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I have this one installation where the messages, warning and error appear on top of the header and also float above the button on the top right in the admin GUI, see screenshots. I thought it had to do with some admin theme that I once installed, namely AdminThemeBoss and somehow I can still see its effects even though I switched back to Uikit theme. I now also uninstalled, deleted that AdminThemeBoss, cleared compiled files, refreshed the site, downgraded PW /wire/ folder, upgraded back, nothing seems to help. How can I get rid of it? It's quite annoying because the floating messages cover the button and I have to wait till they are gone so I can push the button. Or is the issue unrelated after all? Thanks for help!
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Admin Style Chroma This module provides a user interface to control the colors and typography of the AdminThemeUIKit backend theme for ProcessWire 3.0. The requirements are: PHP >= 7.x ProcessWire >= 3.0.179 AdminThemeUikit >= 0.3.3 Less >= 4 InputfieldColor >= 1.1.6 Installation The module can be installed from the Modules Directory or from the zip file archive from the main branch. When you first install the module, you will be taken to the configuration page that consists of four panes: Chroma Scheme Colors Using the color selectors, you can select the first color - your main color - and a second color if you wish - your accent color. Only the first color is required. The default color scheme installed by the module is a grayscale dark mode theme. Your main color does not got modified and gets applied to principal interface elements. If you are currently using the rock.less style as your admin style, this color gets applied to the @rock-primary LESS variable. Your second color gets desaturated. Current Palette Results In the background, depending on your mixer type either one or both of your color selections will be calculated and applied to eight master colors. These colors are displayed here. Your first color choice is applied without any modifications to palette color 3. Your second color choice (when applicable) is desaturated and treated according to your mixer type selection and applied to palette color 6. In general, colors 1-4 are applied to interface elements and their hover states. Colors 5-8 are applied to backgrounds and muted states. In UIKit parlance: Primary color = @chroma-lum-sat-3 Secondary color = @chroma-kum-sat-1 Muted color = @chroma-lum-sat-7 Default color = @chroma-lum-sat-6 Contrast rules are them applied to these colors to get regular and strong labels that are used to assure correct contrast to applied. Please Be Aware: The accessibility contrast threshold of 43% (the LESS default) is applied, but it is still possible to select color combinations that will evade readability scores from Google Lighthouse. Below the current palette dots you will se sample swatches and their hover states can be activated. Chroma Scheme Options The selections made here will alter the LESS files imported into the final admin.css and will either calculate a second color from the first one your select or use the second color. Color Mixer Type There are several mixers included. I'm always interested in other viable additions. Future versions of this module will likely include an ability to add your own custom select options to the interface to reference your own LESS include files. Single : This mixer mode takes your first color, and desaturates it in order to get the second color needed to build the theme palette. Contrast : This mixer mode takes your first color, negates it and desaturates it in order to get the second color needed to build the theme palette. Duotone : This mixer mode takes your first color and uses it to build out the top half of the palette, and takes your second color, desaturates it slightly, and uses it to build out the bottom half of the palette. Cool Harmony : This mixer takes your first color and spins its hue counterclockwise on the color wheel to get the second color and uses it to build out your color palette. Warm Harmony : This mixer takes your first color and spins its hue clockwise on the color wheel to get the second color and uses it to build out your color palette. Luminance Direction Light to Dark (Dark Mode) : This mode sets the palette to run from light colors at 1 to dark colors at 8. When using duotone, the light to dark ordering applies to each 4-color block individually. When using single color mode, the secondary color is a darkened version of the main color. Dark to Light (Light Mode) : This mode sets the palette to run from dark colors at 1 to light colors at 8. When using duotone, the dark to light ordering applies to each 4-color block individually. When using single color mode, the secondary color is a lightened version of the main color. Vibrance Level While the secondary color is always somewhat desaturated, you may wish to dial down or dial up the saturation depending on the text contrast requirements of your color theme. Subdued : The most aggressive desaturation level. Standard : Reasonable desaturated for most applications. Vibrant : The least desaturated settings, though still slightly desaturated. Chroma Scheme Fonts The drop down selectors here will detect css stylesheets found in your ste/assets/fonts or site/templates directory. If you use RockFrontend to download your Google Fonts, it will detect these fonts as well. If you select "No Custom Font" for either the Header Font or the Body Text Font, the default AdminThemeUiKit font rules will apply. Add Google Fonts This feature makes use of a modified version of Bernhard Baumrock's method (found in RockFrontend) for procuring Google Font files and saving them on your server. After looking at his references on CSSTricks is was pretty clear that the header manipulation approach was going to be the best one. When first installed and run, the Admin Style Chroma module will download json lists of Google Font options and cache them in your site/assets directory. There is currently no method in place to check for new fonts, so if for some reason you are not seeing a Google Font you want to use, deleting this file should force the module to repopulate it: /site/assets/AdminStyleChroma/google_fonts.json The Google Fonts are downloaded by individual family and saved along with their CSS file in: /site/assets/fonts/{family}/{family}.css If you select font variants beneath the dropdowns, these values will be passed to the request. If you do not specify which font variants you want, Google will return the defaults for that font family. If you which to include special italic/oblique variants for each weight, set the option appropriately. If a variant does not exist for a given weight, Google will attempt to serve the closest weights available. If you make selections (or don't) and select a font that you have already downloaded before, the previous family files will be overwritten. PLEASE NOTE : If you download a lot of fonts, this process could take some time. Style Compatibility A lot of styles have already been corrected. A number of styles within the ProcessWire core that use plain css or scss have been overwritten via specificity. A 'chroma' class is also added to the body tag, which drives many of the newly inherited classes, but due to the design of some features of certain modules there are other classes defined outside of the heirs of this class. I'm not always happy with how warnings appear. Future versions will address these issues. I've included many rules to provide support for the following areas: Tab Wrappers Page lists and actions Radios, Checkboxes and Selection Colors Selections, Marked text Panels and widgets Image related popups Awesomeplete RepeaterMatrix TinyMCE Interface Tracy Debugger Page Hit Counter Release Note Changes Admin On Steroids Admin Helper Search Engine Color Spectrum Easy Repeater Sort Page View Statistics Nette Tests All changes here are entirely superficial quality of life style improvements. The functionality is not altered. Depending on your TinyMCE settings you may see these improvements but you may not. I've made changes that address quirks that I have personally seen. I am always open to adding rules for other modules where the styles are off or assume a white background. I hope one day we will have a proper discussion of less/css normalization for module authors, but even when that occurs it is hard to say how we will retrofit older modules, etc. For now, this is a patchwork process.
Admin Theme Canvas A minimal admin theme with optimised page editor UI, based on Uikit 3. Currently this is close to stable, but users are advised to be cautious and test thoroughly. This theme is tested in all major Browsers including IE 11, Edge (>85), Chrome (>85), Firefox (>81), Safari (>11). If you find any bugs or have ideas for improvements, feel free to post your feedback. Download from Github Download from Modules Page Features Minimal black and white admin theme Fixed masthead navigation Direct access to page tree navigation inside page dropdown Less distraction for editors (when editing a page, the tabs are displayed as a dropdown menu inside the main navigation) Options to customise the ui Less distraction for editors Direct access to page tree navigation inside dropdown Page tree Options to customise the ui Login (inspired by AdminThemeBoss) Requirements Process Wire 3.0.100 or greater Installation Go to “Modules > Site > Add New“ Paste the Module Class Name “AdminThemeCanvas“ into the field “Add Module From Directory“ Click “Download And Install“ On the overview, click “Download And Install“ again… On the following screen, click “Install Now“ Go to your user profile page and change the theme to Admin Theme Canvas
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- Inspired by @bernhard's excellent work on the new customisable LESS CSS getting rolled into the core soon, I thought I would offer up the module for beta testing, if it is of interest to anyone. It takes a different approach to admin styling, basically using the Cascade part of CSS to over-ride default UiKit values. Values are stored in ModuleConfig Module creates a separate AdminThemeTweaker Folder at root, so it can link to AdminThemeTweaker.php as CSS AdminThemeTweaker.php reads the module values, constructs the CSS variables then includes the CSS framework Can be switched on and off with a click. Uninstall removes everything, thanks to bernhard's wonderful remove dir & contents function. It won't touch your core. It won't care if stuff is upgraded. You won't need to compile anything and you don't need to touch CSS unless you want to. It won't do much at all apart from read some values from your module config, work out the right CSS variables to use (auto contrast based on selected backgrounds) and throw it on your screen. You can configure a lot of stuff, leave it as it comes (dark and curvy), change two main colors (background and content background) or delve deep to configure custom margins, height of mastheads, and all manner of silly stuff I never use. Have been developing it for somewhere around 2 years now. It has been (and will continue to be) constantly tweaked over that time, as I click on something and find something else to do. That said, it is pretty solid and has been in constant use as my sole Admin styling option for all of those 2 years. If nothing else, it would be great if it can provide any assistance to @bernhard or other contributor's who may be looking to solve some of the quirkier UiKit behavior. Has (in my opinion) more robust and predictable handling of hidden Inputfields, data-colwidths and showIf wrappers. I am very keen to help out with that stuff in any way I can, though LESS (and any css frameworks/tools basically) are not my go. I love CSS variables and banging-rocks-together, no-dependency CSS you can write with notepad.
Hey folks, Iam working on a new Admin Theme, based on AdminThemeReno, which I would like to release for the public soon. Now I want to style the login page to fit the look and feel of the backend. After some research, I found out that I have to set the "$config->defaultAdminTheme = 'AdminThemeName' " inside my site config.php file to load all the styles from my admin theme on the login page instead of the default ones. Is it possible to set this via api from my Admin Theme settings, without the need of editing the config file?
I'm Developing an "RTL" Language Website & I Use "AdminThemeUiKit" Which i can RTL Easily, The Problem is With jQuery-Ui CSS Files + Other Core Modules (Each Module Has It's Own CSS Files), What The Best Way To Accomplish What I Want ??
What is the dev. status of "Admin Theme Uikit" ? Last Commit on github was on May!
Update: Apertus is abandoned in favor of a fork of the far more advanced Admin Theme Reno, "SuperReno". Download the current version on GitHub: An AdminTheme meant for developers Still en route to an enhanced version of the Knowledge Base Site Profile I'm now releasing an AdminTheme suited for said profile, sharing its design. This is, as usual, an early, not yet heavily tested release. It is intended to be activated for superusers only, since other themes such as Modesta or the default one are much more apt to customers and editors. Requirements Current ProcessWire 2.4.X Developement version A modern browser (but I think that's the last thing a developer is missing) Download | Project on GitHub Features Some of us work on a large number of ProcessWire installations at once. The following options aim to customize your backends to that extent that you can tell them apart within miliseconds and without looking at the URL. Therefore, within the theme's configuration (meaning: the module's settings), you can change the following: Environment indicator When using a development, staging and production version of a project, use this little switch in the theme's setting to indicate which installation you're currently on. Set main color In order to not confuse installations using Apertus, "color brand" them. Use hex, rgb(a), hsl(a), or named CSS values to your liking, but remember to apply a relatively dark color to prevail contrast. Set project name Lastly, name project backends. Shortcuts Search the forums from within every page of your ProcessWire backend Have all the important API documentation links at hand Check for new modules from every page using the tools upper right (refresh icon) Installation Copy all files from the ZIP archive to your /site/modules/ApertusAdminTheme/ directory. Click "Check for new modules" in ProcessWire Admin Modules screen. Click install for the module labeled: "Apertus Admin Theme". Background The design of this Admin Theme is based on my Knowledge Base Site Profile. Also, it is created to accompany a newer version of said Site Profile. This is the first version of Apertus, not yet heavily tested and therefore bleeding edge. Please use with caution. I named it "Apertus" (latin for open, uncovered) because of the default state of the main navigation (Page, Modules, Access,...). This is a pre-release (0.0.1) needing current dev version of PW to prepare for ProcessWire 2.5. Please help me improving the theme by reporting bugs on GitHub. Thanks! Roadmap Things I intend to implement/change in future versions: Making useful links configurable Proper responsive behaviour Refactoring JS Remove Compass dependency when compiling theme's CSS /edit: Added screenshots clarifying where to find theme's settings