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Everything posted by marcus

  1. Prepare... crisis illustration is coming https://t.co/d5u1Kwtx3Q #ECB #Euro

  2. .@yanisvaroufakis ' "Minister No More" phrasing could be a subtle reference to #DoctorWho - or I'm thinking way too geeky.

  3. I think the "name" database column on pages is special, and your same approach to the title field of a page should work perfectly. "name" field serves as URL alias, and therefore needn't contain special characters in order to not break URLs. I'm not sure on the search issue. Maybe connected to the way MySQL searches?
  4. Since you are working locally, check your local environment for Xdebug.max_nesting_level setting: http://xdebug.org/docs/all_settings#max_nesting_level
  5. RT @CoenJacobs: Drupal 8 will bump its minimum requirement to PHP 5.5: https://t.co/baAudBK7mY I applaud them. This is the only way forward.

  6. This little red fellow just arrived in Germany, and takes pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner" #laravelelephpant http://t.co/swm8eHSIvK

  7. RT @christophrumpel: Packagist site was updated. New design and some new features. https://t.co/02UpfWdr3W

  8. ...inventor of Ruby on @rails ! For PHP fans and people not into motorsports: that's kinda like @taylorotwell playing in the Superbowl (2/2)

  9. RT @harikt: Hey @processwire could you have a look at this post https://t.co/hIIkRi0nBK , so we can discuss composer support ?

  10. http://www.visitwales.com/ has a very similar one and uses Flexslider v2.1: http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/
  11. Hi Hari, you're right - I read them back in 2013, but forgot until now - thanks! Composer could be the solution here regarding dependencies I'm also very interested in how PW3 will support it. The last PW blog post on this topic reads promising!
  12. Welcome, justb3a and clsource, as core contributors to wireshell! We got a dedicated GitHub organization now: https://github.com/wireshell/wireshell - please update the remotes of your forks Packagist reference is already updated, to the usual $ composer global require wireshell/wireshell will work like before. The three of us are now toying around ideas how to improve wireshell, and one big feature would be if ProcessWire modules could provide their own wireshell commands (in addition to the wireshell core commands). We're not sure how to do this exactly, but maybe the PW community/module authors have ideas. Our current scenario: Besides from scanning its own /src/Commands folder for core commands (right now commands are hard-coded in /app/wireshell.php), thanks Stikki for the idea!, wireshell could search inside (ProcessWire's) /site/modules/ folder for commands provided by modules. So for example, alongside /site/modules/MyAmazingModule.module there can be a MyAmazingModuleCommand.php file (or commands, or "namespace" folder if there are more than one). The things bugging me here are a) dealing with dependencies and b) the exact details of "scanning for commands". But maybe someone could chime in here? I guess a concept of "PW module provided wireshell commands" would be a huge step forward (Drupal's drush already works this way, and makes it a really, really useful tool)
  13. RT @sixtus: Spock tot, Winnetou tot, Dracula tot. Ach, ach.

  14. RT @ThatEmil: What's the name of the psychological mechanism that causes us to be happy with what little new stuff we get in Safari release…

  15. RT @UARRR: Apple’s Ping v2

  16. RT @helloanselm: So Safari can do things all other browser can do since months already. Like seeing audio is playing or pinned tabs. #Apple

  17. I can imagine how overwhelmed you feel right now. It's like wanting to start playing the guitar, but being confronted with amplifier settings, guitar brands and whatnot right within the first minutes. When you only want to learn one single chord first and build upon that. I guess you already stumbled upon Chris Coyiers close-to-perfect intro to Grunt? http://24ways.org/2013/grunt-is-not-weird-and-hard/ ? My advice would be: Choose either Grunt or Gulp (both are great, capable, and have all necessary functions as plugins), stick to that decision for a couple of projects, don't let distract yourself by the usual developer tiffs, and once you build your own Grunt/Gulp boilerplate and feel confident with it, reach out for optimizations (and maybe read these links here again). But then you'll already have entered the amazing world of task runners and will most probably consider them as a crucial part of your development workflow Also, here's a super simple Gulpfile from processwire-recipes.com, just dealing with SASS and gluing some JS files together (Please ignore the messed up indentations in the file)
  18. The Blatterfly Effect. #blatter

  19. RT @muse: GERMANY! Muse are headlining @lollapaloozade in September. Tix available now: http://t.co/hKOhAJOWxf #MuseDrones http://t.co/Vrkr…

  20. RT @stjenna: Muse is headlining #Lollapalooza in Berlin. I'm so there.

  21. Regarding this permissions-after-upgrade-issue, I just pushed a prompt to dev branch as you've suggested, b3a. I'm still not sure whether I just tailored it for my setup and it's issues, or MAMP usage in general. Anyway, it should not hurt the command to have it there.
  22. German gov found a nice popular smoke grenade in #FIFAarrests, distracting from mass surveillance, lies, NSA scandal. Discussing it at G7?!

  23. And I'm no soccer fan, and atheist. But I hate organizations claiming a whole topic, and connecting failures #lasttweet

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