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Everything posted by tooth-paste

  1. I have children with the name of coaches. I want to sort the list alphabetically based on the field 'Location'. This is a field on the detail page of every coach. Is this possible? $coaches = $pages->get("/coaches/")->children;
  2. Thank you! That was the problem.
  3. I've moved my site to a other server and getting a fatal error! Please help. Notice: Undefined variable: class in /var/www/vhosts/website/httpdocs/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/Blog/MarkupBlog.module on line 1443 Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /var/www/vhosts/website/httpdocs/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/Blog/MarkupBlog.module on line 885 Error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found (line 885 of /var/www/vhosts/website/httpdocs/site/modules/Blog/MarkupBlog.module)
  4. @flydev: Thank you for the script but it is way out of my league for a non-coder like me.
  5. @flydev: Please do and I will check it out.
  6. @kongondo: Is there one solution or a combination of actions/programs?
  7. I found... Modules: Ryan Cramer: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-database-backups/ kixe: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/cronjob-database-backup/ Discussions: flydev: rot:
  8. After searching the forum I have found different discussions and modules but am still clueless. What is the best way to backup my site? I would like to be able to rebuild the complete site in case disaster strikes. Things to backup: -Files on server including template (manually by FTP?) -Databases (PhpAdmin?) -Structure of pages, fields and templates that have been added within PW -Settings site and modules PW
  9. @Ryan: Thank you for giving us the change to take a sneak peak at the new admin theme. It look great. I would like to make a suggestion and hope it is appreciated. In the current design the tree menu has lines between pages menu-links. It makes the tree very accessible and more practical in my opinion. The menu intents to float a little bit and the hierarchy is less obvious. Hope it make sense.
  10. I'am trying to create a user who can also delete a page. These are my settings. Delete pages is selected but does not work. Am I missing something?
  11. Thanks for the explanation, it works perfect!
  12. As you suggested I use our demo templates and alter them to my own needs. It works great. Thank you. Can you help me out with the topNav. On the blog page with all post there is a topNav with selectable Categories. When you click on a single post, the topNav is replaced with a subNav 'See also' and 'Related categories'. Can I remove the subNav and replace it with the topNav? So I would like to always select Categories in stead of 'Related post'. In the template file 'blog-post' I removed the subnav. Is it possible to add the topNav(categories) on a single post?
  13. I need some help. I have read all posts and documentation but can not get it to work. I have two questions. 1. Image summary page My blog index page works but I would like to have the image on the right side. Can I do this with CSS (img.post-featured-image{float:right})? <div class='row'> <div class='col-md-12'> <?php $blog = $modules->get("MarkupBlog"); $options = array('width'=>280, 'alt'=>'title', 'post_small_image'=>2); $content = $blog->renderPosts("limit=10", true, $options); echo $content; ?> </div> </div> 2. blog-post.php How can I output the post that is linked to. I mean the page with the full blog-item? I use this code but it does not work. $blog = $modules->get("MarkupBlog"); $singlePost = $pages->get('template=blog-post, sort=-created'); $out = $blog->renderPosts($singlePost); echo $out; Can anyone help out or give directions on how to find solutions
  14. Very helpful explanation. I will also use your approach mentioned in the second part, the provinces a coach travels to. Very user friendly, thanks!
  15. @kongondo, @LostKobrakai: Thank guys! Works great!
  16. Within the coach page I made a Page Reference (checkboxes) to filter coaches. My tree looks like this: Coaches -Coach 1 -Coach 2 etc. This is how my references tree looks like: Provinces: -Limburg -Drenthe -Utrecht etc. The reason why I wanted to place code in my editorial that I wanted to use one template for my references. Now I have made the templates Limburg.php, drenthe.php and so on. The code for every reference, and the one that changes is on every template is: <div class="row"> <?php $coaches = $pages->find("coach_provincie=Limburg"); foreach ($coaches as $coach) { echo '<div class="col-md-6"><a href="'. $coach->url .'">'. $coach->title .'</a></div><div class="col-md-6">'. $coach->coach_locatie .'</div>'; } ?> </div>
  17. The tree of pages are filter items (page reference). Every selection outputs a different menu. At this point I have a template file for every filter-option. It is not the most ideal solution but don't know how to do it differently.
  18. You mean to make a separate template for every single Tag?
  19. I build a single template. Several Tag pages in the Admin use this template. Every page has a different menu. I try to output a different menu by placing a piece of code in the Fieldtype Textarea. The markup shows in the source code in the browser but is not generating any menu. Is the Fieldtype Textarea suitable to place code in?
  20. Ok, thanks! I will change the structure as you suggest. I have still a question. In your comment you talk about 'Page Reference' do sort out the different provinces. What do you mean with 'Pag Reference'? I don't understand. Is it the Fieldtype 'Page'?
  21. This script does work! It is outputting all provinces. It is a bit the other way around. What would you suggest? In alphabetic order? Can I still output different provinces on a single coach when structure is alphabetic?
  22. How can I output 'Coaches' who are working in multiple provinces? I'am using the 'Options' Fieldtype. In the back-end it is possible to select multiple provinces on every single coach. How can I output 'Friesland' for instance? So every coach who selected 'Friesland'? <ul> <?php $coaches = $pages->find("template=coach, sort=coach_locatie"); foreach ($coaches as $coach) { echo '<li><a href="">'. $coach->title .'</a>'. $coach->coach_locatie .'</li>'; } ?> </ul>
  23. THX, empty title field was the reason.
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