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Everything posted by benbyf

  1. Tutorial now available on Tuts+ here: http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-create-an-ajax-driven-theme-for-processwire--cms-26579
  2. My new tutorial on @wdtuts - How to Create an AJAX Driven Theme for #ProcessWire https://t.co/Orac6NdRlS @processwire

  3. where can this be changed in the template settings? I couldn't see anything that refers to output formating.
  4. this seemed to fixed it, as the field was already set to single item. $page->of(true); $logo = $homepage->site_logo; $page->of(false); any reason for this, not really needed to use outputformating() before
  5. Thanks, not sure theres anything going on much in the templates. The file is being uploaded into the "file" field on the homepage. It seems to work fine on Firefox but anything else I can the url without file name and extension.
  6. indeed. but like I said my code hasn't changed and is contained in the _main.php so should be the same for all... :/
  7. strange thing keeps happening to me when accessing an image on the homepage. The logo for this site appears on all pages in chrome and safari except for the homepage even though the code doesnt change: $logo = $homepage->site_logo; echo $logo->url; http://betaville.nicegrp.com/
  8. q: is #coffeescript for people who like whitespace, and #typescript for those who hate functional programming (& life) / and love classes?

  9. RT @THECUBELondon: How does #memory work? check out our next #neuroscience workshop.https://t.co/rFwwFZEVw4

  10. @kongondo should be a little horizontal animation, will check (I use FF). @Ivan Gretsky I'm currently writing a tutorial about ajax and PW so I thought I would make a simple artist profile as a base for the article. Use the profile if you bascially want whats on the demo (lots of artists mainly need simple templates that are clean and show of their works). Seems to work well in Chrome and FF but not great on the animation in safari - will fix soon
  11. HELLO! Finished a simple Artist Profile for Processwire similar in scope to Indexhibit. On github: https://github.com/benbyford/artist-profile Demo: http://artist.nicegrp.com/
  12. I swear all the recommendation algorithms are terrible! £PSN store is hurting my brain right now with the same things over and over

  13. RT @ed_hawkins: Spiralling global temperatures from 1850-2016 (full animation) https://t.co/YETC5HkmTr https://t.co/Ypci717AHq

  14. #freelancing in Bristol? what do you look for from a #coworking space? https://t.co/hiiuCUJlyr

  15. Finally got hold of a BBCmicro:bit, thank you @STEMNET

  16. RT @somelaniesaid: Alright everyone, here's that list of women who blog about code/dev! https://t.co/fHSPZV21Sp Thank you for your suggesti…

  17. Amazing! @BBCRadio4 The Global Philosopher https://t.co/b9V5teEdkm with the legend Michael Sandel

  18. no before and after benchmarks with pingdom, google page speed or anything like that? I'm also wondering about how my css/jss asset work flow would work with http/2 as I've read it benfits most when assets are seperated and not concaternated (like using AIOM module). https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/02/getting-ready-for-http2/#concatenating-css-and-javascript
  19. HELLO! Is anyone running a http/2 setup in production yet and have any strategies / experiences they can share? I'm currently running on Ubuntu with DigitalOcean | nginx with serverpilot.io (and they now offer https/2 support)
  20. RT @THECUBELondon: A new podcast by @benbyford on #machine #ethics, this time featuring Dr. Cosima Gretton https://t.co/U8XCyknOy6 #tech #…

  21. RT @newscientist: Why science needs more funding... :)https://t.co/vHbFnZtxb8

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