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Everything posted by marcus

  1. It seems to be the wire folder, and the index.php in root. After upgrade they got 700 (wire) and 644 (index.php). Still, I'm not sure how general of a problem this is. On alternative approach to your proposal is to chmod these files via PHP, wouldn't it?
  2. Bea's great contribution is now on dev Before it hits master, one thing though: When I tested it, I ran in some file permission problems. But I'm not sure whether it is connected to my particular setup, or MAMP. It would be really great if some of you could grab the develop branch composer global require wireshell/wireshell:dev-develop and do a little test drive, and see if the updated PW installation throws a white page/500, connected to file permissions - or not. Cheers!
  3. RT @Queen_UK: Text from David Cameron: "If this wins, we'll stay in Europe". #Eurovision2015

  4. Not the (missing) engine noises cause the real sound irritations here, but that aweful house music #FormulaE #BerlinePrix

  5. Current status: Wittnessing quite another interesting use of a Berlin airport #BerlinePrix http://t.co/q2CCG5U4PV

  6. Schlicht am Ende des Tunnels. #de

  7. And minutes later David Bradley. Sometimes it feels like either all British actors played in DW, or they’re just around 20 at all #lasttweet

  8. RT @shoogledesigns: "The International Flag of Planet EarthPROPOSAL BY OSKAR PERNEFELDT" http://t.co/KKK7OgktWX

  9. RT @tazgezwitscher: GDL bestätigt: Steaks ab der Mitte der Woche. Ein Endpunkt ist noch unklar. http://t.co/ABlRJnOyL4

  10. Sorry for being tester here. Please try again, you should catch commit 3ddb7a now.
  11. Dang! I missed one occurence of that error. Sorry. Please 'composer global require wireshell/wireshell:dev-develop' again, => dev-develop 88c5ae should now appear.
  12. Ah, on said line is an PHP expression that only works on PHP 5.5. I guess I fixed it in the latest dev. You should be able to grab it via composer global require wireshell/wireshell:dev-develop
  13. RT @pdiernberger: This site builds itself while you are watching:http://t.co/TbpBeGi9t2

  14. You're right - fixed. That other logo was actually an older version.
  15. wireshell 0.4.0 for @processwire is there, and its a big update powered by the awesome PW community! Docs and more at http://t.co/kT7njSFBhE

  16. wireshell 0.4.0 is out Big update with a lot of contributed commands and interfaces: "Module Download" command, extended "Module Enable" command, enhanced "User Create", added "User Delete", "User List" and "User Update" (thanks @justb3a). "Module Generate" command using modules.pw (thanks @nico), added "Status" command listing information on development, ProcessWire installation, image libraries (thanks @horst). wireshell's code and documentation were extended/cleaned up by @clsource. Also 0.4.0 introduced documentation microsite, wireshell Sorry, justbea and clsource, I seem to have messed up the PR's in a way that you aren't listed as project contributors on the GitHub page
  17. Cool! Thanks! Was about to release 0.4.0 today, but will squeeze your additions in!
  18. Back To The Future references inside @projectcarsgame fake “twitter feed”. Ticks my motorsports fan and popculture boxes #SaveTheClockTower

  19. RT @bhalp1: Sometimes when I'm writing Javascript I want to throw up my hands and say "this is bullshit!" but I can never remember what "th…

  20. Thanks for all the input on this. The "mod" namespace is renamed to "module" already on develop branch, the "show" namespace in abandoned in favor of a more generic "status" command, also available on dev. I agree with Ivan when it comes to "general:specific" in general and the "backup" namespace in particular - although it's just the :db command right now, I plan to extend this namespace with :all (db and all scripts), :files (just /site/assets/files). But in the big picture I'll try to reach a naming scheme close to the API - modules will never by named plugins and I don't really know why exactly I shortened "modules" to "mods" down in the past...
  21. Typo of the day: "Bedingungsloses Grunteinkommen" #de #sorryforgermanpuns

  22. RT @msf_de: Entwickeln für einen guten Zweck: Web DeveloperIn für unser Team in Berlin gesucht http://t.co/XYXEKmIyUs #Entwickler #PHP Dank…

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