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Everything posted by r2d2

  1. Anyone get this resolved? I'm having the same issue and I'm working with a fresh install. Clearing the sessions aren't working for me.
  2. I highly recommend Freshbooks ... https://www.freshbooks.com I believe up to 3 clients is free.
  3. r2d2

    jQuery help

    Just sent you an email.
  4. Has anyone tried getting ProcessWire to run within Heroku?
  5. Thanks Vineet, I've sent you a PM.
  6. Hi Everyone, I'm looking for a good designer. Some initial work is to create nice email templates (I can code the HTML if you/the designer cannot) and then the work will include design work on the main website (which is ProcessWire). If this isn't the right place to find a good designer, can anyone recommend where I should look/inquire? Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  7. r2d2

    Night Attack

    nice site and nice name (reminds me of mine).
  8. Hi Everyone, I'm trying to figure out how to forward all subdomains to a single domain. For example, if the user goes to ... http://sharespost.com). I saw some similar posts about this but nothing concrete. Anyone have any thoughts? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  9. You can use PayPal. Stripe is another option that's pretty easy to work with.
  10. r2d2


    Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into what you've told me.
  11. r2d2


    Most of the design work was done by Kevin Puleo. Here's his site... http://kevinpuleo.com The content, direction and all the hard work was done by the good people at SharesPost. I had the easy job of making it work in ProcessWire.
  12. r2d2


    Hi Everyone, Just launched SharesPost.com. Thoughts?
  13. r2d2

    Your hourly rate?

    Thank you everyone for the good info. I appreciate it.
  14. r2d2

    Your hourly rate?

    Hi Everyone, If you don't mind me asking, I'm wondering what billing rates look like for a PW developer. How much do you generally charge your clients if broken down to an hourly rate? A range would be good; for example: Little experience: $### - $### Moderate amount of experience: $### - $### Very experienced: $### - $### Thanks.
  15. If you're using Universal Analytics (the new/beta Google Analytics), here's how to add an event ... ga('send', 'event', { 'eventCategory' : 'Your Category Here', 'eventAction': 'Your Action Here -- like click, view, etc', 'eventLabel': 'Event Label Value Here' } );
  16. Solved. It was a firewall issue. I can't believe how long that took to figure out. I appreciate all the help.
  17. One of the logs is saying: File does not exist: /var/www/cms/images_new, referer: http://cms.psc.state.ga.us/commissioners/chuck-eaton/ What is images_new? Where did that come from? My desktop is outside the network. I'm not VPN'd or anything. And it works there. If my iPhone uses WIFI, I can see the images. If I turn off WIFI, I can no longer see them.
  18. It's not a cross domain policy issue. You can try hitting the asset directly from the Apache web server and it doesn't work ... http://cms.psc.state.ga.us/site/assets/files/1018/eaton_1438x2100.jpg Well, it doesn't work my mobile device and some people can't access it from the desktop. The accessibility is not consistent. That's why I'm stumped.
  19. The reason the absolute URL is needed is because I'm pulling the content generated from the ProcessWire site into another site and the other/host site doesn't have those assets. Here's the page in the ProcessWire site ... http://cms.psc.state.ga.us/commissioners/ And here is one of the assets: http://cms.psc.state.ga.us/site/assets/files/1018/eaton_1438x2100.jpg I did verify that it exists in that location. I just can't figure out why some people have no problems seeing the assets while other do. I'm running this on Ubuntu 64-bit.
  20. Hi Everyone, I've got a weird issue I haven't been able to figure out. Please help. For some people who visit the site, they are not able to access any of the assets, like images. For example, this image, can you access it? If so, try on your mobile device (with WIFI turned off). http://cms.psc.state.ga.us/site/assets/files/1018/eaton_1438x2100.150x200.jpg Here's the code ... <img alt="Commissioner <?php echo $page->title; ?>" src="http://cms.psc.state.ga.us<?php echo $page->heroImage->size(150, 200)->url; ?>"/> Here's the page for this ... http://www.psc.state.ga.us/content.aspx?c=/commissioners/chuck-eaton/ ... or look at it through here but it's not embeded within the main site ... http://cms.psc.state.ga.us/commissioners/chuck-eaton/ Any thoughts to the issue? Any help is very appreciated. Thanks.
  21. Yup, that was the problem. Thank you so much.
  22. Updated the "date" in sort. Here's the latest code but still not working. Thoughts? $today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); if ($page->showPastEvents) { $items = $pages->find("template=event, eventStartDate < $today, limit=$page->numberOfItemsPerPage, sort=-eventStartDate"); } else { $items = $pages->find("template=event, eventStartDate >= $today, limit=$page->numberOfItemsPerPage, sort=-eventStartDate"); }
  23. Hi Everyone, Any help is appreciated. I'm trying to get either current and future events (pages) or past ones and am getting an error. Here's my code ... if ($page->showPastEvents) { $items = $pages->find("template=event, eventStartDate < today, limit=$page->numberOfItemsPerPage, sort=-date"); } else { $items = $pages->find("template=event, eventStartDate >= today, limit=$page->numberOfItemsPerPage, sort=-date"); } I've also tried this: $today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); if ($page->showPastEvents) { $items = $pages->find("template=event, eventStartDate < $today, limit=$page->numberOfItemsPerPage, sort=-date"); } else { $items = $pages->find("template=event, eventStartDate >= $today, limit=$page->numberOfItemsPerPage, sort=-date"); } And here's the error I'm getting, thoughts? Error: Exception: Unknown Selector operator: '' -- was your selector value properly escaped? (in /var/www/vhosts/sharespost.com/sharespost.co.v1/wire/core/Selectors.php line 165) #0 /var/www/vhosts/sharespost.com/sharespost.co.v1/wire/core/Selectors.php(190): Selectors->create('eventStartDate', '', '>= 1374033600') #1 /var/www/vhosts/sharespost.com/sharespost.co.v1/wire/core/Selectors.php(63): Selectors->extractString('template=event,...') #2 /var/www/vhosts/sharespost.com/sharespost.co.v1/wire/core/Pages.php(143): Selectors->__construct('template=event,...') #3 [internal function]: Pages->___find('template=event,...') #4 /var/www/vhosts/sharespost.com/sharespost.co.v1/wire/core/Wire.php(271): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #5 /var/www/vhosts/sharespost.com/sharespost.co.v1/wire/core/Wire.php(229): Wire->runHooks('find', Array) #6 /var/www/vhosts/sharespost.com/sharespost.co.v1/site/templates/basic-page-events.php(12): Wire->__call('find', Array) #7 /var/www/vhosts/sharespost.com/sharespost.co.v1/site/templates
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