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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. Nicely done! I didn't even know that you can set "?id="
  2. There is a plugin for at least restrict the edits per user. Not sure if you can hide the rest, too: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-edit-per-role/ or https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2141-module-page-edit-per-user/ or http://modules.processwire.com/modules/custom-page-roles/ You probably have to read the description of them or try them and then decide which one fits our needs the best.
  3. Because it's not that easy for the average user to setup a nodeJS environment, I guess.
  4. How do you defined your anchors? Giving subsections ids or some jQuery magic?
  5. You could make an own module hooking into the core module. This own would lay in your /site/modules/ folder.
  6. I would just use the first publish date. Because if you have a blog and order by published you want to have the post stay at the same position
  7. @pete: I think it only stores page ids. Which is as good as a page
  8. Just as an idea - couldn't this field be called "published" just to match "created" ? Or is "published" a reserved word?
  9. Just thinking: Maybe you could even go further and create more then just the business microsite but something like "ProcessWire (features) for Developers", "ProcessWire (features) for Users", "ProcessWire (features) for Business" from which each is a microsite just highlighting the advantages.
  10. I may would go with something like processwire.com/business/ or business.processwire.com or business.pw ((or enterprise.pw or vip.pw) redirecting to processwire.com/business/) which points out why ProcessWire is able to be used as enterprise/business CMS. Maybe also offer Premium Support and so on. Probably I would use a little different design of the page (at least colours). A little bit darker. So it feels more classy. And enterprise people think they are in there own section. Good examples: http://vip.wordpress.com/ https://www.dropbox.com/business/
  11. @netcarver: He uses 5.5 so it should be fine...
  12. You could use my QuickTags editor. TAB key support is planned.
  13. You can try to reset the admin password: <?php // Reset Password $users->get("admin")->setOutputFormatting(false)->set('pass', 'yo12345')->save();
  14. Not sure which of them were already posted here (mostly german): (could someone delete double posted articles from my list?) http://wowa-webdesign.de/allgemein/gastartikel-processwire/ https://www.onli-blogging.de/1320/ProcessWire-taugt.html http://www.techniksurfer.de/vorstellung-des-cms-namens-processwire/ http://fabian-beiner.de/de/artikel/vier-stunden-spass-mit-processwire/ http://www.noupe.com/cms/processwire-cms-with-a-difference-77309.html http://www.sunarlim.com/2013/02/why-choose-processwire-over-wordpress/ http://blog.andrebaldeweg.de/blog/processwire-im-einsatz-586/ http://internetblogger.de/2013/05/cms-processwire-bei-all-inkl-installiert/ http://absoluteb.com/2012/08/processwire-my-new-favorite-cms-in-the-whole-wide-world/ http://adamxp12.com/posts/websites/processwire-cms-review http://benbyford.com/articles/why-i-choose-processwire/
  15. I like this post a lot more than the other one on WP-Tavern. But it's sad that every article WordPress <-> ProcessWire quotes CMS Critics "bloated plugins" point. The whole system is bloated.
  16. My mistake - corrected it and uploaded it to github. I'm always open for a beer
  17. Go into the module file and put the uninstall function into /* */. Then uninstall it. Then go to admin->setup->pages and delete the subpage "delete page".
  18. You have to put it in the loop of course: <?php // get the images (if your image field is called "images") $images = $page->images; foreach($images as $image) { echo $image->credits; }
  19. Maybe you could even include auto recognition. Like calling the exported file "update.json" and put it into the main dir and the module recognizes it and asks you if you want to use this file for updating. Afterwards it deletes the file. Would be that great!
  20. Don't understand it completely but you display images descriptions of an image field with multiple images like this: <?php // get the images (if your image field is called "images") $images = $page->images; // do a foreach loop to display each image foreach($images as $image) { // now you can use all of the image's attributes like description echo $image->description; // or the url echo $image->url; }
  21. How do you added this extra field? And what is the code you're using in frontend to display it?
  22. Didn't even know that there is an inline mode. Could you add this as an issue to GitHub? So I'll keep it in my to-do list rather then forgetting about that I read it here?
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