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Everything posted by marcus

  1. Simpsons, Season 5, Episode 2. https://t.co/SN4Qyywkmg

  2. What...?! Robin "Claire Underwood" Wright played Jenny in Forrest Gump? How did I miss that?

  3. RT @mortendk: Chrome extension for drupal theming daumn !!https://t.co/k6LJ0xiDRW / thanx @jacine @darketaine

  4. Unfortunately no estimated time of arrival on my side, feeling sickly for a couple of weeks now, and drowning in customer work. Can't allocate time. Sorry :/
  5. Abandonment qualifying #F1 #BahrainGP

  6. 2016: Watching #HouseOfCards Season 4 to see what a normal 2016 US election campaign looks like.

  7. Ui, nette Zweitverwertung im Ersten, @ulmentv #MannFrau #de

  8. RT @rodneyrehm: The Veil of Ignorance»We most likely don't think about this because our life doesn't necessitate it.«https://t.co/LVYN68K…

  9. I held the captain's rank in obviousity right from the starthttps://t.co/macvJR18Gw

  10. ~@WordPress is not my CMS of choice for many many reasons, but it is great that its backend is fully operable by keyboard. #a11y

  11. RT @NobleF1: Christian Horner tells BBC that #F1 should apologise to fans. He calls for immediate scrapping of elimination qualifying.

  12. Ah, you're using MAMP (Pro?). Try the following: * Main window › MySQL, tick checkbox "Allow network access" (I got the German version of MAMP, don't know the proper translation), restart. * In ProcessWire's /site/config.php, replace localhost with This is also an issue I found while working on wireshell with that particular MAMP set up.
  13. RT @LukeSmithF1: Four minutes left and that’s pole decided. Farcical.

  14. RT @rodneyrehm: Atheists Don’t Have No Songs - https://t.co/MwYoIMdoEp

  15. Thank you once again @SPIEGELONLINE for spoiling a TV show and its trailer IN A FREAKING HEADLINE on your FRONTPAGE. What's wrong with you?

  16. Now this is how you assemble a Formula 1 broadcasting team, @RTLde https://t.co/iY4jm04AU6

  17. "jQuery-Based API" - that's where the comparison to jQuery bears potential for misunderstanding. A few people seem to skip the word "inspired" and make PW accidentally JavaScript-based. As a developer reading that list, not knowing PW, I would be rather alienated. Just thinking out loud - could we as the community find a one line pitch for ProcessWire's API that evenly matches without causing misunderstandings like these? "PW comes with an easily approachable and powerful API"? I know, neither short nor "sexy". But precise /edit: When pitching PW to my customers (or potential ones) I compare it to "modelling clay" - a thing/tool that can be shaped in any desired form. Just ignore the shortcoming of this comparison, the connotation of "toy"
  18. May have said it before, probably in connection with wireshell, but: @processwire's API is so beautiful, one should exhibit it in the Louvre

  19. RT @mike_hogan: Breaking: the man formerly known as Chris Christie has changed his name to Reek.

  20. "Ironiekompetenz und Empörungsmechanismen im Zeitalter des Postillion" #sokonjunktiv

  21. RT @EDouglasWW: If there's one Oscar winner who the orchestra will never EVER play off... it's Ennio Morricone. Bravo! #Oscars

  22. So https://t.co/pWKCMIRyD0 is built with @drupal- nice! One site more to mention to customers.

  23. .@SteinbachErika, eifrige Schülerin eines @realDonaldTrump und damit Teil der Degeneration politischer Kultur. Sind Sie darauf stolz? #de

  24. No doubt @basecamp gets better and better, but the missing translation capability of Basecamp > 1 is hard to understand. Opportunity missed.

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