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Posts posted by opalepatrick

  1. I have a user template with a profield page table field for Businesses - this has a profield page table field for Addresses. The problem I have is that this does not populate the data in the addresses table. If I edit the empty row, the data is correct. The table column headers are correct.

    Any clues? Appreciated








  2. Been trying to get to griips with using RockTabulator to create grids today inside a Process Module.

    public function ___executeContactsPage(){
        $finder = wire('modules')->get('RockFinder3')
        ->addColumns(['firstname','surname', 'linkedin']);
        return $grid;

    The data is coming across fine, but I cannot work out how to define $grid - Undefined variable: grid. Any help appreciated

    Got myself confused between RockGrid and RockTabulator

    Actually the reason I was getting all the problems is that my version of PW was not working with RockFinder3, but I did not get the error message until I dumped the sql.


    Undefined variable: grid

  3. Trying to get an id attribute to the row

    $table->row([$club->title, $club->id],['cid' => $club->id, $club->title, $club->club_status->title]);

    The attribute is cid in the options part of this row - the row is not getting tagged with the cid - Am I missing something? This is being used in a Process module. Everything else in both parts works fine.

  4. This has happened again on a completely fresh install. I suspect it has something to do with LoginRegisterPro but cannot prove it. I have taken into account all the things you mentioned above as well @wbmnfktr - Cannot work out why it seems to work fine for a while then stops working. I am going to move this over to the LoginRegisterPro forumas it appears to be responsible.

  5. I have seen many different responses for this problem, but none of the solutions work. This is a new install (the latest version) that has allowed me to log in as admin several times. But has stopped now. I have used the forgot password reset and I get exactly the same message - ProcessLogin: admin - Login failed 

    I do not think I have installed new modules since the last successful login.

    Short of nuking it, I am fresh out of ideas. Very frustrated.


  6. I am trying to process a Stripe POST response with a webhook endpoint script.

    $payload = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));

    Problem is that I am getting NULL.

    However... the Stripe Dashboard that shows the request & response to the Stripe request is correct for the specific event, even to the extent of showing the dump and error messages afterwards. Any ideas would gratefully received as I have spent way too long on this... although having to pick apart stuff like this does end up with me learning a lot more!

  7. I was attracted to the idea of pulling everything together in a process module as per @bernhard's excellent toots. I liked the idea that they were all in admin and not possible to accidentally publish to the web. But now I have thought about it and following your reply (Thank you) I realise that I should be looking at protecting the templates by user role and using all the tools available to me. I have just gone down the "over-complicating things" road. Wish I hadn't gone down that rabbit hole before the weekend! Thanks once again.

  8. I see old posts saying that repeaters are not the way to go in Custom Process Modules. If that is the case, when using forms (as I am trying to do) how would one tackle things like repeat contact fields where there can be multiple requirements for contact details with different parameters? (Like point of contact, director, etc) or even telephone numbers that have different uses?

    Just for background I am creating a process module that allows me to create types of financial applications in the admin area (no need to publish any of this, pure admin) that require a lot of personal or company information.

    Maybe I am thinking about this incorrectly?

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