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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. So if a UK user is on a business trip in FR he/she can not log in any more with his/her UK-1234 login?
  2. v2.1.0 is out ?? v2.1.0 Latest Bug Fixes command db:pull using old syntax (52f78e4) install command not working for dotnetic (2a68b11) rename rockshell to rock everywhere and update readme (2697bd6) Features add DbDownload command (2e91be7) add warning if PHP version is too low (a8caca8) We have a new db:download command and I created an alias for my laptop so that I can simply call "rockshell db:pull staging" instead of "ddev php rock db:pull staging" which is really nice if you use it often.
  3. v3.3.0 is out! So many great new feature - I hope I find the time to write docs for them one day ? v3.3.0 Latest Bug Fixes apostrophes breaking alfred() (3bcc291) improve getUikitVersions in module config (5743df9) remove outdated uikit profile - please use the rock profile instead! (e92f9bc) wrong template path when using latte includes (f2277e7) Features add static site rendering feature (1a87bf9) add view folder feature (dab548b) improve topbar hidden style (959f797) tweak frontend modal z-index for uikit nav (20f4362)
  4. Yeah, just check the docs here https://latte.nette.org/en/extending-latte#toc-functions and then instead of this $latte = new Latte\Engine; use this $latte = $rockfrontend->loadLatte(); Let me know if you come up with something useful. Never used that feature myself ?
  5. @gornycreative I've just added this feature to the latest release of RockMigrations! It will also show you the correct code to copy&paste:
  6. v1.3.0 is out and makes it even easier to set a custom logo in the PW backend ?
  7. Lots of great stuff in RockMigrations v3.29.0 Sorry for the ugly background but otherwise the links don't work!
  8. Thx for your answer! Don't think that a machine reboot helps. The issue has been there for a while. Not sure what's going on. It's really hard to tell or identify. I'll try to record it when it happens again. Just wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything obvious and maybe someone else has also experienced this?
  9. I'm on a Macbook Air M1 and whenever I'm using the Tracy Console things get extremely laggy. Sometimes even several keystrokes take seconds which is obviously really a pain. I'm wondering if I'm the only one experiencing this behaviour? Does anyone know how that can happen or how that can be debugged?
  10. Now I understand. Looks like an update should fix your issue:
  11. Hi @Doreen welcome to the forum! Could you be more specific here? What exactly do you mean or what exactly do you do? Maybe you can add a screenshot so that we better understand?
  12. Video coming (hopefully) soon @ processwire.rocks ??
  13. I also get these from time to time and find them quite annoying. I just delete them. Would be great to disable these emails ?
  14. Hi @Ghulam Mustafa , welcome to the forum and sorry for the meme ? I try to be serious and helpful now: What you are asking for is maybe the most advanced (and expensive) thing you can want in software development. You are asking for a custom ecommerce integration that works exactly the way you want. This is not only complex for the developer but also requires good knowledge of all the steps involved in the whole process from your side (because you have to tell the developer what he/she has to do). All that combined with the requirement of "very low budget" sounds like a high risk that you'll get something like what you see on the picture above. I think you have two options: Go with one of the off the shelf shopping solutions (like Shopify etc) Make something custom, but then reserve a reasonable amount of resources (time and money) I hope that helps and I wish you all the best for your project. If you find someone that develops it for you on top of ProcessWire and he/she does a good job, then he/she will make anything you need customizable. That's the beauty of ProcessWire. We can build software that is easy and fun to use by our clients and works exactly the way they want. But that's not low budget in general. It's (very) high value ?
  15. My first bet would be that any other modules/hooks are messing things up. I think it's very unlikely that there is an issue in the core or in the Inputfield itself. Never seen such a behaviour ?
  16. Hey @adrian @matjazp reported an issue that I also see when viewing the RockMigrations module settings page: This seems to be the source, but no idea why that seems to pop up only on the RockMigrations module screen? https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/blob/b39c11d76eaf11f9c41a9545caedd6e57d11b6d6/TracyDebugger.module.php#L2253
  17. bernhard

    Deployer recipe

    RockMigrations is your friend. We've been using it for years and thousands of deployments. Here are the new docs: https://github.com/baumrock/RockMigrations/tree/main/docs/deployments The resulting folder structure of a deployment will look like this (where the triple letters stand for a release hash from github): current -> release-DDD // symlink to latest release release-AAA--- // old releases release-BBB-- release-CCC- release-DDD // latest release shared // shared folder The current symlink will link to the latest release Releases will be kept in the release-* folders (and you can configure how many to keep) The shared folder will contain the persistent data shared across all releases (like site/assets/files and site/config-local.php). Does it look complicated? Maybe, but once everything is setup it's just "git push" and can't get any easier or more fun. Does it take longer than moving files manually to the server? Maybe. But only for the initial setup. I've saved many many hours and it's always great to just "git push" and have everything magically appear on the remote server. You want/need to have different staging/production environments to test out things or show some drafts to your client? No problem at all! Just push either to the "dev" branch or to the "main" branch and it will deploy either to staging or to production (depending on how you set it up and how you want it to work).
  18. Ping: Meetup will be in 2 weeks - any more ideas/input? ?
  19. Thx for that reminder @MarkE my screenshot tool on mac actually also has the feature to open the screenshots folder directly ? Well, it's just about preference I guess and initially I was just asking if there is already a solution for that - then it would also be no development effort ? But still I think it would be nice if the core images field would support that for situations where you simply have something at hand in the clipboard and it would take some extra steps otherwise. For example from any website you could then just rightclick on the image and then paste it to the field. Now you'd have to "save image as..." and then upload it. Not a big deal, but still annoying for me ?
  20. Great @adrian thank you! Would it be hard to place that Info on top of the request panel and make it uncollapsed by default? It's quite hard to find right now and I guess in many cases that information is the most important information you want to find. And it does not do any harm on regular requests as it will only be shown in redirect bars ?
  21. It's interesting how many seem to not understand me ? I'll try it again! Thx for asking back! First of all Thx @flydev for the screencast. I'm not sure I understand that as it seems to be cropped and also I don't really get why the pasted image is in the footer at the end?! True True! Well it doesn't necessarily have to be CMD+V as you are right, it would be hard to tell which image field to target. Maybe a button to click would be easier/better. Maybe that could only appear if a suitable image is available in the clipboard. Thx - I already tried to explain that I'm not talking about the CKE field but a single core image upload field. But technically that shows that it's possible and we have the pieces already in the core. They would just have to be applied a little differently. --- For everybody who still didn't understand my request: Let's say we created a ticket system. And every ticket has an image field where we can/should upload a screenshot of the issue. Now I open my screenshot app on my laptop and add some arrows, blurs, notes etc. and then I hit "copy to clipboard". Then it would be nice to be able to go to my ticket system and just paste my image into that image field. I agree that this is really not a lot effort to save the image first and then load it from the PW images field, but those little extra steps add up and sometimes they make the difference whether an app feels easy or tedious to use. Now make screenshot click save image to disk think about where to save the image, or even worse add some more clicks to find the correct path to save it open processwire and click load image find the correct image path to load the image from hit upload delete the now unnecessary image from your disk My wish make screenshot click copy image to clipboard open processwire and click paste from clipboard For me this workflow would really be much better.
  22. Hey @adrian I apologise if I'm again asking for something that's already possible. But I don't think so ? I've just added a RockMigrations Tweak that shows WHY a $session->redirect happened in the tracy debug bar. Redirections can be really annoying and hard to debug. You open a page and it does not show up and instead redirects to the homepage. You wonder why... Access levels? Some other redirections in place? I had a look and Session::redirect is already hookable so it's really simple to add some helpful information: You instantly see that I got redirected because of line 36 in Hero.php While it's a very nice Tweak I think this would be much better placed directly into the tracy debug bar. What do you think? See https://github.com/baumrock/RockMigrations/blob/6003cf593b878b80937fa9708f0172a8f9fcfed9/tweaks/RedirectLogger.php
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