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Everything posted by diogo

  1. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-export-profile/
  2. This answer from Soma on another thread may be useful concerning the question about the tags http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2010-fieldtype-for-storing-tags/#anonymous_element_10 For the PDFs you just have to put a files field on your templates for uploading the PDFs, and link to it like stated above: if ($user->isLoggedin()) { echo "You can <a href='{$page->file->url}'>download the file</a> now."; } else { echo "Please log in to download the file." } There is a already a tutorial for this http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1015-switching-from-drupal-to-processwire/page__hl__drupal
  3. What you want is the url of the resized image. replace your code by this: echo "<img src='{$child->images->size(232, 176)->url}' alt='' />";
  4. just an example: <style> body{ background-color: <?=$page->backColor?>; } </style>
  5. A module hooking on user page save would make this easier, but I don't know how to help there
  6. You have to put it inside, not as a sibling. <form> <?php $choice = $pages->find('template=clinics'); foreach($choice as $ch){ echo "<label>{$ch->title}</label> <select> <option></option>"; foreach($ch->med as $med) echo "<option>{$med->medic}</option>"; echo "</select>"; } ?> </form>
  7. Him again!! One day we should replace him by a real Tiny http://www.scriptiny.com/2010/02/javascript-wysiwyg-editor/ (38kB)
  8. You can make a custom module for this. Just copy the image inputField and change the label. Or even better, leave the description for the alt, and add the url field to it.
  9. The Form builder is great for building forms easily and quickly, but for a one time form it's not that difficult to make a customized one that plays along pw fields with great flexibility. It's really just a matter of building the form as you want in html, and selectively save the submited information in each field with the pw API: $page->of(false) $page->product_id = (int) $input->post->id; $page->quantity = (int) $input->post->quantity; $page->client_address = $sanitizer->text($input->post->address); ... $page->save() The price update you can do with jQuery. I prepared something very simple to show how http://codepen.io/anon/pen/apBmI The thing that can be more difficult is the payment, but all depends on what system or systems you will choose. If you choose paypal for instance, it can be as simple as having a submit with the address that they supply to you, and receive a confirmation of payment done. It's not my intention to make it look very easy (it's not), but it's not as difficult as it might seem. edit: corrected from $page->of(true) to $page->of(false), thanks to onjegolders.
  10. no no, has to be like this http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=processwire%2C%20%22Nico%20Knoll%22%2C%20%22Adam%20Kiss%22&cmpt=q. Still, pretty good
  11. Don't worry, I didn't put from 2013 up. I'm sure both will rise a lot
  12. http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=processwire%2C%20%22Nico%20Knoll%22&cmpt=q
  13. I have two websites running in that situation and everything seems fine. Well, one of them is a bit slow, but is not the fault of pw as the ftp is also slow there. edit: forgot to mention that I don't have shared database. Only subdirectory in shared hosting...
  14. One way would be to make the "save + keep unpublished" button the default submit with js
  15. And all of those that don't have parameters: last, shuffle, pop, reverse, shift, getRandom, getTotal, etc, etc
  16. A permission is only a name, all the work is done on the access tab of templates, or on the template files: if($user->hasPermission($permission)) echo $secret_code;
  17. Only 340 votes to go until the end of the day
  18. hm... would be a good ImputField module
  19. The way Madmimi relates image and text we can already do with repeatables
  20. I agree with bcartier, this should be the default behavior. I know that I can use ctl+shift+v, but try telling that to your clients In this case, there could be a button to paste with formatting
  21. Like you, I also hate them, and tend to prefer solutions like textile, but for telling the truth, clients are always more comfortable with wysiwyg, So I just try to build my websites in a way that I can have as much raw text areas as I can (I love ilimited custom fields!), and prepare my css to prevent any playful things with the wysiwyg. I am very interested in knowing more details about this
  22. Ok, I didn't explain myself very well... I meant a block element with the size of it's content that doesn't allow any other element next to it. But giving it another thought, that's just not the way the flow works.
  23. I don't know... I just think there should be a way of telling a block element to have the size of it's content...
  24. I did it very quickly, and mostly because I was curious if it would be an easy task. It's not an easy task, but it's less difficult than I expected... lesson learned: we really don't have to be stuck to a editor if we don't want. Truth is that CKeditor future versions got me really curious. Just have a look at these examples: inline editor, placeholder, div replace all taken from here http://nightly-v4.ckeditor.com/3783/samples/ Would be also interesting to make a module for markItUp integration.
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