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Found 10 results

  1. WebP to JPG Converts WebP images to JPG format on upload. This allows the converted image to be used in ProcessWire image fields, seeing as WebP is not supported as a source image format. Config You can set the quality (0 – 100) to be used for the JPG conversion in the module config. Usage You must set your image fields to allow the webp file extension, otherwise the upload of WebP images will be blocked before this module has a chance to convert the images to JPG format. https://github.com/Toutouwai/WebpToJpg https://processwire.com/modules/webp-to-jpg/
  2. Hi, this is the first time i'm encountering the issue on any site i built with processwire and i'm running out of ideas -- so maybe someone had the same issue, i also added a short recording: The issue is that when using CKE Editors "Image" functionality in a field it creates the HTML but doesnt add the URL of the Image to the src attribute, so i more or less have a broken image tag in the code which my content manager cant see. I already tried removing all modules (like fluency) and reset all settings that could interfere on this "body" field like customstyles and functionality. This also doesnt happen because it interfers with pro fields matrix or something else It's on live and localhost It doesnt throw any error or warning in console Edit: It happens accross Firefox & Chrome I'm out of ideas on how to debug, so any suggestion is highly welcome! screen-recording-2024-05-13-18_06.webm
  3. One of PW 3.010's major novelty was the introduction of Horst's new image resizing engine that uses ImageMagick. Now I understand that ImageMagick can convert images to Webp, the image format that Google says can reduce image size up to 34% compared to JPEG. Mozilla is apparently adding support to Firefox, and even the Safari team is playing with it, so it looks like Webp is soon going to be available in most major browsers. If Horst's module can be extended to add Webp conversion, that would be a great addition to PW's already very powerful image manipulation arsenal. I'm currently using the free ImageEngine Lite to serve Webp images to supporting browsers, and the results are impressive. I routinely get images that are between 25 and 60% smaller compared to JPEG, with the same visual quality. I would love to eliminate the need to rely on a third-party service though.
  4. Hi guys, I’ve recently set up 2 PW installations for using WebP images (following this explanations, strategy 3). Both servers run on identical system configurations and PW versions (3.0.184). While integrating the WebP functionality was no problem at all, I’m massively confused by the results: one server works as expected, the other one does the sheer opposite. Server 1 (the good one): Images total: 326 WebP bigger than JPG: 41 (on average more than 40 %) WebP smaller than JPG: 285 (on average 30–40 %) Server 2 (the bad one): Images total: 862 WebP bigger than JPG: 773 (on average 30–40 %) WebP smaller than JPG: 89 (on average less than 10 %) As far as I know, the quality of the source JPG has an impact on the WebP: highly compressed JPGs may lead to hardly smaller or even bigger WebPs, while the savings with high quality JPGs tend to be more spectacular. Server 1 seems to confirm this assumption (the JPGs with bigger WebPs here are highly compressed 3rd party images) while server 2 ist acting completely strange. The source JPG’s size is around 1.200 x 800 pixel with a moderate compression rate and file sizes ranging between 100 and 500 kB with an average of 250 kB. The JPG quality on server 1 is about the same (regardless the 41 lousy ones), the only difference is their smaller size of 900 x 600 px with an average file size of 150 kB. So I’d consider the WebP use on server 1 as clearly progressive, while server 2 essentially limits itself to fill up the webspace with bigger images that will never appear on a display. Is there any influence on the WebP conversion I might have missed?
  5. WebP image support is great and works fine. But once created I've issues to get rid of all API generated WebP variations. The backend image field variations "Delete" works and I can remove all variations JPEG plus WebP. Image list is clean but all WebP API variations are still stored in file system (for instance files/12345/84.900x675.webp etc). I can only use ImageSizer with temp 'force' option to request fresh WebP variations or have to delete WebP files from folders. No other way so far. Tested with 2 sites and latest master PW 3.0.165. Is there somewhere a "magic button" or config/setup thing to solve my sticky WebP issue?
  6. After enabling WebP support you may notice it can take a long time for ProcessWire to create WebP copies of all images and their variations. For instance, on a site I work on (with over 10k images), it was taking about 1 second per image, ie. more than 3 hours in total.. ? If you are comfortable around the command-line, you can use the cwebp program and this bash script to speed things up drastically. I have built upon this script and got things to work in combination with xargs and find, making it rather powerful for PW's purposes. 1. Save this script as 'convert-webp.sh' (or download the Gist from Github), and follow instructions ######################################################################################################### # # Fast Recursive Images to WebP converter # Customized for ProcessWire CMS/CMF <https://www.processwire.com> # # Author: Eelke Feenstra <dev@eelke.net> # Version: 001 # Based upon: https://github.com/onadrog/bash-webp-converter # # Quick & dirty script to add webp versions to all PNG / JPG / JPEG files inside your PW assets folder # # 1. Set this script to executable: # $ chmod +x convert-webp.sh # # 2. Check if cwebp is installed: # $ cwebp -version # If it is not, install: # $ brew install webp # Or follow instructions https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/download # and change $executable to cwebp's full path # # 3. Run the script directly on a folder: # $ ./convert-webp.sh /path/to/your/folder # ######################################################################################################### # Configuration executable="cwebp" # update this to reflect your installation! quality=90 # change to desired WebP quality ######################################################################################################### converted=0 skipped=0 echo "Entering $1" for file in $1/* do name="${file%.*}" echo "FILE: $file" echo "NAME: $name" # Skip the folder itself.. if [ "$name" = "./." ]; then echo "SKIP: $name" continue; fi if [[ $(file --mime-type -b $name.webp) == image/webp ]]; then echo "FOUND: $name.webp, skipping.." skipped=$((skipped+1)) elif [[ $(file --mime-type -b $file) == image/*g ]]; then echo "NOT FOUND: $name.webp" newfile(){ echo "$file" | sed -r 's/(\.[a-z0-9]*$)/.webp/' } $executable -q $quality "$file" -short -o "$(newfile)" converted=$((converted+1)) fi done echo "Converted $converted, Skipped $skipped" 2. Run to create webp versions of all jpg/jpeg/png images in a given folder (for example the site's homepage) $ ./convert-webp.sh /path/to/processwire/site/assets/files/1 3. And in order to create WebP copies of ALL images inside the /site/assets/files folder, you can run this script. It searches for all directories inside the files directory, and passes these to the convert-webp.sh script using xargs. $ find /path/to/processwire/site/assets/files -maxdepth 2 -type d | xargs -I '{}' ./convert-webp.sh '{}' Tested both on MacOS 12 and Debian
  7. Hey, I'm trying to completely switch over to WebP and noticed some strange behaviour. Let's say I upload a PNG in Processwire of size 1280x800. $page->image->url ➝ correct URL (filename.webp) $page->image->width(800)->url ➝ correct URL (filename.800x0.webp) $page->image->width(1280)->url ➝ wrong URL (filename.1280x0.png), webp file is not generated $page->image->width(1280)->url(false) ➝ correct URL (filename.1280x0.webp) but webp file is not generated So: When I request a size that equals the original file, no WebP conversion is happening (no webp file is created, although a new PNG is generated (...1280x0.png)). When I use url(false), I get the expected URL but still the file is not generated. Also interesting: this issue is only occuring with PNG, not JPG. My Configuration: $config->imageSizerOptions('webpAdd', true); $config->imageSizerOptions('defaultGamma', -1); GD Pageimage::url Hook from here Also tried to output width(1280)->webp->url, it makes no difference I checked that the PNG version is not smaller in filesize (PNG=450KB, WebP (from other tool)=60KB) Tested with Processwire 3.0.148 and 3.0.160 dev I think this post is about the same issue and where I got the url(false) from. Setting 'useSrcUrlOnFail' => false inside $config->webpOptions results in correct output URL (filename.1280x0.webp), but still the file is not generated. So maybe the webp conversion fails? Apparently I see zero webp logs in logs/image-resizer.txt "Don't use resize" seems like a solution here but this is a generic approach in my code, sometimes uploaded images are simply already in the correct size. Any ideas how to fix this and always get dem sweet sweet WebP images? Or did I find a bug? Maybe @horst has an idea what the cause of this phenomenon could be? ?
  8. Hi, what I'm doing is this: <picture> <source srcset="<?php echo $page->section_three->main_img->first()->size(396,710)->webp->url; ?>" type="image/webp"> <img class="p_absoulte pp_block" src="<?php echo $page->section_three->main_img->first()->size(396,710)->url; ?>" alt=""> </picture> and for some reason it sometimes becomes this: <picture> <source srcset="/site/assets/files/1057/sektion3_bild-1.396x710.png" type="image/webp"> <img class="p_absoulte pp_block" src="/site/assets/files/1057/sektion3_bild-1.396x710.png" alt=""> </picture> It seems to be related to ->size(). When I don't use ->size() the webp Url is correct. I'm using the image-field inside a Fieldset(Page). Could that be a problem too? I just increased the output size by 2px and voila the webp url comes up. I deleted all variations (webp variation is present in correct size) changed it back to the original size and again: a png url. I also tried to rename the image and load it up agian. ...same behavoir. Thanks in advance guys
  9. Is anyone here using WEBP as their output image format and what is your server / environment setup? I know there's support for it in PW lately and decided to investigate. Found it quite difficult to do this on a practical level. IE My current VPS is Cent OS 6 and Plesk and unless I'm wrong, WEBP is not supported by either. Which host and setup are you on that allows you to run WebP? Cheers
  10. Hello processwire world! Im having a little problem with getting my image in WEBP format. $image = $pages->get('/')->images->first(); echo $image->webp()->url();
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