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Everything posted by prestoav

  1. Hi all and thanks for the great work on PW! One thing I find I have to do on any new site is add the Justify plugin to textarea fields as it is such a widely required feature for text headings in content. ANy chance this could be added to the core an automatically be installed on new textarea fields using CKEditor? Thank you!
  2. Hi PSY! Thanks for this. Really helpful! I ended up getting it working once I found the missing PWlink plugin and have disabled some formatting tools too!!!
  3. Thanks again dragan. Console was a good call as it looks to be an issue with a missing pwlink plugin. Reloaded that then disabled it and all is working! Thanks for your help!
  4. Hi dragan, perfect, thank you! I knew it would be there somewhere.. Only one issue now, I see a space on the front end where the editor window will go but no styling on the CKEditor window? I've tried using Embed method C and D but, although I see a text area box, there's no CKEditor styling or tools. Here's the code from the page using Embed method D (Custom Embed)... <div class='Inputfield Inputfield_body InputfieldCKEditor' id='wrap_Inputfield_body'> <label class='InputfieldHeader' for='Inputfield_body'>Body text</label> <div class='InputfieldContent '> <textarea id="Inputfield_body" class="InputfieldCKEditorNormal InputfieldMaxWidth" name="body" rows="5" data-configName="InputfieldCKEditor_body"></textarea> <script> ProcessWire.config.InputfieldCKEditor.editors.Inputfield_body = 'InputfieldCKEditor_body'; config.InputfieldCKEditor.editors.Inputfield_body = 'InputfieldCKEditor_body'; </script> </div> </div> I'm getting the styles in the <head> too: <link type='text/css' href='/idreamav/site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.css' rel='stylesheet' /> <link type='text/css' href='/idreamav/site/modules/FormBuilder/frameworks/basic/main.css' rel='stylesheet' /> <link type='text/css' href='/idreamav/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPage/InputfieldPage.css?v=107-1577984776' rel='stylesheet' /> <link type='text/css' href='/idreamav/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCheckbox.css?v=105-1577984776' rel='stylesheet' /> <link type='text/css' href='/idreamav/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCKEditor/InputfieldCKEditor.css?v=161-1577984776' rel='stylesheet' /> <link type='text/css' href='/idreamav/site/modules/FormBuilder/InputfieldFormBuilderFile.css?v=1-1571064721' rel='stylesheet' /> <link type='text/css' href='/idreamav/site/modules/FormBuilder/themes/basic/jquery-ui.css' rel='stylesheet' /> And scripts in the footer (or should these be in the <head> too)? <script type='text/javascript'>var _pwfb={config:{"InputfieldCKEditor":{"language":"en","timestamp":"2015030801.162","plugins":{"sourcedialog":"\/idreamav\/wire\/modules\/Inputfield\/InputfieldCKEditor\/plugins\/sourcedialog\/plugin.js"},"editors":[]},"InputfieldCKEditor_body":{"baseHref":"\/idreamav\/","contentsCss":"\/idreamav\/wire\/modules\/Inputfield\/InputfieldCKEditor\/contents.css","extraPlugins":"pwimage,pwlink,sourcedialog","removePlugins":"image,magicline","toolbar":[["Format","Styles","-","Bold","Italic","-","RemoveFormat"],["NumberedList","BulletedList","-","Blockquote"],["PWLink","Unlink","Anchor"],["PWImage","Table","HorizontalRule","SpecialChar"],["PasteText","PasteFromWord"],["Scayt","-","Sourcedialog"]],"format_tags":"p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre;address","language":"en","entities":false,"uploadUrl":"","pwUploadField":"","pwAssetPageID":0,"height":"10em","stylesSet":"mystyles:\/idreamav\/wire\/modules\/Inputfield\/InputfieldCKEditor\/mystyles.js","customConfig":"\/idreamav\/site\/modules\/InputfieldCKEditor\/config-body.js?nc=1567498470"},"debug":false,"urls":{"root":"\/idreamav\/"}}};if(typeof ProcessWire=='undefined'){ProcessWire=_pwfb;}else{for(var _pwfbkey in _pwfb.config) ProcessWire.config[_pwfbkey]=_pwfb.config[_pwfbkey];}if(typeof config=='undefined') var config=ProcessWire.config;_pwfb=null;</script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/idreamav/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPage/InputfieldPage.min.js?v=107-1577984776'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/idreamav/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCKEditor/ckeditor-4.12.1/ckeditor.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/idreamav/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/JqueryUI.js?v=1577984776'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/idreamav/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/modal.min.js?v=1577984776'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/idreamav/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCKEditor/InputfieldCKEditor.min.js?v=161-1577984776'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/idreamav/wire/templates-admin/scripts/inputfields.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/idreamav/site/modules/FormBuilder/form-builder.js'></script>
  5. Hi folks. I'm building a Formbuilder form to create new advert pages in a marketplace. Formbuilder is ideal for this. I need to add a description field that allows text to be added with line breaks etc. so showing a CKEditor field would be ideal (i.e. exactly like the field I'm typing into right now)!. Does anyone know if it's possible to add a CKEditor field to the front end presentation fo a Formbuilder field, maybe via a module or such? Many thanks!
  6. Thank you! That worked perfectly. I new I was missing something! Just for completeness here's my resulting code for now: // Prepare and output body text (cleans <p> tags with &nbsp; inside) $bodyCopy = preg_replace('/<p>\x{00A0}<\/p>/u', '', $page->body); echo $bodyCopy;
  7. Sorry for the late reply Robin. We are going to try the PW update. I'll keep you posted!
  8. Hi MoritzLost, Firstly, thanks for taking the time to respond. I'll give that a try and see what happens for new adverts. Sadly I have over 400 adverts already in place, many with this issue, so I'll still need to find a template edit that solves the problem for adverts already in place.
  9. Hi all, This is driving me a little nuts so I hope someone has an idea what I'm doing wrong! I have a marketplace site built on PW where users upload their own ads including a text description ($page->body) that is a CKEditor Textarea field. I may change this to a straight Textarea field in future but for now CKEditor is needed. As expected many users paste in from Word and, because of this, we end up with a lot of <p> elements with just an &nbsp; inside. I'd like to remove these (and empty <p> elements too) for formatting on the front end. While I use the 'Remove empty paragraph tags' filter on the filter that won't remove those with an &nbsp;. So, I've added this to the template to do that job: $bodyCopy = $page->body; $bodyCopy = str_replace( "<p>&nbsp;</p>", "", $bodyCopy); echo $bodyCopy; This outputs the contents of the body field fine but refuses to get rid of the <p>&nbsp;</p>'s. In addition, since the source within View Source shows them all as "<p> </p>" i.e. with a rendered space character, I have tried replacing that string too but to no avail. They show as "<p>&nbsp;</p>" in the source editor in admin for that page > field by the way. To investigate further I tried setting the initial variable in the template as actual text like this: $bodyCopy = "<p>Real Text</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>More real text.</p>"; $bodyCopy = str_replace( "<p>&nbsp;</p>", "", $bodyCopy); echo $bodyCopy; And this works just fine. So it looks like something is happening when I assign the bodyCopy variable to the the field output that's stopping the str_replace working. Any ideas gratefully received!!!
  10. Hi all, This is for an existing site with a new page template and new repeaters - PW v 3.0.42 For the new template there are a couple of repeater fields with image fields as child fields. The super user can upload images to the image fields within the repeaters but any other uses (e.g. editors) can't. The image appears to upload then disappears. This is true for all the repeaters in this page template. I remember from some time ago that permissions needed to be setup explicitly (rather than inherited) for these fields so I have set edit permissions explicitly for the page template, repeater and repeater sub-fields but still the editors can't upload images. Any ideas / thoughts gratefully received!
  11. Hi there, I have a marketplace site that used the older Fredi module for front end editing so advertisers can create and edit their adverts (in the form of pages). After upgrading to v3.0 of Processwire I'd like to change the editing method for users to the new, core front end editing methods. However, it seems that with this method any editor can edit any page (subject to template restrictions for their user role). Using Fredi I checked the user and created user were equal before displaying edit buttons (clunky but it worked). Is there any stock way to restrict front end editing to the creator of the page so that my advertisers can only edit their own ads or should I test for user as before? Thanks in advance as always ?
  12. Hi all, I've had a request from a client (that I built a multi language PW site for) to change the text colours in the language tabs when they are not completed. Essentially they were having difficulty detecting which languages had content and which didn't when scanning the page in admin. Now I know this means changing Admin template files which I hate doing but the client was insistent. Looking through I found this in the module CSS and changed the colour for empty content to red thus: wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageTabs.css - line 61 .langTabEmpty a { opacity: 0.7; font-weight: normal !important; color: #ff0000 !important; /* I changed the colour here */ } Now we get this when editing, the red indicating no translated text has been added: I think is a better UX. However, when adding alt text to images in an image field the same CSS colour change doesn't apply. Looking at the CSS the .langTabEmpty class isn't added to these tabs on the image field. Could this be considered as an improvement at next module upgrade time please? Thanks as always!
  13. A little more info, it's a PW issue by the looks of it. If I use the same file upload field as an independent field on a page template it uploads and saves fine. As soon as the field is within a repeater then it stops working. I've seen this issue with image uploads and to fix that I've gone into the system template for the repeater and set the access specifically for certain users rather than inheriting access. I've tried that here but it still doesn't work.
  14. Hi again, thanks for the suggestion and it looks like Mod_Security is turned off so unlikely to be an issue.
  15. Just another additional piece of info, I don't get any JS errors in console during the upload or page save ? Nothing in PW logs either. PW version is 3.0.42
  16. Thanks again BitPoet. Sadly this isn't the issue. The site is on a VPS (the only site on there) with 50GB available and unlimited disk space allocation for this domain. Current stats show only 22% id disk space in use. Also, image uploads within repeaters work fine.
  17. Hello all!!! An odd problem has just occurred on an existing site. I have a a repeater field with a file upload within it. There are a couple of text fields too for descriptions etc. Uploads haver been working fine and uploaded files displaying on the front-end fine too. However, yesterday the file uploads stoped working. Here's what happens: 1) In a page admin open one of the repeater items by clicking on the green bar 2) Click the 'Choose File' button and select the file you want 3) The file upload progress bar goes to 100% then the field reports the correct file name and size 4) Click to save the page 5) Page reloads, the repeated item remains but the file is missing This has been working fine for months but now fails. Images upload OK to the server on other repeaters on the same template just not regular file uploads. I've checked permissions for the assets file on the server and they remain at 755. This happens for even the Superuser account so I don't think it's a permissions issue. Any ideas? This has me stumped!
  18. Thanks dragan, the "%" cures this issue but introduces another. Using "%" stops searches working where there are more than word in the search term and they are not connected. Example: There is a manufacturer called 'Bowers & Wilkins'. Some people search for 'Bowers and Wilkins'. To make this manufacturer show up no matter if the user uses the "and" or or the "&" I do a str_replace on trhe search term to remove both the "&" and "and" so there are just the two words 'Bowers' and 'Wilkins. Then the search works as the two words are present even thought they are not one after the other. (I hope that makes sense)! Can you tell me more about your 'backticks' suggestion as I'm not sure what you mean? Thanks.
  19. Hi all, I'm having an odd issue that I think is down to the selector I'm using but I can't track down the cause! I'm using front-end AJAX search form on a list of product adverts (pages) where the product is made by a certain manufacturer (vendor). The manufacturer is chosen buy the person listing the adverts from a page field list of manufacturers who's parent is id=1034. Most manufacturers are being found without an issue. The only one that's causing a problem is called 'Proj-ect" (the "-" being part of their brand name. Here's my selector code: $thisBrandProducts = $pages->find("template=advert,vendor.title~=$q,has_parent=1034,limit=20,created_users_id!=$susDealerList"); $susDealerList is a list of advertisers that are not currently live so pages should be excluded. Could the "-" in the name be the issue with those pages not being returned? If so does anyone have any ideas of how I can get around this? Thanks in advance!
  20. Thanks psy, will take a look!
  21. Hi noelboss. Thanks for the Snipcart recomendation. This looks very good. I'm investigating...
  22. Hi folks, I have a marketplace site built on PW which I'd like to tie to a subscription payment system for those selling. The user accounts currently use specific PW user accounts. I'm looking closely at PayWhirl to manage payments and subscriptions as it looks ideal for subscriptions. Their API seems to work well too from initial testing. I wondered if anyone else in this super forum had used PayWhirl and had any advice or tips & tricks? Thanks. https://app.paywhirl.com/
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