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Everything posted by tooth-paste

  1. I really need some help on this one. I run into a total mystery. I've been working on it all day and tried everything. The problem is that I can NOT SHOW ANY TITLES of CHILDREN. Titles of the root tree show up fine. Also when I replace title with url, all url's of children are visible. I'am testing with this simple piece of code. <nav> <?php $child_pages = $pages->get("/webshop/")->children; foreach ($child_pages as $child) { echo '<a href="'. $child->url .'">'. $child->title .'</a><br />'; } ?> </nav>
  2. The trouble is that if I place all pages in the main root, how do I output two different menu's? When I use this code all children are visible in the same styling. Must menu links be made invisible? $homepage = $pages->get("/"); $children = $homepage->children; $children->prepend($homepage);
  3. What is the best way to structure my pages in the back-end? I have different pages split in two different styled menu's. Three menu links of pages are bigger then the rest. Underneath the big button pages are some subpages. -page -page -page -page -page --page --page
  4. Oeps, your absolutely right, sorry it is an old site when I didn't know PW yet. My sites now are all made with PW.
  5. My host updated the server to mysqli. The website now gives the following error Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in line (59) of (\framework\class.database.php) How can I solve this? Is it possible to update from mysql to mysqli in Processwire?
  6. I use a webfont that looks awesome on my retina macbook. When I open the site on a PC screen it looks awful. I have included a screenshot. How can I fix this?
  7. I use Coda. What editor do you use?
  8. I get this strange error when I try to uninstall SEO module. Anyone an idea how to uninstall the module? Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to ProcessWire\Fields::___delete() must implement interface ProcessWire\Saveable, null given (line 225 of /var/www/vhosts/domain.nl/httpdocs/wire/core/Fields.php)
  9. I love the introduction on home. http://www.drewpritchard.co.uk
  10. Why do you like it? I'am interested as well.
  11. I finally got it working. Thanks Bernhard! This is the final code. <div class="row"> <div class="medium-12 small-12 columns"> <?php $selector = "limit=4"; $nextAll = $page->nextAll($selector); if($nextAll->count() > 0) { echo "<h3 class='detailmore'>Meer projecten →</h3>"; } ?> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <?php foreach($nextAll as $next) { echo "<div class='medium-3 small-12 columns end'> <a href='{$next->url}'> <h4>$next->title<br />$next->diensten</h4> <img src='{$next->overzichtsthumb->first()->url}' alt='' /> </a></div>"; } ?> </div>
  12. I feel like a total noob to ask but I can not get it to work. Do you mean like this? $items = $pages->get("/projecten/")->children(); if($items->1356) { echo "<h3>Arrow</h3>"; }
  13. Thanks Horst! I believe your right and will only show next projects, like your last example. Makes more sense. But ran (again) into a problem. I want to show the text/arrow 'More projects', but when the last project is reached the result is null. Is it possible to hide the text/arrow if the result is null?
  14. On the bottom of each project detailpage I would like to create a button "Previous" and "Next" with the limit of two images. This is what I got so far but struggling with the foreach and limit of two. I have got an image included. <div class="row"> <?php $project = $pages->get('/projecten/')->children("limit=2"); $prev = $page->prev($project)->id ? $page->prev($project) : $project->last(); $next = $page->next($project)->id ? $page->next($project) : $project->first(); foreach($prev as $p) { echo "<div class='medium-3 small-12 columns'> <a href='{$prev->url}'> <h4>$prev->title<br />$prev->diensten</h4> <img src='{$prev->overzichtsthumb->first()->url}' alt='' /> </a> </div>"; } foreach($next as $n) { echo "<div class='medium-3 small-12 columns'> <a href='{$next->url}'> <h4>$next->title<br />$next->diensten</h4> <img src='{$next->overzichtsthumb->first()->url}' alt='' /> </a> </div>"; } ?> </div>
  15. On every detail page of a project I would like a button to go to the next project. projects -A -B -C -D etc. This is the textbutton <a href='{$page->next->url}' class='volgende'><h1>Next</h1><p>{$page->next->title}</p></a> Problem: When you use this button and go to the last project, you can not go any further because there are no more siblings. Wish: Is it possible to keep going thru the projects. So when you go to the last project, for example D, the button starts over and selects sibling A?
  16. Solved it myself. I added a new image field. thanks!
  17. I'am using this script to generate portfolio rows with Foundation. Now I would like to crossfade another image on hover. Is it possible to integrate the two IMG tags? <div class="row rowpadding"> <?php $items = $pages->get("/projecten/")->children; $i = 1; foreach ($items as $item) { echo "<div class='medium-6 small-12 columns'> <div class='image text-center'> <a href='{$item->url}'><img src='{$item->overzichtsthumb->first()->url}' alt='' /> <p>$item->title</p></a> </div>"; if($i % 2 == 0) { echo "</div></div> <div class='row rowpadding'>";} else { echo "</div>";} $i++;} ?> </div> And both the image tags. The CSS is controlling the opacity. <div id="cf"> <img class="bottom" src="/images/first.jpg" /> <img class="top" src="/images/second.jpg" /> </div>
  18. Myself I tried UIkit but for me it is not a solution. Mostly to do with handeling gutters. I now got back to the newest Foundation. Works great and some nice improvements since the last time I used it.
  19. I would like to use this module to build a new version of my site with a different. A new head.inc, foot.inc, different templates and so on. Is this possible or can I only adjust text and images on existing pages? Also when using Prodrafts can I make a new pagetree and add or rename menulinks?
  20. if($user->name!='diogo'){ include(head.inc); }else{ include(head-dev.inc): } I want to use this line of code (great tip btw). I'am a Mac user and the strange thing is that it doesn't work in Safari. Has anyone have the same experience?
  21. Thank you, but I'am searching for the script to show/hide new developing website with different if-else scripts to replace head.inc for instance.
  22. Finding answers on this forum is sometimes very hard. I know there is a post out there where different strategies are discussed about hiding production/testversions new website. Can anyone help me to find this post? Goal: How can I make changes to my website and hide new content for public.
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