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Posts posted by opalepatrick

  1. @Martijn Geerts - 'tis true. But if you can incorporate something like grunt or gulp into your workflow, then you can use something like grunt-uncss to remove all the unwanted classes. In Foundation 5, you can just call the scripts that you want and exclude the bulk. Never going to be as clean as vanilla handwritten, but not bad imo.

  2. Music on a website, shocker, cstevensjr! :rolleyes: However, to my mind design is not just about the look of a website but the functionality, and whilst I agree about content, etc. We still have a duty to inform and make our clients futureproof to some degree. And making sites non resolution dependent seems to make sense to me.

    • Like 2
  3. I am with Teppo too. I have been designing websites as responsive by default for a couple of years now. Now, I never design sites that are not. I roll my own, use css frameworks like Foundation, Pure, Bootstrap, etc, and they are not difficult. They may get you into other things like sass and grunt that will help with workflow as well (well it did for me :-) )

    I know responsive is not foolproof and weird things can happen on some devices, but really, scrolling a page on a smartphone is way more intuitive than dragging around a page and clicking to zoom in to a bit (what bit?) of a non-responsive page. I agree with Sinnut re the 960px thing on smartphones. It is a horrible, frustrating experience.

    You are obviously really proficient developer as BernhardB said, but honestly I would try and get to the position where a client would have to ask for a non-responsive website rather than the other way round.

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  4. Yes I have adapted the sample module and I am using that to manage projects as mentioned that will include the company(ies) and contacts working on that project and that works great as a list.

    If I view a company page I would like to see who already works for them as well as be able to select new contacts, or, add new ones. I think I can do that with a page fieldtype.

    However, when I view the contact page, I would like to see the company(ies) that they belong to, and, if I add a new contact, select a company for them to belong to.

    I need to get better at explaining myself.

  5. Sorry should have explained. Yes it is in admin. If necessary I would like to be able to see the appropriate association's in either direction. So on a contact admin page, I could see the company or companies that the contact belongs to. And vice versa. It could be a 'many to many' relationship.

    @renobird this is related to the building of the project manager process module that we were talking about in the other thread, in a procedural sense. I suppose theoretically I could build a module(s) that did this but it seems such a 'normal' thing that I thought a wonder field may exist already? :-)

  6. I may be looking at this wrong.

    Say I have parent=companies, sub-pages as company. on the company template we have all the usual details address etc. 

    Then we have contacts for that company which I could use a page fieldtype to select from the parent=contacts branch.

    What I cant get my head around is how to only show the contacts that belong to the company concerned on the company page. The contacts have a company field that they belong to.

    I must be missing something obvious as this must have been done loads of times?

  7. Aaah those rabbit holes. I can find them very easily on my own! Luckily I have processwire forums to get me out of them :-) Thanks both.

    I should take a step back I think. Basically I have projects that have organisations that have contacts, amongst other things. They all have their own parent and page structure. If it was me coding it all with php and sql I would be fine, but I need to learn new tricks a la processwire style.

    So before I go any further, is using page field types the way to go here or am I backing myself into a corner. I am thinking that, I select an organisation with a page fieldtype (already done) then really would only want to select contacts from that selected organisation, or, again add a new contact but only to that organisation.There could be multiple organisations per project as well. It is a sort of crm light. I would have conversations relating to the project that would all be cross referenced etc. 

    The only person using this would be me and I would like to just record the projects, organisations, contacts and conversations in the admin area. I can use all that separately for reporting, forms and follow up reminders after.

    So, is this a separate thread territory?

    Edit: I should be doing this all out on web pages instead of trying to shoehorn functionality into the admin area, shouldn't I?

  8. I have used jquery magnific before on other sites but this is a first as a module. Another first is using Markdown! Thanks renobird.

    So I have the correct link to open the add organisation link,


    but at the moment it is not popping as a modal, just as a new tab. I can see Jquery Magnific as a core module but no other settings. Been hunting through the docs. Any idea what I am missing?

  9. Not sure if I am approaching this right.

    Say I have a project page. Each project could have multiple organisations working on it. So I used a page fieldtype and this allows me to select the relevant organisation... if it exists. Then I saw that you could select the ability to add a new 'organisation' (page) in this case.

    This works fine if all I want to do is create a new organisation name, but how would I also add the other fields for the organisation like address, city, etc?

    As I said , I may be barking up the wrong tree, but any pointers appreciated.

  10. Hi there I have been using soma's form-process.php to sort out uploading images and form details to create pages and it works great.

    However, I now want to extend it so that I can allow mixed allowed extensions like txt, csv as well as image files to be uploaded. (to allow designers etc to upload project files) - I don't however need to see the files or images, but just create a link in the created pages to let me download them from the created directory so that I can process/view them.

    Second part would be to get an email heads up (less of an issue), then do a drag and drop front end. Get there eventually.

    Any pointers or help that didn't need me to roll back too much would be great.

  11. Playing around with a single page website. Looking for ideas.

    It would be good if I could have several pages all shoehorned into the home template. Then the nav can be generated, the different sections kept separately in admin.

    Am I thinking this in the right/wrong way.

    Thanks for your tips.

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