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Everything posted by tooth-paste
It looks nice. How did you handle retina images? The photo's look very sharp on my macbook.
Adding the caption messes up the design. Did you mean like this <h2><span class="caption">Test</span></h2>
Hope anyone can help with a none PW related issue. I thought this was going to be simple but in the mean time I'am pulling my hairs out. I want to place text over an image. This I got working. See the included image and css. The problem is that I want the text to underline on mouse over. <div class="image"> <img src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>img/image.jpg" alt="" /> <h2><span>Test</span></h2> </div> .image{position: relative;width:100%} h2, .caption{position:absolute;top:0;left:3%;width:100%} h2 span{font-size:15px;font-weight:normal;color:#fff;letter-spacing:-1px;background:rgb(0, 0, 0);background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);padding:2%}
Thanks for the replies. It looks to me that it is less complicated than I thought. I'am gonna use the IMG tag. I know that IE8 is not supported but that is not a problem. <img src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>img/logo.svg" height="80px" width="80px" alt="" /> I also tried to use it inline but I get a bottom padding of about 8 pixels. I have tried different files. Maybe it is the combination with foundation.
Is anyone using SVG files? The sharpness is awesome! I like it and want to implement it into my site. What are your experiences? I understand that there is less browser support when you use it in an IMG tag, some use object or as a BACKGROUND-IMAGE. Also jQuery is an option. Any ideas?
On my homepage I would like to make a Foundation grid with random clickable images. So every time a person visits the homepage different images come up. The images could be children of a parent page. The grid is Please give examples with code. This is what I'am now using. <a href='{$page->url}'><img src='{$page->thumb->first()->url}' alt='' /></a>
Thank you for the replies so far. I'am now testing UIkit and like it a lot, especially the class uk-width-* It is simple to understand and clean code.
I was wondering what grid systems you guys were using for clients? Found a grid that is looking very promising.
This is a absolute beginners question I'am afraid. How do I call the value of a field from another template? echo "$fields->get('template=home')->home_tekst_8";
I'am testing with the new front-end editing function and run into a couple of things. 1 When I copy/paste text to the front end, tags are being added that mess up the design. 2 The front end does not work on buttons. The <a> tag overrides. Does anyone knows how to solve this?
I love the new frontend page editor function in PW 3.0.2. and Star Wars. I'am making a simple site and want the user to login and only see the homepage. He can edit the homepage and that's it. I mean that the user does not see the back-end at all. The first solution is that a user directly get redirected to the home after login. Maybe somebody have a better solution?
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$myMainJSfile = "scripts/main.js"; $myMainCSSfile = "styles/main.css"; @Horst: How do you add this line exactly. Is it in a metatag? Do you use the header template?
Son House
Great work! I really like your contact form. How does it works? Are you using Form Builder?
I'am now building the page in blocks. In total I have 8 children, so it results gets sorted into two pages. However, the link '2' and 'next' don't work. What did I miss. $blocks = $page->children("limit=6"); $pagination = $blocks->renderPager(); echo "<ul class='medium-block-grid-3'>"; foreach ($blocks as $block) { echo "<li><a href='{$block->url}'><img src='{$block->webshop_child->first()->url}' /></a></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; echo $pagination;
Is it possible to combine these two scripts. One for automatically create rows in foundation in combination with pagination. $columns = $page->children; $colcount = $columns->count(); $i = 1; echo '<div class="row">'; foreach ($columns as $column) { if($i == $colcount){ echo "<div class='medium-4 columns end'> <a href='{$column->url}'><img src='{$column->webshop_child->first()->url}' alt='' /></a>"; } else { echo "<div class='medium-4 columns'> <a href='{$column->url}'><img src='{$column->webshop_child->first()->url}' alt='' /></a>"; }; if($i % 3 == 0) {echo '</div></div><div class="row">';} else {echo '</div>';} $i++; } echo '</div>'; This pagination I found in the docs. $results = $page->children("id>1, limit=5, sort=title"); $pagination = $results->renderPager(); echo "<ul>"; foreach($results as $result) { echo "<li>{$result->title}</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; echo $pagination;
@ryan: I have done a new update. But now also included the index. The result is a error message. Error: Class 'FieldtypeMulti' not found (line 10 of /var/www/vhosts/.../httpdocs/testpagina/site/modules/FieldtypeEvents/FieldtypeEvents.module) This error message was shown because: site is in debug mode. ($config->debug = true; => /site/config.php). Error has been logged.
I just updated from 2.6.19 and now got a white screen on front-end and back-end. Did not checked htacces or index. I did make a backup and trying to downgrade. Maybe others have same experience? Replacing folder to wire (2.6.19) makes everything work again.
I tried some different apps, but making back ups and making a lot of changes takes up a lot of time. The best solution for me is a simple text file that I open in my editor (Coda) during editing.
The rows are fixed but what do you mean with a field set?
On the front-end pages I want to build a grid of 5 x 10 images. What is the best approach to keep the backend as user friendly as possible. It would be nice if the PW page would also be a grid and images could easily be changed. Is there some sort of module or is there a different, beter solution? Any ideas?
diogo: THX, looks great!
Can you give an example please how you use this script?
What is your favorite strategy? For instance, I got more traffic when I registered my company in Google maps.