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Everything posted by marcus

  1. When you view/check your page frontend, are you still logged in? Try to view your page in another browser (or a private tab), where you can make sure that you aren't logged in (probably with a user whose language is set to English)
  2. Regarding 2): wireshell 0.X.X is not yet ready for PW 3.X
  3. Wow, now that's a whole new level of obstrusive pop ups https://t.co/8Mh2qXHcpU

  4. RT @mdowd: If the FBI want to get into an iPhone w/o users permission, they should ask someone who's done it before, like U2

  5. RT @TimeTravelGuide: Your timeline is fine. No time travel agents are currently waging a war for control of your future. You're paranoid. h…

  6. 2 of 5 of the new #xfiles episodes border on self parodies, it’s such a shame. I like meta humor usually, but sorry, this is cringeworthy.

  7. RT @FIAformulaE: News! The Berlin ePrix has a new location in the heart of the city.https://t.co/KMM9xb5QjT #FormulaE https://t.co/T7bR4IF…

  8. On another note, I wrote a little text about a small accessibility improvement using @processwire https://t.co/rLYcoBW0cA

  9. https://t.co/5gOd9WKFWZ: No intention to diss them,but is a non-reponsive site with big a11y problems the best way to present a CMS in 2016?

  10. RT @yellowled: Reasons to love @processwire: “There are no known vulnerabilities in our core system. Not a single one.” https://t.co/XwlRMs…

  11. Also, I dig this “Project Elrond” metagag with Sean Bean. Hope he survives the movie, though. #lasttweet

  12. So, just in case, what's our plan B? https://t.co/2H8HB9Etok? #RipTwitter

  13. #TheXFiles played it safe, but in a #TheForceAwakens kind of way. Welcome back, Mulder and Scully!

  14. RT @boti_net: Return of the erratically published link list (and of my blog): https://t.co/BRc4j1XW88

  15. If you only have to support modern browsers, look into CSS Column Layout http://caniuse.com/#search=columns http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/an-introduction-to-the-css3-multiple-column-layout-module--webdesign-4934
  16. I'm incredibly late to the party but, blimey, GitHub's @electronjs is great.

  17. If you use WAI-ARIA states in your jQuery and want to toggle them like you toggle classes, here you are: https://t.co/w9xB3gZHUr

  18. RT @datenimperator: Die 50er Jahre haben angerufen und wollen ihre Moralvorstellung zurück. https://t.co/HpvE1y9YFf

  19. Hi y'all, I recently had an enquiry regarding a possible web design job from a potential customer based in Britain. He also asked whether I'm offering webhosting (I'm not), but I want to at least recommend a handful of hosts. Problem is, I got no overview of UK hosters at all (just more or less for Germany). Googling would surface the ones with the best SEO departments, bot not necessarily the best ones Fellow British ProcessWirers, do you have any recommendations for me? Nothing fancy; we're talking about shared hosting, a small business site, hopefully on ProcessWire, here. Cheers! Marcus
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