> <div class="collapsible-header">Sector</div> <?php foreach($pages->get("/sectors")->children as $sec) echo " <p class='checkbox'> <input type='checkbox' name='cb_sectors[]' value='{$sec->name}' id='{$sec->name}'/> <label for='{$sec->name}'>{$sec->title}</label> </p> " ?> <div class="collapsible-header">Status</div> <?php foreach($pages->get("/taxonomy/Status")->children as $st) echo " <p class='checkbox'> <input type='checkbox' name='cb_status[]' value='{$st->name}' id='{$st->name}' /> <label for='{$st->name}'>{$st->title}</label> </p> " ?> <div class="collapsible-header no-padding">Expertise</div> <?php foreach($pages->get("/expertise")->children as $cb_expertise) $checked = $cb_expertise->name == $input->whitelist->cb_expertise ? " selected='selected' " : ''; echo " <p class='checkbox'> <input type='checkbox' name='cb_expertise[]' value='{$cb_expertise->name}' id='{$cb_expertise->name}' $checked/> <label for='{$cb_expertise->name}'>{$cb_expertise->title}</label> </p> " ?> <div class="collapsible-header no-padding">Year</div> <?php // generate a range of years from '09 to '17, or maybe better doing it via pages as years? for($year = 2009; $year <= 2017; $year += 1){ echo " <p class='checkbox'> <input type='checkbox' name='cb_year[]' value='$year' id='$year' /> <label for='$year'>{$year}</label> </p> "; } ?> <input class="no-class" type="submit" id="search-submit" name="submit" value="Search"> </form> The question is then mostly focusing on the second step, the pw process code: As some previous posts on this topic say - I should (in sequence) sanitize, whitelist and validate the results before pass them to the final output (correct me if I'm wrong). The thing is that I cannot find a way to get all values in a array and sanitize/whitelist/validate them -> some post suggest to use arraytoCSV as a way to let PW remember the filtered items while moving through pagination. Is arraytoCSV the best way to sanitize and whitelist the user input combination? The following code simply get selected values coming from the above form. As you can see, no sanitize nor whitelist nor validation is in place, as without the array the sanitizing function gives back only the last selected value (not the full combination for every group of checkboxes). Can you please help me implementing an array within the following code and the way to sanitize - whitelist - validate "get" values? I know for most of you is just as simple as drinking coffe, but would be great if you could drive me in the right direction. Thank you in advance! <?php namespace ProcessWire; if(count($input->get)) { if($input->get->cb_expertise) { foreach ($input->get->cb_expertise as $expertise) { // here we are just ensuring submitted products are in fact valid echo $expertise; } } if($input->get->cb_sectors) { foreach($input->get->cb_sectors as $sector) { // here we are just ensuring submitted products are in fact valid echo $sector; } } if($input->get->cb_status) { foreach($input->get->cb_status as $status) { // here we are just ensuring submitted products are in fact valid echo $status; } } if($input->get->cb_year) { foreach($input->get->cb_year as $year) { // here we are just ensuring submitted products are in fact valid echo $year; } } } ?>
  9. Happy New Year to everyone! For a project that I'm working on, I needed to have dependent checkboxes on page edit forms in the admin. Just like dependent selects but for checkboxes. I couln't find anything and decided to write my first Inputfield module. I have only tried it on PW > 3.0. But it should also work on the 2.x branch. Would be great if some of you could try it out and give some feedback. You can find the module InputfieldDependentCheckboxes at github Here's some screenshots of the module in action and instructions on how to use it. ##An Inputfield for ProcessWire admin interface that handles the display of dependent checkboxes in page fields Sometimes we need checkboxes to depend on other checkboxes in our page edit forms. This module adds this functionality to standard page field checkboxes for 2 or more checkbox fields. ## Installation 1. Copy all of the files for this module into /site/modules/InputfieldDependentCheckboxes/ 2. In your admin, go to the Modules screen and click "Refresh". Under the 'Inputfield' section, install the 'InputfieldDependentCheckboxes' module. 3. Open Modules->Configure->InputfieldPage. Under 'Inputfield modules available for page selection' add 'DependentCheckboxes' from the select dropdown and submit ##Field Setup This inputfield extends the standard checkboxes for page fields. Therefore you need to have page fields configured already that you can extend with this Inputfield type. ###Prerequisites You need to have at least 2 fields of type page that have 'Checkboxes' defined as Input field type and live on the same template. A real world example: There are different types of instructors. Each instructor type can have multiple different certifications. For this to happen, we need 2 page fields (multiple): A) instructor_types: lists pages with template 'instructor_type' B) certifications: lists pages with template 'certification' The certification template needs to have the instructor_types page field to assign one or more instructor_types to a certification. ###Setup (link checkbox fields) 1. Edit your page field A and go to the 'Input' Tab. Under 'Input field type' choose 'DependentCheckboxes'. Hit save. Now under 'Choose the target checkboxes field' choose the name of your field B. Hit save again. 2. In your page field b make sure to choose a template under 'Input' Tab under 'Selectable Pages'->'Template of selectable page(s)'. Your fields should be setup. If you now edit a page that contains the 2 fields, the dependent checkboxes should be working. EDIT: And yes, this is working for multiple dependent checkboxes, too. (I have tried it with 3 so far) Some notes on how the module works behind the scenes: - parent checkboxes (actors) that have dependent checkboxes (targets) get custom data attributes applied which contain arrays of the targets' IDs - some Javascript is initiated on acxtors and targets to handle the display based on the id arrays in the data attributes. EDIT: since this module's mention in ProcessWire Weekly it might get some more attention. I just wanted to point out that it is still in alpha state. I will continue development and more thorough testing while implementing it in an ongoing project within the next 3-5 months or so. I will eventually release a stable version then. If you use the module with only 2 dependent checkbox fields, it should work smoothly. There are still some quirks when using 3 or more and I need to figure out how to best resolve them. So please be patient (or jump in with ideas ).
  10. Hi, I have a page field, called status. In there are 3 pages with the names of let's say is_liquid, is_translucent, is_hot. Since it's checkboxes, "Multiple pages (PageArray)" has to be activated in field options/details. So How to acces it? Do Really have to look into the array to see if the option is there? That's cumbersome, even with in_array (since I would have to pass the actual page objects): foreach ($page->status as $status) { $status->name; } I'd rather have something like: if($page->status->is_hot) { // something } Please help! =)
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