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  1. I got it working by adding the Javascript manually. This module is so great - it should be continued! Great work, @Gadgetto!!! Hope you will find the time to continue developing. Another question: As you live in Austria - do you have any German Translation for it? Cheers, Christian
  2. Hi all, I know, this module has not been updated for a long time, but I wanted to give it a try and installed it. There was one PHP error, as I installed it on a PHP 8.1 Webspace, but this could be fixed easily. Everything seems to work fine (Dashboard etc.), but when I click on a "Add to cart" - button, nothing happens. There is no error shown. So I had a look at the sourcecode and as far as I can see there is some Javascript/JQuery necessary to fire that button. But no Javascript is included in the template folder, just in the admin area. Has anybody an idea how to get this work? Kind regards, Christian
  3. It's possible with number_format, e.g.: $price = $page->produkt_price; $price_decimal = number_format((float)$price, 2, ',', ''); ?> But I am sure there is a method to do it with Processwire tools, isn't it?
  4. Hi all, could someone give me a hint how I can render a value from FieldtypeDecimal in a template always with decimals - even if it's e.g. 10,00 ? Kind regards, Christian
  5. Hi all, I am trying to use PaymentMollie with Padloper. Unfortunately I could not find any detailed information how to use this module. I have read the instructions on the GitHub page but I am struggling a bit with the integration. Are there any more detailed information available somewhere? Kind regards, Christian
  6. I found a workaround for the moment. I added another option, selected that option and then deleted it... Cheers, Christian
  7. Hello there, I have preselected an option for a Options/Radios field and now I would like to deselect it - but as the preselection area serves as a preview for the field it is not possible to deselect it. Any idea how I can reset this field to have no options preselected? Kind regards, Christian
  8. OMG - I found the problem... I have changed the field name of the image and didn't change it in the template... ? Everything works fine now again! I wish you all a happy and peaceful Advent season! Cheers, Christian
  9. Hello there, hope all of you are fine and healthy. I wish you all a happy second Advent Sunday! I have a little problem using the resize function on one page - oddly enough it works fine on another page. The code I use is the following: <?php $image_resized = $page->product_image->size(806, 1028) ?> <a href="<?php echo $image_resized->url; ?>" class="lightbox-gallery-3 mfp-image"> <img src="<?php echo $image_resized->url; ?>" alt="<?php echo $title; ?>" /></a> When trying to open the page I find the following error in the logs: 2021-12-05 14:44:21 cschindler https://www.feinkost-garten.de/shop/gemuese-abo/vital-box/ Schwerwiegender Fehler: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function size() on null in /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/templates/shop_single.php:19 Stack trace: #0 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/TemplateFile.php(327): require() #1 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/Wire.php(414): ProcessWire\TemplateFile->___render() #2 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(951): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___render', Array) #3 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/Wire.php(485): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\TemplateFile), 'render', Array) #4 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/modules/PageRender.module(554): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('render', Array) #5 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/Wire.php(417): ProcessWire\PageRender->___renderPage(Object(ProcessWire\HookEvent)) #6 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(951): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___renderPage', Array) #7 /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/wire/core/Wire (Zeile 19 in /home/feinkostgarten/public_html/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/templates/shop_single.php) On the homepage I use a very similar code and it works fine: <?php $image_resized = $four_boxes_box->four_boxes_bild->size(1090, 494) ?> <img src="<?php echo $image_resized->url; ?>" alt="" class="wow scaleOutIn" data-wow-duration="1.2s" /> Does anybody has an idea what could be the problem? I am using the not working code in a PadLoper template, but as I can't imagine that this makes any difference I wonder why it doesn't work on one place but works on the other. Kind regards, Christian
  10. Would be happy if I could take part! Cheers, Christian
  11. Hello again, a very nice guy sent me a pm with some suggestions and of of them worked: And it wasn`t activated but needed... So it works fine now! Merci encore pour tout, C.! Kind regards Christian
  12. Hello everybody, on a multilanguage job website I am using the following code to show up a list of job offers. The site structure is as follows: - stellenangebote/ -- stellenangebote/stellenangebote_de/ --- jobs as child pages The jobs are located under /stellenangebote/stellenangebote_de/ as child pages and I want to show them up on /stellenangebote/ with the following template code: $stellenanzeigen = $pages->get("/stellenangebote/stellenangebote_de/"); foreach($stellenanzeigen->children('stellenanzeige_kategorie=1') as $child) { ?> <h3 class="uk-text-primary"><?php echo $child->title ?></h3> <?php } ?> This works fine for the default language (german) on /stellenangebote/ but its does not work on the french url version of this page /fr/offres-demplois/ . I have no idea whats wrong - has anybody an idea? Cheers Christian
  13. Hi there, found in the Roadmap that it is planned to replace the Regular site profile with a Uikit-based site profile. I am already working with Uikit - so I am looking forward to the replacement. Is this possible to get the Uikit-based profile even now? Kind regards, Christian
  14. No, it wasn't CKEditor - modified it in the module now and it seems to be ok.
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