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Peter Knight

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Everything posted by Peter Knight

  1. I did a reinstall with a new database and left the Admin Login URL on the setup screen as "processwire". After successful installation, I was given the new URL of /processwire/ Looking at my local files, the default folder called "wire" is still "wire" so I'm not suprised to get a 404 error. Renaming that folder to "processwire" throws the original "forbidden" error. I think I'll just install remotely for the moment or try the stable branch
  2. No joy. I located the appropriate the table and indeed it was set to "wire" but changing it to "processwire" or "admin" has no result when I used that new directory within the URL. Thanks anyway Interesting bu the admin url is by "wire" by default when I unzip the latest gihub build
  3. Hi guys I'm attempting to install PW locally for the first time. I've created and connected to the database but when I visit my admin/manager URL, I get the following error http://localhost:8888/procewsswire-test/wire/ The actual demo site is showing fine with the minimal site profile. This is a download from the dev branch of github. Just wondering is it a folders permission? I don't think I can CHMOD locally?
  4. Cheers for the reply and apologies re the framework mixup. I guess I'm approaching this with a few expectations picked up from my other blogging platform. Within that, almost every part of the blog was a mini template which you could tweak to make fundamental layout changes.
  5. Hmm. I think I see whats happening. Youre basically saying "for each page that uses blog-post as a template, output X". I just realised my output isn't creating a new row for each blog post so I modified it to be as follows. <!-- START Nested Column containing featureimage and post-summary --> <?php $blogposts = $pages->find("template=blog-post"); foreach ($pages->find("template=blog-post") as $b) { echo " <div class='row'> <div class='small-12 large-6 columns'><img src={$b->blog_images->first()->url} /></div> <div class='small-12 large-6 columns'><p>{$b->title}</p><p>{$b->blog_summary}</p></div> </div> "; } ?> <!-- END Nested Column containing featureimage and post-summary -->
  6. Thanks adrian and marcus. Appreciate these are very noob Qs. The following code is working for me based on your suggestion. Basically, I have two responsive columns (using Foundation) and the left one outputs the image while the right one outputs the summary. <!-- START Nested Column containing featureimage and post-summary --> <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 large-6 columns"> <?php $blogposts = $pages->find("template=blog-post"); foreach ($blogposts as $b) { echo "<img src={$b->blog_images->first()->url} />";} ?> </div> <div class="small-12 large-6 columns"> <?php $blogposts = $pages->find("template=blog-post"); foreach ($blogposts as $b) { echo "<p>{$b->blog_summary}</p>";} ?> </div> </div> <!-- END Nested Column containing featureimage and post-summary --> I'm slowly getting there. I can see how PW will gradually improve my PHP too and am slowly understanding some of this variables stuff. No idea why I agreed to put together an urgent client project on a tight deadline with a CMS I'm not familar with.
  7. I have a working blog thanks to this excellent module by kongondo http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-blog/ Now that I'm tweaking it a bit, I am running into some noob problems. For example, my individual blog posts have 2 fields which I want to call onto the blogs main homepage. The two fields are: 1. The first image used in an image field called blog_images <!-- Display the first blog image --> $blog_images = $page->blog_images->first(); if($blog_images) echo "<img src='$blog_images->url'>"; 2. The content of a textarea field called blog_summary <!-- Display a summary of the blog --> echo $page->blog_summary; Both of these fields have content and I can call that content onto the blog post page with the PHP above. But calling it on the Blog homepage give me nothing and no errors. Within my Pages tree, the structure of my setup lookis like this Blog Posts Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 Post 4 Categories Tags Comments Widgets Authors Archives Any help much appreciated. Thanks
  8. Thanks so much, Marcus. I'll try that later. I know with my "usual" CMS I could achieve this in about 15 - 30 mins so it's great to see it's as easy within PW
  9. If my client has added more than 1 image to an image field (called "blog_images"), how could I 1. Output a grid of images on my webpage as cropped thumbnails. 2. Make them clickable so they display a lightbox such as http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/ Thanks
  10. Can I suggest an improvement to the PW Manager. When editing a page, I should be able to mouse-over a fields label to display the actual field name as referenced in the API and templates. I just had a problem whereby calling a series of images onto a page was not working for me using the code example from the API docs. <?php foreach($page->images as $image) { echo "<img src='$image->url'>"; }?> This was because the field within my manager page was actually "blog_images" and not the regular "images" field. As both fields had a label of "Images" and the regular images field wasn't used elsewhere on my manager page, it took a while to realise my mistake. Better house-keeping on my behalf would definitely help but it's an idea that might make building sites a little quicker.
  11. Interesting - thanks guys. I've installed CK editor and it's an improvement. I've used it before across other CMS and IMHO it's still too much clutter. Technically it seems to work well and there are plenty of great options. Just wish we had the cleanliness of redactor and less of those 90s pop ups etc
  12. Hi Trying out PW for the first time and really liking it so far. Early days yet and I'm recording my first impressions. One thing which really jars with my experience of PW is the default text editor. I think it's TinyMCE and looks horribly dated and old-school on an otherwise sleek system. Has anyone succesfully integrated Redactor into PW? A few of the other CMS I use and am more familiar with use it and it's a much better client / editor experience. Otherwise, really really liking PW.
  13. Theres a vital question on the BlogProfile module which hasn't been answered. Can anyone answer this for me as the /blog would be just a small part of an eventual "full" site. That full site may even involved more than 1 blog too :-/
  14. Thanks Kongondo. I actually found both of them just after posting. Many thanks for the link. What I'm hoping for is some real world advice on the actual profile and module. Do they work well or are they problematic? I ask because a different CMS with which I blog has a "blogging" add-on. However, lately support for it has been patchy and there are talks about disbanding it. Unless you were part of the forums, one could unwittingly end up using something which has already been marked with a short life-span. So real world input from users would be great. BTW, the link to the Skeleton framework is broken on this page http://modules.processwire.com/modules/blog-profile/
  15. Hi guys I was looking for your input on ProcessWire as a blogging solution. Am primarily concerned about comment functionality and moderation. I'm not too concerned about tags or categories but would be great to get some general advice. I realise I could go down the Disquss path for comments and that's certainly an option too if commenting isn't supported. Many thanks.
  16. Wow, Lister looks really cool. Can it be set as the default view on a site or per-page basis?
  17. Hi guys and Matthew. Thanks for the follow up. It's great to know that the PW community is so helpful. Looking at that link now
  18. Thanks Adrian. Looking at them now. >>>It also has an inline mode which you might prefer. Meaning I can add API calls directly into the Text Editor?
  19. Hi folks Wondered if anyone could answer the following questions. Just a pointer in the right direction would be a great help. Rich text Editor Maybe I'm spolit from using Redactor on my other CMSs but I hate Tiny MCE. Any plans to bring redactor to PW? User submitted content Is it possible to have a public facing webform. A user can submit content which is confined to certain fields. That content would then create an unpublished page for me to approve /edit and make live? Ideally I'd like to be able to specify in the form under which "section" a new page would be created. Manager Are there any plans to redesign the Manager, give it a facelift and maybe build it within Bootstrap 3 or some responsive framowork? Thanks guys.
  20. Hi guys. Just wanted to check back in as the OP and give an update. I'm really excited to be creating a personal project with PW and am amazed at how clever it is. I had one of those "aha!" moments recently where I opened up the default template, tweaked some API calls and managed to extract content from fields across various demo pages. It occoured to me that I can work with PW and I "get" it. Happy days indeed Since I posted I had been looking at my options and evaluating both ProcessWire and Craft CMS. Craft CMS really does have the upper hand in terms of the backend manager. The design, responsiveness and usability are superior (IMHO). To be fair to PW, Craft is a much much newer system. However, as clunky as PW is I'm really excited to already be building a personal site with it. No offence intended but the back-end of PW is like the Millenium Falcon. Clearly its dated and a piece of sh*t but what an amazing piece of sh*t. You know it wont let you down. Looking forward to being part of the community. I'm really excited to be able to use MODX, PW and Craft and will use, support and promote all 3 from here on in.
  21. What about Conditional Output modifiers. http://rtfm.modx.com/display/revolution20/Input+and+Output+Filters+(Output+Modifiers)#InputandOutputFilters%28OutputModifiers%29-Conditionaloutputmodifiers In MODX I sometimes specify a field or content or a chunk based on the page ID or a TV being populated. I also use conditions such as If this field is not empty, use this field else use this field If this page id is X then show this html / field How does PW handle this?
  22. Hi all. I'm a front end guy who knows HTML,css,a little jquery and am learning PHP (slowly). I've mainly been creating sites in MODX Revo for the past couple if years. I personally love it, love the community and will always be a user and fan. But I made the decision lately to expand my CMS pool and in addition to MODX have heard good things about PW. Recently a client proposed rolling out a site and I am evaluating PWs suitability as the underlying site. Here are some features. Membership with potential for ten of thousands of members. User Groups and sign up forms adding users to particular groups. Vast amount of pages with ability to organise and search pages ( via backend) Paid membership What concerns me about PW is how the CMS will handle such a huge number of pages as it uses the resource tree concept. Some dabbling with Expression Engine made me appreciate the 'bucket' data model where an entry didn't have to be a page. I hope that makes sense. Information was stored in Channels, were very scalable and manageable too. Ironically, I never got to grips with EE fully and moved on to MODX. My usage of PW will not be a switch from MODX but I am keen not to learn another CMS with a potential resource tree shortcoming. Possibly someone gets what I am saying? Just how scalable is PW and do I need to learn PHP?
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