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Everything posted by benbyf

  1. Ok been trying to take on everyones comments. In doing so I've split repos into beginner and intermediate. https://github.com/benbyford/PW-starter-modules/ https://github.com/benbyford/PW-intermediate-modules In doing so I can add to them with simple and more complex modules as and when I create them (and learn a new skill). The basic ones are currently super basic, so could probably do a couple more and then stop of crucial things to learn in modeul making. Any more suggestions welcome.
  2. Is there any built in way of disregarding the time on output in a datetime field is the time was orginially set? Ive gone from using the date only to using both date and time, but any timeless pages default to outputing 12:00am which looks odd having many pages listed in this way. Any thoughts would be welcome
  3. I've updated the my modules replacing HotUserSwap with simple TextformatterFindReplace instead. I'm going to work on some field types next
  4. anyone happen to have any ideas for inputfields that we havent already got??
  5. Hi Horst! Thanks for you code amends, will alter now. I totally agree with you, the third module not really beginner level and needs a heck load more work on it before anyone was to actually use it. The security aspect I'm looking at next and thanks for those links. Bar the first module, I was trying to make modules that didn't already exist that would be useful and interesting for me to make and had aspects I could teach. If you have any more suggestions for a third module whcih doesn't already exist then I'm all ears. Thanks,
  6. Hi! I've been making my first modules and I've created three so far to help me learn. I would love so feedback or pull requests for improvements as I hope to write a tutorial about my work soon. In particular the third modules isn't very finished. git: https://github.com/benbyford/PW-starter-modules/ HelloUserYouSaved - adds message {your user name, page saved} in admin when a page is saved. This module shows how to implement a basic module, get and use variables, create a message in the admin RedirectAdminPages - redirect specific user role to a custom page set in the module config. This module shows how to implement module configuration, using variables saved in the admin, redirecting a user using session->redirect() HotSwapUser - Swap user on the fly in the admin or frontend of your site This module shows how users can be used in a module how to set a user permission how to install / uninstall something within your module how to create a function that can be output in the frontend of your site.
  7. A bug in fMRI software could invalidate 15 years of brain research https://t.co/HLJF0ohfUZ #via @ScienceAlert

  8. Hi, Can't for the life of me work out this puzzle: I have a date field being rendered on a site, when I'm logged in I get this format echoed: Friday, 8 July 2016, but when im logged out I get this timestamp: 1467932400 Anyone found this before?
  9. Another great day teaching at @DecodedCo great apps everyone. https://t.co/4bBwdqJ9iC

  10. RT @GreatAnalytics: 10 Deep Learning Terms Explained in Simple English https://t.co/ndhiwZkmCs https://t.co/8Z4JWfQjEg

  11. No worries, I'm a frontend guy by trade so mostly functional, not class / object based programming. Hence, modules in PW or coding langauges generally are a new and obscure thing for me. Having said that, there must be "best practises" and easy ways of intereacting PW admin and site frontend etc using modules, I'm just trying to complie the resources for my own learning and to help others with future tutorials I'm hoping to write. The PW documentation is good, but when it comes to a beginners guide to modules it massively falls down
  12. Hello. Im looking to start making modules and found alot of great resources. I was wondering if there was some i might have missed from the below and whether the was somewhere I could see all the functions and variables available to me as a module dev. i.e. What other messages can i send? $this->message("my message"); $this->error("my error message"); etc...? http://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/extending-page-save-process/ http://modules.pw/ http://somatonic.github.io/Captain-Hook/ http://processwire.com/api/modules/
  13. Christ, I've just done some serious needle in a haystack work. I found the function that fires in teh frontend in JS: if($img.attr('data-fit')) { fitImageToWindow(); } else { $container.width($img.width()).height($img.height()); } commenting out fitImageToWindow(); works but as the file is minified already I also commented out r() on col 1:8630 of the minifed file to get results straight away: so now the image simply doesnt resize to the size of th window (which personally I feel was an odd choice)
  14. Got a feeling Its probably in the .Js is there a reason why this was done this way, and maybe this could be a setting that could be changed with the module (although i dond tknow if thats something thats been added to image processing in PW3)
  15. Thanks! I've changed to 2000 protected $maxImageWidth = 2000; however, doesn't seem to change, do these setting get added to the DB? or could it be a caching issue?
  16. Hey, I'm pulling my hair out abit with CKeditor settings (documentation is impregnable), I'm trying to set the default width x height in the image modal to the same as the original image by default, not some random number which it seems to be currently. is this possible?
  17. I'm looking to do something similar where a page is "published" to subscribers before publishing to the site - i.e. when a page is saved (with email checkbox?) it sends out a email to all subscribers (probably a repeater on a subscribers page), and then you can publish to page later (uncheck the field on the page?). Can WireMail be used in this way in a new module of fronend template?
  18. fun friday afternoon @PMStudioUK friday talk - followed by some personal work turning #twineStories into Json and then custom web app

  19. fun friday afternoon @PMStudioUK friday talk - followed by some personal work turning #twineStories into Json and then custom web app

  20. Hey @simplygoodwork FYI tried to send you emails at jobs@ and hello@ and both failed permanently.

  21. RT @FestivalofIdeas: Looking forward to reading Darren Henley's new book. https://t.co/Og4bF1LhRg

  22. Antarctic CO2 hits 400ppm for first time in 4m years https://t.co/EmJ18LmEi1 really not the best for us

  23. RT @THECUBELondon: Excited to announce our collabo w/ @cambridgecoding for our new #techcollective "Deep Learning and Computer Vision" htt…

  24. RT @RhysTranter: Trailer: Herzog’s Internet Documentary, ‘Lo and Behold’https://t.co/6knT1d2Qk1#wernerherzog #internet #technology https:…

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