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About petsagouris

  • Birthday 05/05/1981

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    Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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  1. And while on the CSS Framework discussion it is quite easy to use a preprocessor to get what you need and customize the framework exactly as you need it. Twitter Boostrap uses LESS and Foundation uses SASS. This lets you take what you need from them.
  2. @soma thanks for merging the ssl fix. Here is something of interest: Github repository API for the archive link
  3. @pwired, please state the model of the camera so that people can search for the it's specifications and abilities to help out efficiently.
  4. @Henning: The Google documentation about creating sitemaps says: So basically each domain has one sitemap.xml. You put all of the pages in it.
  5. Unless I am missing something this module does not work for individual languages in fields that have language support. I tried doing it on my own but I have little knowledge of Processwire inner workings to make this happen. I've even tried stepping and evaluating expressions with XDebug to no avail. Can anyone give me pointers on the following two things: Getting the $languages array inside the PageEditFieldPermissionConfig function Checking that the current field in the field traversal is actually a Language supporting one. Furthermore I'd like to ask Ryan, if there is a reason that the PageEditFieldPermissionConfig function is placed in its own file? I am asking because there seems to be very little need to do so, since the PageEditFieldPermission::getModuleConfigInputfields() is just requiring the file and returning the function result immediately. edit: By achieving this, there is just one thing missing to open up the way for the translator roles and that is making the inputs viewable but disabled.
  6. Stop the drama you ...sensationalists!
  7. @horst relax, you are gonna have a heart attack. Sharpening matters to you, I get it. There are two possible explanation why Image manipulation libraries have basic sharpening. a) 90% of the people will never notice the difference between soft, medium, strong sharpening. Many of them may even not be satisfied with the sharpening that is done by the library because they might have chosen the wrong one. b) The web isn't about image quality that much, 72dpi doesn't let it matter. Recognizing that this is an area of your expertise I'd recommend you help the guys on that library out so PHP in general gets an advantage (and you get attributed for it too).
  8. Image manipulation is something that has been dealt with many times, please, please use an existing library for this. Imagine is the most downloaded and starred lib for this on packagist so they must be doing something correctly.
  9. Ryan, considering the PHP versions after 5.3.7 have the Blowfish problem solved shouldn't the check as follows? public function supportsBlowfish() { return version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.7') >= 0 && defined("CRYPT_BLOWFISH") && CRYPT_BLOWFISH; }
  10. @mindplay.dk Could you please share what type/amount of work you've put into the effort to namespace Processwire's source? (Maybe this belongs in another topic all together?)
  11. It seems that TinyMCE used to have an option to do what Peter wants but it is nowhere to be found in the tinymce source (TinyMCE configuration: remove_linebreaks) The TextFormatter should look something like this (not tested apart from the regexp): <?php /** * TextFormatter to put new line character after a specified set of end tags. */ class TextformatterNewlineAfterTags extends Textformatter { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Line characters after specific HTML tags', 'version' => 100, 'summary' => "Adds line characters after the <br> and </p> end tags. ", ); } public function format(&$str) { $str = preg_replace('/(?:<\\/p>)|(?:<br\\s*\\/?>)/', '$0\\n', $str); } }
  12. Why would you want to read the article in the HTML source?
  13. The solution to the deep namespace problems is just a matter of using namespace aliasing. Code standards are great and a great tool to check on them is PHP_CodeSniffer. In an IDE such as PHPStorm (Ryan I am so sorry) you could just put the formating rules in place and just tell it to reformat the whole thing. But this is all details compared to converting the source to PSR-0.
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