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Everything posted by RyanJ

  1. I figured out the issue. User error and some default behavior in the mix. When an invalid date format is entered for example "2012", the date reverts back to 1969-12-31 after page save. I guess that is the default date input format, because if I select none, it reverts back to that. Can someone confirm this is normal behavior. Thanks for all the suggestions and assistance so far.
  2. Possibly? I don't see a timezone set in the MySQL config file. Does that need to be set?
  3. It's been too long. Finally got to get back to PW after wading in some MODX development for a while. Anyhow, I am a bit stumped on something. I have incorporated a date field and for some reason it converts back to 12/31/1969 after saving the page. When I add a date picker to the field, it does not even offer the current year. It offers a few years from the 70's which I hear were good years, but wont help me here. I have tried multiple configurations in the settings but ultimately end up with the same value. echoing out the date("m/d/Y") prints the correct date time zone is set in both my config file and php.ini php.ini - date.timezone = America/New_York config - $config->timezone = 'America/New_York'; pw version - 2.7.2 Thanks for any suggestions and its good to be back working with pw.
  4. The admin side gives you the capability to enter your own php code to find selectable pages. Example return $page->parent->parent; Are you able to use some conditional checking as well? I have attempted to do so, but with not luck. Example if ($page->template == "template") { return $page->parent; } else { return $page->parent->child;
  5. Importing and exporting both appear to be working perfectly. Thank you for providing such a great module and excellent support for it. It still amazes me how helpful the staff, moderators and other forum members are around here.
  6. Hi Adrian, Thanks for such a quick response time. Premium service there . After applying your updates, I was able to paste the csv data in and it was applied to the proper table, ignoring the other. However, when trying to import the csv file I still get the message "Session: That is not an allowed file extension for a CSV import. Try again with a .csv, .tsv, or .txt file" I tried this on both local and development servers just in case it was a permission issue. I then tried removing one of the tables, once I did that, I still received the message, but it did import the first row of the csv file. I am going to try maybe a text file and then just redoing the fields and go from there. I'll let you know what my results are. *Update Uploading a txt file works perfectly. Not sure why it does not like the csv files.
  7. Hi Adrain, I removed one table field from the template and that is when I was able to get it to import the one row after I unchecked "ignore first row" however, I still received the same error message, but it did import the one row. It sound like something is wrong with my csv but I cant see where. I think there may be a separate issue with it importing into both field types. I am sending you the csv file now. Thanks for taking the time to look at it.
  8. Awesome module Adrian thanks for sharing. I am getting some strange behavior though. I have two different table field types assigned to one template. When I try uploading a csv I get the following error message. "That is not an allowed file extension for a CSV import. Try again with a .csv, .tsv, or .txt file". My file is indeed a csv. I have tried both tab and comma separated columns. If "ignore first row" is checked, it will not import anything. If it is unchecked, it will import only one row. Also, if I paste the csv data it imports it fine into the desired columns and table, but also imports the data into the other table field assigned to that template. The two table field types have different names and a different amounts of columns. Any suggestions or tips is appreciated. I will be glad to pm you the csv I am using if you so wish. Thanks in advance.
  9. Check the settings of your csv file. Make sure it is UTF-8. The module has no problem importing special characters if your csv file is saved with the correct settings. Someone has asked the question already on this topic here
  10. Wow kongondo, I was out of town and read the response notification on email, but just now saw your diagram in your reply. The fact that you broke this down and described it like you did speaks volumes of your character. This diagram should be added to the docs its so descriptive and informative. Thank you very much for taking the time to explain.
  11. Hi Robo, Out of curiosity, I experimented with this and also found that empty <p> tags were not being removed when checked. It may be a bug or some settings conflict. I will try to test it out some more this week or maybe someone smarter then I can chime in.
  12. HTML Purifier is active by default. What are your other settings? Also I think the latest stable version is 2.5.3. Try updating to that and see if you get the desired results your looking for. If not, post a screen shot so we can see your other settings and start from there.
  13. I dove into customizing this module the other day and was looking for a little help in understanding the database schema. The current module sets that date as a unix time stamp and saves this in the data column in the database. I don't need a date column, so I converted it to text to be saved in the data column. Using $schema['data'] = 'text NOT NULL'; only throws an sql error. Apparently mysql wants a defined number to index against, which makes sense. After looking at the FieldtypeText.module I found the below. $schema['keys']['data_exact'] = 'KEY `data_exact` (`data`(255))'; $schema['keys']['data'] = 'FULLTEXT KEY `data` (`data`)'; Could someone advise on what the "data_exact" is, or add any clarification on the above? I understand the 'key', but not sure why both are required. Thanks in advance.
  14. Is slider an image field? You can loop through each child and check the fields count with something like this. foreach($page->children as $child) { if (count($child->slider)) { include 'components/slick.php'; } }
  15. I am playing around with your module, using your example here. However I keep getting a "Use of undefined constant ​ - assumed" in my functions file at the closing line when including the "renderRating" function. I can't figure out. I am sure its user error. Any help is appreciated. Great module, thanks for sharing it.
  16. I know I am not alone in asking the question above, so I thought this post about efficient use of fields belonged here for others to find. Particularly the part below I have quoted from the post. There is no doubt in my mind that ProcessWire can handle the multiple fields, but as noted below, its not always the most efficient way.
  17. Seems to me it has something to due with how your environment is set up. You mentioned you have to keep clearing your browser cache and cookies. What environment are you working in? Have a look here
  18. Where are you being redirected to? Is this a custom login page you created?
  19. Thanks for the info on the ProFields Table LostKobrakai. Hopefully that functionality will be added and if not Kongondo actually provided something relevant here using the Events Fieldtype. Of course that module is just a starting point Ryan offered to the community. I will be ordering ProFields Table shortly. I appreciate the link Kongondo. Ryan does state that the single table is technically faster, but it is good to know the difference is minute. His explanation brushed away any concerns as I approach 700,000 pages.
  20. I was hoping to get a complete list of inputs that the ProFields Table field supports. Above list a few, but what is the "more" referring too ? This thread appears to be talking about two different things and its bit confusing as to which is which. To be more exact, can you use a page reference field or reference a page with ProFields Table yet? Ryan references it here I think. If I was keeping a record of employees each having a first name, middle name, last name, age, start date, end date, email, ect. Would ProFields table be preferred then using all separate fields for the above? It seems to me it would scale and be more efficient, being able to pull from one table instead of joining a bunch, making it faster? Any suggestions or opinions are appreciated. Thanks
  21. I would be interested in seeing your solution Dadog if you would not mind sharing. I am trying to use LazyCron with the Clean Empty Page Files Dir. I am wanting to run the clean directory module with the Every30Minutes hook offered by LazyCron on front-end page views, but kinda confused on how I should approach it. Thanks
  22. Hi Martigin, Thanks for the link with the comments. I was reading Wanze and Ryan's conversation, but did not completely understand it. That cleared things up a bit. My question though is that I am still left with the empty directory files for the images fields that do not contain an image correct? I am inexperienced in OOP, but am going to try and play around more with the PageCleanEmptyDirs module and see if I can get it to run with the lazy cron by adding the snippet above, but so far no luck.
  23. Just reached approximately 550,000 pages with PW , which all have an image field, but only about 10% are used. I am still in experimental state with this project, so many things will most likely change. I am also learning beyond the basics as I go, what a nice small project to learn with right? My first signs of trouble was page cache. I realized it fills the hard drive quickly, so I had to disable that. From what I understand processwire no longer creates the directory for image/file fields on page creation automatically? However, if the page is visited it does. Understandably Ryan made clear that this is necessary for any file or image field to have a place to live. So I am clarifying that at this point my only option is to run the Clean Empty Page File Dir Module every so often. I am assuming I can do this with the Lazy Cron module? If so, I would like it to run every 30 minutes on page view. What is the best way to get the two modules to interact? Could I add to the PageCleanEmptyDirs module add something like the below in the public init function? $this->addHook('LazyCron::every30Minutes', $this, 'PageCleanEmptyDirs'); or is there another approach I should take? Any suggestions is appreciated.
  24. RyanJ

    World Cup 2014

    Hahaha, I am going to have to use this elsewhere pwired.. Prost!
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