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Everything posted by MadeMyDay

  1. I have a weird issue. I (or rather my client) want to use the indent plugin for block elements. While understanding that this requires both, the indent and the indentblock plugin, I just can't get it to work. I added both plugins to the addtional plugin loading field as well as in the plugins folder. The buttons do appear but I can only indent list elements, not block elements. Totally weird since the indentlist plugin is a separate one which I don't have neither in the plugins folder nor configured in the field config. Any ideas?
  2. (was just searching the forums for "ProcessLister"). Maaaaaaaan.
  3. If Basel, I'm in. But please consider a longer timeframe for planning, not only 2 days to 4 weeks ;-)
  4. I very much like the possibility to configure admin themes as modules, thanks Ryan! But one thing: If there are more than one themes installed, they are selectable on user level. Wouldn't it be reasonable to also make them selectable on role level? I think this is a much more common scenario. The editors are grouped by roles and they are likely to have role based themes. If it doesn't fit, the theme selection on user level could override the role setting. btw: Same could be implemented for the user language.
  5. A lot of former MODX-folks are here ;-)
  6. I mean the way our idol is describing it here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/740-a-different-way-of-using-templates-delegate-approach/#entry6174 For most scenarios this is the best way for me. For bigger sites with a lot of different page types the "in main template logic" can get confusing or just too difficult. My structure is like that (simplified): /site/templates/ home.php standard.php ../tpl/ main.php ../css/ and so on. In my "real" templates (meaning PW templates) "home" and "standard" I define page parts like this (simplified): $title = $page->title; $summary = $page-summary; $body = $page->body; $contact = ""; if(count($page->contact)>0) $contact = $page->contact->title; $content = " <main> <h1>{$title}</h1> <p class='summary'>{$summary}</p> {$body} </main>"; include('tpl/main.php'); and in my main.php (simplified): <html> <head> (...) </head> <body> <header> (...) </header> <?= $content ?> <footer> (...) </footer> </body> </html> Of course there is much more. But the thing is: the main.php handles the overall markup, while the templates handle the logic. In this case I use only the standard.php file while I have more templates in PW admin for presenting different fields. In my standard.php I differentiate by querying if($page->template->name == 'location') { $content .= ...list some locations } for example.
  7. thx all! Basically two, home and standard content. For the locations, jobs and news there is another template (for additional fields) but basically uses the standard template file. I still use the include logic in my templates (each template file defines parts of the main template which gets included in the end), but I am open for other approaches. The funny thing is: I never made that connection. I used another font while designing it, but they insisted on Helvetica, which also works fine for me (here).
  8. Another one finished (only german/swiss at the moment, english is in the works): http://www.helveting.com/ Responsive (also with responsive images + art direction via thumbnail module for the slider/header images) Form Builder for applications as always, the great thumbnail module from Apeisa Thx to Soma for the always used SimpleMarkupNavigation module and countless others ;-) Perhaps worth a mention: The locations overview, a combination of a repeater and Ryan's map marker fieldtype: http://www.helveting.com/about/organisation-und-standorte/ rendered with styled Google Maps Feedback welcome
  9. Brilliant! Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for. So it should be easily possible to generate reports on a daily/weekly/etc. basis with a cronjob. Will try that.
  10. Dreaming of a field type called "flexField". Wet dreaming going on here
  11. Try $config->prependTemplateFile = $config->paths->templates .'/includes/_init.php';
  12. Try on a smaller set of rows and see the magic happen ;-) looks good to me, did something similar just yesterday with success (of course). Even large MB-sized PDFs were downloaded from a external server smoothly.
  13. Thx @all ;-) Good catch. This is the problem you have with the hidden scrollbars on recent OSX versions. Will fix that, thx!
  14. Just another one finished. Cygal - Art Deco furniture Big amount of images, a lot of different templates and responsive of course. Not my taste regarding the furniture but as long the client has good images...
  15. Just. Don't. Use. It. Seriously: I worked with Joomla exclusively a while ago (around 2004/2005) and the whole concept hasn't changed imho. The main problem is: It is by no means a flexible content management system, it is more a portal system. Let me explain what I mean: Let's say you have a large scale company with 1000 employees. All of those employess have a name, an email, a title and a linked department. You want to display one/several employees on each page in a kind of sidebar. The PW way: - Create a employees template - Add desired fields - Create page field in your other templates for selecting employees - You are then totally free to select employees in your template and you are able to output what you like (HTML, CSS). - You also have the possibility to use that information somewhere else because these are just usual PW fields. - An editor selects the employee(s) where it is needed: While editing the page The Joomla way: - Look if a module exists for that does this job for you (perhaps there is one, but probably not). - even if there is one you have to add your employees in some kind of extra database, where you are tied to the output of the module (not necessarily, perhaps the script kid lets you customize it). - But the biggest problem: Your editor will not be able to select the employees where it is needed. They have to go the modules section in the backend, have to find the module, have to identify the page they want to edit and then have the possibility to select an employee. This is a ridiculous workflow, image you have not only an employee to select but also header images, other side information and so on. The rest of Joomla can be summed up: - Bloated - poor security - inflexible - poor templating Joomla totally is okay for smaller groups, clubs or where ever no technical experience is needed and where the requirements are low. Everyone can set up a site really fast and choose from a lot of plugins (mostly poorly coded though). But when it comes to comfort, flexibility for editors... it is just poor.
  16. Or with the "classic" search in admin -> extended -> template. Just keep search input empty.
  17. I have problems with an image field. If I show that image field depending on another field (checkbox=1) the image field shows up, but doesn't allow any uploads. When trying to upload (both drag&drop and manually) the progress bar is shown, but after that nothing happens, progress bar disappears and image is gone. No errors in log or console.
  18. Almost crying right now. Or having multiple orgasms. Or both. So awesome.
  19. Yes, all of your solutions are possible solutions. But nevertheless would it be nice, if PW would allow to a.) restrict uploads to size/resolution and b.) give feedback if something fails. I also had the problem that my dev server processed all without problems and on the client's hosted solution everything failed without the possibility to raise the memory limit. And the biggest problem was the produced copy of the original image. Because it wasn't deleted I had background images with > 5 MB without noticing because the API found the image "myimage.1920x0.jpg" and thought everything is fine. Of course. But you know how it is, they will ignore it. And if the site in the admin gets blank it is a big problem. So a solution which reminds them not to upload too big pictures would be nice. I will take a look, thanks!
  20. Hi Horst, I am aware of that setting. But the problem is the same. If the uploaded image is too big to resize, that resize ends up in the same behavior as described under 1.) edit: The resolution as only setting is not enough by the way. There are images with 3000x2000 pixels which only have 500kb. But there are also ones with 1024x768 with > 1MB.
  21. I put this topic here, because I am not sure if it is matter of the image API or a problem with Apeisa's CropImage module or both. Sometimes clients try to upload an image which is too big for image resizing. This is not a bigger problem if this would just fail. But I've experienced some strange behaviours: 1. Problem: Upload works (progress bar ends at 100%) but thumbnail is not generated for the image field (perhaps not too large for upload but too large for resize). This ends up in an uploaded original image in the assets/files folder, but also in a copy of that original renamed to myimage.0x100.jpg which has the same size. If the thumbnal isn't generated the image remains in the files folder. Since it is not written to the database it is not visible after page save. So after editing that page again and another upload the problem repeats. 1. Possible solution: If the thumbnail generation fails, delete both, the uploaded original and the copy and give feedback that something failed. 2. Problem Upload works and thumbnail is generated. But then Apeisa's module fails to generate the defined CropImages (perhaps because generation of three different sizes is too much for a bigger image). Then there is no feedback, the page can be saved. After opening it again the page completely fails with a server error. No possibility to fix the problem without deleting the entry from that image from the database directly. 2. Possible solution: If CropImage generation fails, give feedback and ... well. What then? I think the only way would be to delete the original as well, because otherwise the problem repeats every time after page save. General solution for the image / cropImage field: Possiblity to define a max size (in pixels as well as in kB/MB). Then check the size after upload and deny all image resizing when the image is bigger/larger than defined. I think this could solve a lot of problems, especially on weak servers.
  22. Thx! About the news section: This is all WiP, they wanted to release asap and fill content step by step. All content from the old site was thrown away, a complete reboot so to say
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