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Everything posted by MatthewSchenker

  1. Hello, Thanks panictree for your great response... I'm looking into a couple of things on this right now, and also studying some model sites that I think do a great job with "how-to" arrangements. I'm collecting my documentation now into distinct routines. Hope to have some news soon! Thanks, Matthew
  2. Greetings, The question of documentation has come up in a few different places here, as it is vital to the success of this terrific application. I really like the existing documentation, which is very effective at helping people get up to speed on ProcessWire. At the same time, I've been putting together my own personal documentation on ProcessWire, mostly to remind myself of steps. It is turning into something that might be useful to others... The way my material is shaping up, I believe, is complementary to the existing documentation. It's naturally arranging itself as a series of "examples" of using ProcessWire, or specific "How To..." entries. Then inside each entry I am free to branch into references of whatever parts of the API are relevant for that examle or "How To" entry. For whatever reason, this approach seems more appropriate to ProcessWire. Just my opinion, but I think the best framework documentation is for CodeIgniter. That one goes class-by-class. What it lacks, I believe, is a thorough set of example uses. I'm planning to put together a Web site that will house these examples and "How To" entries, and I will make reference to the existing API. I'd also like this to coordinate with other documentation projects that other members are working on. How does this sound? Thanks, Matthew
  3. Greetings, Joss, you and I obviously not only share a similar CMS history, but also a similar outlook on documentation as well. * I've been putting together my own personal documentation on ProcessWire, mostly to remind myself of steps, but -- as predicted -- it's turning into something that might be useful to others... I don't want to be responsible to veering this thread beyond the original poster's intentions, so I'm going to start a separate discussion on this documentation concept. Thanks, Matthew * I think we also have a similar sense of humor, but I'm afraid to uncovee that Pandora's box too much at the moment!
  4. Greetings, Let me add my voice here! What makes ProcessWire different is that, not only is it a great CMS/CMF technically speaking, but it also generates a more subtle kind of inspiration that motivates people of all skill levels to get involved. But even beyond that, it has generated a unique "culture" here on the forum -- where people share ideas, are patient with each other, and really try to contribute and help. Then there is something else... Can't quite put my finger on it yet, but ProcessWire feels like a system born from something in Ryan that can be described as great technical knowledge mixed with an artist's conception of Web development. The point is, I deeply appreciate what Ryan has done and look forward to building great sites and becoming more involved in this community. Thanks, Matthew
  5. Hello bytesource, Yes, I also overlooked this feature when I first started using ProcessWire. But then I found it, and it makes a big difference in adding photos. Like everything else in this system, it's as much as we need without adding more than we need. Thanks, Matthew
  6. Hello, First... CONGRATULATIONS RYAN! I'm a father of a 4-year-old girl, so I know all about this. Actually, knowing this about you makes me feel even more connected to ProcessWire. And it makes me want to get involved even more, since I also understand the challenges that come along with being a dad. Maybe we can make a conference happen near you -- in Atlanta? I'd be happy to help organize it. My daughter is old enough to travel, and it could be a great experience for all of us. Thanks, Matthew
  7. Greetings, Any chance of doing a future conference in New York or Boston? I'd definitely help organize it. Thanks, Matthew
  8. Greetings bytesource, If I understand you correctly, you just need to create a field of the type "image" and allow the user to upload as many images as you want. Let's say this field is called "gallery_images." You can make the call in the template as follows: <?php foreach ($page->gallery_images as $image) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $image->url; ?>" /> <?php } ?> Thanks, Matthew EDIT: Sorry, I didn't respond to the part about the folders! Again, if I understand what you're asking correctly, you don't need to specify the folder, because ProcessWire takes care of that part for you. Just accessing the field via $page gets the rght images.
  9. Hello, Wow, I totally forgot about those old games until Joss reminded me about that bit of gaming dialogue! Obviously, on the whole, coding has moved ahead leaps and bounds. But sometimes, I wonder... Are there any points where coding "of old" did things better or easier than coding now? Probably, this is completely crazy. And while we're doing fantasy coding, maybe there's room for an "unless" statement in PHP... if($page->intro_image) { <img src="<?php $page->intro_image->url"; ?> alt="intro image" /> } else { echo "You forgot to add an intro image! Please edit the page now."; } unless($page->no_images_checkbox="1") { echo "You chose not to add an image to this page!"; } Thanks, Matthew
  10. Hey Joss, Wow, great work! You're doing this after such a short time with processWire, there's no telling where you are headed next! Seeing this is really inspiring. Thanks for your work. Matthew
  11. Hey diogo, Very interesting! The museudoresgate site is terrific already. The colors and the videos really make you feel as if you are entering a special world. Thanks for sharing! Matthew PS: I'm interested in this because I'm building a companion site for a book about films, and I'm conceiving it as a series of video pages with references to the specific book chapters. It will be built entirely with ProcessWire.
  12. Hey Joss, I have a bookmark folder filled with JQuery slideshow plugins, listed in order of preference... Then we have all those articles from Smashing and .net magazine reviewing lists of them. My main criteria for slideshows is that they must... 1. Capture the slide information from a simple HMTL element (an li, img, or DIV) 2. Allow customized index "disks" and pagination 3. Allow the use of any kind of slide content (image, HTML, links, etc) 4. Allow multiple slideshows on a page Thanks, Matthew
  13. Hello Joss, Very interesting. Another dimension of ProcessWire's versatility! I have used FlexSlider for some sites, and I like it. But for various reasons I have recently started using Galleria and BxSlider for my newer sites. Check them out here: http://bxslider.com/ http://galleria.io/ Of course, there are endless sliders available out there. The technique you illustrate for FlexSlider would apply to any of these plugins. Thanks, Matthew
  14. Greetings, I have to say, it's satisfying to know that there are others here of my generation. Often, it feels like Web development is utterly dominated by the brilliant and capable under-25 set. To Joss: yes, your point about the conditionals is precisely what I was talking about! Maybe it's also because we are writers, and any time we say "If..." we eventually also have a "Then..." We also have "Unless" and "However," which might be neat additions to PHP! This touches on a bigger subject for me: in recent years I've become fascinated by the whole idea of coding as a "language." Of course, we use the words "language," "syntax," "verbose," etc., all the time in this world, but I'm talking about a more fluid interpretation. What we do, more and more, becomes a way to communicate subtle and complex ideas. And the fact that it is international makes it like some kind of universal poetry. Anyway, I'm just posting some thoughts that are on my mind a lot these days. Thanks, Matthew
  15. Hello, To DaveP: Wow, that brings back memories! In college in the mid-1980s, I had an Amiga and a dot-matrix printer in my dorm room. In those days, you could still really impress a professor simply by handing in a paper neatly laid out, with headers and footers, and no White-Out corrections! I had a little business typing papers for students (I had one of the few computers on campus). Looking back on it, that Amiga was certainly ahead of its time. And yes, we also had a computer class where we moved that Logo Turtle around. Thanks, Matthew
  16. Greetings Soma, Thank you very, very much for such a thoughtful and thorough response! Yes, I see how this can work. It is a good example of just thinking a diffent (better, more efficient) way with ProcessWire. I know the whole "front-end editing" idea is debatable and a lot of people don't even like it. And I plan to use it in limited ways. But the technique Soma deacribes seems like a very elegant way to make use of the existing administrative form elements but configure them in certain cases to behave as if they were front-end fields. This seems like a more secure way to handle it as well. I look forward to testing this. Thanks again, Matthew
  17. Hello Joss, Once again, we align! I was wanting the very same thing. It's great to know that users can be handled so nicely in ProcessWire. Thanks, Matthew PS: Thanks Joss for putting your newbie neck on the line so I didn't have to put mine out this time (I'm doing that in other forum threads).
  18. Hello Soma, Thanks for your patience helping me! Most times, I definitely would just use the admin area with roles to accomplish the goal. But in the case where "regular" members have edit/create rights, I'm sure there is a way to do this differently. I found an old post where someone wanted essentially what I'm describing, and Ryan responded: My interest in on the line where Ryan says this: "output a form of just the fields you want them to edit and/or process them" Yes!! How do we accomplish that? Thanks again, Matthew
  19. Hello, Thanks Soma. Yes, I was looking at the "Form Template Processor" earlier. To give clients a different way to create pages, this is the kind of functionality I am looking at. For some of the site concepts I have in mind, I will have multiple authors who really should not be seeing anything except the form for creating/editing a page. As a way to learn more about ProcessWire, I wanted to see if I can make this work just using the API, without a module. Thanks, Matthew
  20. Greetings, I've been trying to make front-end forms work on my site, and learning but still a bit stuck! What is the method for rendering the same fields that show up on the Admin "Pages" screen, but make them show on the front end instead? Thanks, Matthew
  21. Greetings, Well, I think we have come upon a great concept here. Not just the actual concept of creating a community site -- but also the concept of a public, collaborative approach to building a profile. As Joss said, we can use this thread to hash out ideas and questions. Let it be messy! That's OK, since this is both a way to produce something, and to learn. Even though Joss, NooseLadder, and I are all relatively new at ProcessWire, we have all been around the block a few times with PHP, CMSs, and working with clients. Along the way, "Hero Members" can jump in with a pointer or two. In the end, we'll have a working profile, the involved parties will have learned a lot, and we will have a thread that illustrates what is possible in this community. Maybe we can even make this a model for future concepts? I'll be able to start putting some bits together next week. This is great! Thanks, Matthew
  22. Greetings, Let's do this! I am working on a site right now for an actual paying client. But in a few days I will have time to put this together. I'd be honored to create a profile others can use, and which will be a good vehicle to move my ProcessWire skills up a few notches. Thanks, Matthew
  23. Greetings, I'm curious about how those of us go back a ways have some very old built-in habits, tendencies, practices, etc., and how this affects you when coding. Brief Personal History: I learned "programming" on TRS-80s in 1980, when my forward-thinking 8th-grade science teacher obtained a bunch of them for our class. He also ran an after-school workshop on learning computer programming (BASIC), which I attended with great excitement. I also did my first programming in the early to mid-1980s using Apple IIs for my uncle, an accountant who wanted what we'd today call "apps" to automate calculations. That same uncle bought me a Timex Sinclair for Christmas in 1982, which I still own. I'm happy I was introduced to coding so early in life. But sometimes, I find that the ideas from those days stick, perhaps too much. Just one example... When I learned BASIC (don't laugh), a bit of code with conditionals looked something like this: ... 30 IF Y$ = "Y" OR Y$ = "y" THEN GOTO 115 ... 115 PRINT "Thanks man!" But today, in PHP, to test for a condition, it works like this: if($page->images) { /* Do something here that would be true if there are images in the "images" field */ } else /* Do something here that would be true if there are no images in the "images" field */ } In the above example, a lot of the PHP conditional statement is assumed. In the old days, we had to spell it out and send someone to a particular spot in the code. Obviously, no one in his/her right mind would want to go back to the old days! But because of ingrained ideas, I find myself mentally expecting the "then" in the initial conditional statement when it's not necessary. It's a simple thing, but it causes moments of pause. There are lots of other examples beyond simple conditionals. Just wondering, does anyone else here with a similar history feel the same effects? Thanks, Matthew
  24. Greetings, After looking into this intensively for the past week or so, testing a few different systems, and reading up I am reaching some personal conclusions... I like the built-in capabilities that CSS/JS frameworks offer. But I don't like how often I read about people struggling to figure out why a basic CSS action suddenly doesn't work under a certain framework (for example, difficulty in implementing hover effects or a CSS overlay). Also, I have found that I really like to explore and see all the new JQuery plugins available for a given task, which means I am likely to keep wanting to use a slider, carousel, modal, etc., that is not built into the framework. Still searching. Glad to know that I am in good company here! Thanks, Matthew
  25. Greetings Everyone, Wow! Just love the way discussions here get so many great responses. Typography is such an exciting area. One of those relatively simple things that really boosts a site's style. It's also exciting that real typographical options are still a fresh concept. It's only been around 2 years or so. To arjen: Textile is good, but that's more for styling existing typography, correct? I mean, it doesn't give you font-family options, does it? Thanks, Matthew
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