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I'm having some issues with CKEditor, tried following this: ...but nothing seems to change. I created the mystyles.js (exactly as the above link just to see what it does). My admin page looks like this: When I go to edit a body field, nothing has changed. The JS is this: CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add('mystyles', [ // Block-level styles { name: 'Heading 1', element: 'h1'}, { name: 'Heading 2', element: 'h2', attributes: { 'class': 'my-header'} }, { name: 'Heading 3', element: 'h3'}, { name: 'Introduction', element: 'p', attributes: { 'class': 'introduction'} }, // Inline styles { name: 'Link button', element: 'a', attributes: { 'class': 'button' } }, { name: 'Highlight', element: 'span', attributes: { 'class': 'highlight' } }, // Object styles { name: 'Stretch', element: 'img', attributes: { 'class': 'stretch' } }, ]); Now I guess some of my confusion is I don't actually know where these options would even appear to be selected. For example: { name: 'Heading 2', element: 'h2', attributes: { 'class': 'my-header'} }, Does this mean there should be a class 'my-header' in the 'styles' dropdown? In any case, it's not there, or anywhere to be seen. Pretty confused. I don't usually customize CKEditor but in this case I need to be able to select a ul list, then apply a class of 'generic-list'. I need to be able to do this via the dropdowns in the editor, rather than in the source code. And when I finally get this into the source code via the dopdown, I have ACF to contend with once the page saves. Not having a great deal of luck on that, tried ul(*), ul{*}, ul[*], doesn't seem to allow anything. Def running out of patience here, muchos frustration, so I thought I'd see if anyone can help to get me through this with my eyeballs intact. Thanks for any advice. ==EDIT== The file is present and is being loaded.
I think is the best approach. After giving it some thought, there's probably no real need for these pages to appear as top level. Thanks.
Been away for a while skilling up on css animations and svg. Anyway, I'm back in the PW game and my momentum has halted after time away! Just wondering how to make the following work: So we have mysite.com/misc-pages/privacy-policy/ How do I make this page have a URL like this: mysite.com/privacy-policy/ ...without having to move this page to the top level? Looked at urlsegments but this would only affect anything after i.e. mysite.com/misc-pages/* It's a menu in the footer which I can create easy enough with children of misc-pages, however, I'm not too keen on the URL in this situation. Or is it just a case of renaming 'misc-pages' to something else and getting on with life? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
I have in the past, eye gouging moments again. Studio One 3 is my DAW of choice but I'll have a look at LMMS, thanks. RME drivers are astonishing, USB latency is like sorcery, don't know how they do it! The problems in Linux are mostly with VST plugins written just for OSX/Windows. I think I love/hate Linux at the same time, open source is great, but too many cooks can spoil the broth. Instead of fixing things and working together, devs seem to just 'fork' something into something similar (read: the same, but blue this time). Choice is great, but for me, Linux is like a beautiful guitar that doesn't stay in tune, you'd LOVE to play it and use it all the time, but you just know deep down that the old trusty one in the corner is more productive, less annoying and gets the job done much quicker. I think a big plus for (modern) Linux is how good it looks, budgie desktop & elementary OS are the gold standard and IMHO look and feel better than both OSX and Windows. They've done away with the old fashioned looking huge red cross/green tick combos and the other dated looking UI elements that still lurk in most distros. Moaning aside, I'll always have a drive dedicated to it in my rig! Just about to try a few distros now as it happens
Ha yeah! I had a ZX spectrum +2 with the tape loader which was awesome, used BBC in school, then got my Amiga 500. Never had megadrive/snes or anything like that. Windows after that, win95 all the way to win10 mixed with a few Mac Minis and Macbooks. Amiga is the one that brings back the best memories though. I'd go full time linux if they could meet my very undemanding requirements: 1) XAMPP 2) ST3 3) Filezilla 4) Gimp 5) Inkscape ...all good so far, then it starts to fall apart 6) Skype (bit ropey) 7) Spotify (broken and not updated) 8) Steam (good if you can get proprietary drivers working without tearing) - ultimately, it sucks and works much better on Windows 9) Studio One 3 with my RME babyface for recording guitars (absolute fail, and Wine makes me want to gouge my eyes out) 10) Office 2016, yeah there's libreoffice but it just doesn't cut it, I tried for a year. That said, I'd give it another go. 11) Stop me having to do this for sanities sake! https://patrickmn.com/aside/lowering-gaming-mouse-sensitivity-in-ubuntu-9-10/ I have a gaming mouse, so it's xinput time. See when this article was originally written?! I do actually really like Linux but number (9) is an absolute dealbreaker (and the other items on the second list are a compromise with no really decent solution, unless you store all your music locally, like I did in the 90s...) so I always have to have a WIndows partition i.e. keeping two OSs updated. For me, it's like this: OSX is super expensive and no tinkering allowed (hackintosh nearly had me bald after a couple of weeks, and that was just getting it to work), Windows doesn't have the awesome unix style base (love me some terminal), Linux doesn't run everything I use. Should just give up and become a farmer, far far away from computers @DaveP I'll check them out thanks. @GuruMeditation manjaro looks promising. See what's happening? Already distracted lol.
Not necessarily. I had a similar error last week. What happens in my setup is that I run my site locally, but connect to a database on a real live server, so I use an IP address rather than 'localhost'. In order to connect from my local account to a real server, I have to whitelist my home IP address in my hosting account to allow remote access to the database. So what happened was that my ISP had changed my home IP address, the whitelist didn't match, therefore every one of my local sites gave me an error like the above. The answer was to login to my hosting control panel, add my IP address (literally looked up 'whatsmyip' in Google) to the whitelist and sites all worked straight away. Long shot but I thought it was worth mentioning that it's not always the credentials in config.php that are the problem.
Where is it? Does the config file 100% point to the correct database (wherever it is) and the login credentials are correct? Or does you host have a backup of the database? --EDIT-- I didn't see this related post:
Been away for a little while concentrating on CSS3 transitions/animations this time so not had time to check into the forum. Also been mucking around with Ubuntu Mate 16.04 and looking at Ubuntu Budgue and Ubuntu Gnome (both 17.04 I think). So, out of curiosity, what OS do people use around here? I have OSX on a macbook (enjoy this, terminal, homebrew, makes things so easy), Win10 (scoop 'almost' emulates homebrew) and Ubuntu Mate 16.04 (wired internet didn't work lol) on an mini ITX PC. Love the small size, hooks right up to the tv for some retro emulationstation/retroarch goodness! Anyway, let's hear it.
Looks great, thanks for sharing the screenshots
At first I didn't understand foundation, then my lightbulb moment happened this morning. Then I built a demo page responsive flexbox layout in about 30mins using both the provided classes, then with the mixins provided instead to cut the HTML classes bloat. Then I was like this looking at my old small boilerplate css: Gotta love making stuff for the web
I'll try uikit instead see if their docs make more sense than the foundation ones.
Ok, so I bit the bullet and got foundation 6 up and running, well I think so. Not sure about the bower part. I used three methods to try and get my head around this: npm install foundation-sites I could then integrate the sass into my current workflow (with my own gulpfile) quite easily, made a quick demo page and the sass seemed to work ok. So I thought I'd try a starter project because it's all bundled together, which may be even easier (because of the pre-made gulpfile which handles the js as well): foundation new --framework sites --template basic ...which downloads a bunch of stuff. You can run 'foundation watch' in powershell (using scoop for win10 on the pc) and edit the scss, outputs css etc.. What I don't get is that I haven't installed bower anywhere along the way. @Sérgio mentioned using foundation yesterday so may have a good idea what's going on here. Foundation seemed to have multiple different instructions on different pages, one says use npm (which I did initially), then another is for starter templates, yet another one suggested installing node, then npm, gulp, bower and even RUBY as well (!!). What I've ended up with is a basic template, like this: This lot could easily go into /site/templates/site-assets/ in a PW install so the workflow is relatively similar to what I do anyway. However, how does the 'bower_components' folder come into play here? I never installed bower anywhere along the way and I'm not sure the automated cli tool did either. Did I miss a step or something? The page I followed was here http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/installation.html#command-line-tool.html I also downloaded the zurb template but not looked too deeply into that one yet, seems to include handlebars and all sorts off stuff I'll never use. Thanks in advance for any advice.
Interesting points @Sérgio. That website is very impressive too, thanks for sharing. I haven't gotten into anything as large scale as that yet so I'm guessing I don't see the need for a framework. With that said, I don't think this quest is fully over Don't! I just can't cope with it. Although it is slightly addicting in a weird way.
After todays events, I tend to agree with this. Last time I let the internet convince me about stuff I already know about
Thanks for the suggestions, still looking through them. Achieved approx. ZERO today so far. Not even got one up and running. I currently just import http://include-media.com/ and normalize.scss then the rest of the sass is just stuff I've made up over the years. I used to use neat grid for a number of sites and it was pretty simple but they are sticking with floats so I'm moving on, My own personal site has no grid at all, I just used flexbox wherever items needed to be arranged in a certain way. I do this: // gulpfile.js 'use-strict'; var gulp = require('gulp'); var sass = require('gulp-sass'); var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'); var paths = { sass: 'sass/', css: 'css/' }; gulp.task('sass', function() { return gulp.src(paths.sass + 'styles.scss') .pipe(sass()) .pipe(autoprefixer({ browsers: ['last 2 versions'], cascade: false })) //.pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'})) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.css)); }); gulp.task('sass:watch', function() { gulp.watch(paths.sass + '**.scss', ['sass']); }); ...and styles.scss /* Imports */ @import "variables"; @import "tools"; @import "mixins"; @import "layout"; @import "effects"; @import "buttons"; @import "lists"; @import "tables"; @import "forms"; @import "typography"; @import "media"; @import "modal"; @import "menus"; // any custom code .images-grid { .image { img { transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; &:hover { @include transition("shrink"); } } } } It's dead simple, I start with the same boilerplate each time and edit it rather than override anything. I'm free to uses classes I want, then just style them out. I mean, something like this: https://css-tricks.com/designing-a-product-page-layout-with-flexbox/ ...it's simple to do with custom sass. How would you even do stuff like this in a framework with pre-defined classes? It just seems so restricting.
Been looking over some frameworks, wanted to try a few today but what an utter nightmare. I mean how hard does this need to be? A site only looks one way, the only CSS needed is the stuff that's used, to make it look that one way. Having 10 options for a simple card is great, but I'll only use one, and I guess the code for the other 9 is still there, slowing down my site for no reason. This article springs to mind when looking over these things: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/are-you-suffering-from-the-curse-knowledge.html I reckon when a developer goes into a cafe and orders a cup of tea, they don't get a cup of tea. They get a cup of hot water, 4 types of teabag, 3 spoons, 2 types of sugar and 3 types of milk. Then they make a framework in order to put these things together. Maybe I need to look into a more minimal framework this one looks interesting: https://chalarangelo.github.io/mini.css/
Lol, maybe not, my styles.scss contains stuff like: /* Services page */ .services-flex { text-align: center; @include media("<tablet") { .services-item-image { img { margin-bottom: $base-spacing * 1.5; } } } @include media(">=tablet") { display: flex; flex-wrap: row nowrap; justify-content: space-between; text-align: left; } @include media(">=tablet") { .services-item-image { flex: 1 30%; img { height: auto; max-width: 100%; } } .services-item-summary { flex: 1 60%; } } .even & { flex-direction: row-reverse; .services-item-image { @include media(">=tablet") { text-align: right; } } } } ...which becomes a pita if I want to change a layout and when I go back to it after a few months, it takes awhile to work out what does what. Starting to think 'uk-myclass-does-some-alignment' is the lesser of two evils here. Looking at ui-kit now, and trying to work out how it would fit into my node/gulp/gulp-sass way of working.
Site I'm (possibly) about to work on: $8,700 – $10,440 Whaaaaa? That's around £7000. I don't think the "That's a bit beyond our budget" answer would even come, they'd be lying stone cold dead on the floor from the shock.
I'm in the opposite camp recently. I've been writing my own CSS for about a decade (I don't like using 'grid-4-is-4-columns' and all that in my HTML, I prefer class names that describe the contained content, then style them out in the CSS). However, this is becoming too time consuming for exactly the reasons you mention above, want some parallax, I have to go find a jquery library, then some custom css, the bootstrap guys are already having a tea break Maybe the grass isn't always greener, but I have to try at least one proper framework to make a fair decision! Currently looking at uikit and bootstrap 4 (yes, I know this means adding a bunch of dumb sounding classes all over my HTML).
Love this! Thanks @SiNNuT been waiting for css grid forever, ditched floats for flexbox on a recent site but it's really no substitute for a proper grid system (previously using bourbon/neat).
No problem, glad to (accidentally) help
Will do that from now on, thanks for the tip.
Thanks for the info. Yes to the second point, got a 404 in the console, can't find: /site/modules/TracyDebugger/ace-editor/ace.js Maybe because when I installed the module, after unzipping, my path is actually: /site/modules/TracyDebugger-master/ace-editor/ace.js Guess you have to rename the folder and remove the '-master' bit after unzipping.