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Everything posted by tpr

  1. I name them at their original language but usually they are readable (latin). When it comes to cyrillic or chinese characters I would probably use English. But it depends on who will use the admin, and whether to use these names (titles/labels) on the frontend, eg. in language switcher. I would avoid UTF8 page names and urls if there's no specific need.
  2. I got this thing to work though I may change the syntax here and there. Currently it uses FieldsetTabOpen fields' notes where you can enter this syntax: colbreak_seo_keywords:50 Here "seo_keywords" is the field name after which you would like to put the break, and 50 is the percentage. It's all JS but it's not visible at all. I've probably found a PW inconsistency: emptying a field override (Notes) I would expect that the original value is used, but not, it's overrided with an empty string. The same thing is OK for example overriding the field Width (Input tab).
  3. On each template you can set overrides to fields, eg. label, description, notes. In this case the "aos_column_break" field is only a placeholder and the actual title doesn't matter. So it could be a place where you could add additional settings. My idea is to enter something like featured_image:60, seo_keywords:50 and AOS would search for fields featured_image and seo_keywords and add the left-right fieldsets (if they are under FieldsetTabs). Of course this is more error-prone because if you rename a field then you need to rename these labels too. This is just an idea that could work without without the need to add additional column break fields, at least in theory Or the same idea could be used directly on tab open fields too.
  4. Perhaps they have set up their mail in the similar manner as their domains?
  5. I wouldn't like to add 2 or more field to support multiple column breaks. I have an idea to enter field names to the existing field's label (title), and add breaks based on that. But I'm open to other ideas too.
  6. I see that if sticky header is on, #main is set to position: absolute and the inline CKE toolbar calculates the top position wrong because of this. I made it this way to scroll only the content below the header. Once you disable position:absolute the toolbar scrolls with the page.
  7. Thanks, I've added it to the CSS, I don't think it breaks anything. Until I upload a new version perhaps you could try 0.6.3, there were a few fixes to CKEaddons so there's some chance this is already fixed (though these were mainly JS-related).
  8. Thanks! Right, because you can't add 2 or more instances of the same field. Perhaps such feature wouldn't complicate things too much but let's see how the current implementation performs first
  9. v063 is up! Moved this new submodule named AdminColumns entirely to PHP instead the quick JS prototype. It works, though I'm not sure it's much better this way. Anyway, it was fun/challenge to get the things I needed from other modules (Admin Template Columns, Batch Child Editor, etc). See the readme for how it works but there's no big news there. The field is not uninstalled when AOS is uninstalled, but it shouldn't show up in the page edit form even if you don't remove it manually. However, the field is installed on module install and on activating the submodule too.
  10. I'm experimenting with admin columns and so far so good! I've used Admin Template Columns which served well for years but I always felt there should be an easier way to accomplish this. ATC uses two fieldsets so you have to drag 4 asm fields in your templates to set columns. Plus if you need custom column width then you'll need to percentages at two fieldsets' settings. My current solution uses only one field (FieltypeText actually, but it doesn't matter) so to separate columns I only need to put this field in the list where I need a column break. Custom width can be set by editing the field's width and both column's widths will be calculated. I'll need to polish a few things but I like it's simplicity (and that there's one less module to install).
  11. Just spotted that this line shouldn't have a comma.
  12. Looks like it works fine with AOS, thanks! There was 2 light lines in the header that I just removed from AOS. FYI, If you need to style something differently for AOS, you can use 'html.aos {...}' in your CSS (or 'html:not(.aos) {...}').
  13. I always wonder why u guys don't use a template engine instead. Most things you try to achieve are already there and on a more sophisticated/bulletproof level, and there are many more goodies. Ok, it takes some time to get familiar with them but the productivity boost they give is worth the effort imo.
  14. Updated to v062 with the following changes: support for inline CKE fields (CKEaddons) fix LightWire skin missing context menu icons (CKEaddons) added 'Find' and 'Maximize' plugins for CKEaddons added 'Set wider main content' for (default) AdminTweaks submodule options 2 columns layout for default theme above 1479px screen width fix missing pagelist icon set in template (PageListThumbs) several fixes for truncated long page titles timestamp for main module CSS and JavaScript file to prevent caching issues I wasn't able to duplicate @ceberlin's issue. Are you sure you don't have other custom config.js loaded? AOS sets the path for each CKE field's config.js to the AOS directory, so if you enter this to the console you should see a path to AOS (replace "body" with your field's name): ProcessWire.config.InputfieldCKEditor_body.customConfig -> "/site/modules/AdminOnSteroids/CKE/config.js" Currently the regular and inline CKEditors are handled differently in AOS because inline editors behave differently. I'll see if this could be improved.
  15. I can't see this, but I see that inline cke mode doesn't use up AOS settings (cke plugins, skin). I'll have to check this later.
  16. The default theme has a maximum width about 1100 or 1200px, if I make the module layout 2 columns then columns will be too narrow. Reno is full-width so that's why I've set it 2cols if page width is above 1900px. Of course I could widen the max-width of the main container (default theme) let me know if you think that's a good idea. CSS/Js versioning is a good idea, that was on the todo list. Thanks for the snippet!
  17. It's '/site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/plugins', isn't it?
  18. Oops, looks like I forgot to wrap the title in a span. It's fixed, get the latest from GitHub. There's also a fix for CKEaddons, config.js wasn't loaded the way it should. LightWire skin wasn't loaded at all, for example.
  19. v061 is up. I decided to add the toolbar buttons anyway, it doesn't make much sense to make it optional. As stated in the readme, if you need custom settings for CKEditor then you should go with the manual route. I will try to add a configuration textarea in a next release, hopefully that will allow fine-tuning of the plugins.
  20. Looks more usable to me. I see some room for improvements, eg. move the Toggle All to the panels list as first item (plus make it bold to add some weight). I think no need to pull it to left as now. Disable Tracy could go to the far right, in the same row as the 3 other buttons (Once, Sticky, Reset) the top legend below the main title ("Temporarily enable/disable...) could go into one row, separated by eg. this: " • ", or float the second line to right Plus when Tracy is disabled, its icon's position overlaps with the scrollbar (when AOS is active). Using "right: 10px" seems too small, around 20-24px this could be eliminated.
  21. Well at first using CSS3 column-count could be handy for the panel list here. Eg. 2 columns, then the panel would be more than 2 times wider. You could also use CSS "all: initial;" to reset all styling - of course then you will have to re-style everything. Better saying you have more important things to do than beautify the admin
  22. Prototype up & working Will try it for a while and add it to the next release.
  23. While by at this, the Lightwire skin will also an option for this submodule. I will apply some default CKE configuration for plugins but if the user uses a custom config.js then these defaults will be overwritten. This submodule is going to be a great timesaver for me, at least
  24. As discussed on Github, AOS will probably have a submodule that will load CKEditor plugins automatically, so you don't have to manually configure each field. I use the following plugins by default: autogrow keystrokes justify Let me know if you have such "basic" plugins you would like to see here. Obviously complex plugins that need more configuration will be not included here. Plus I don't know whether AOS should mess with CKE toolbar buttons, or leave it to the user to enter buttons to the field's settings in the admin.
  25. v060 is up with several improvements and fixes to enabling/disabling the module.
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