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Posts posted by pwired

  1. But some kind of cheatsheet for MoDx users bring a lot of new exModx user i think.

    Yes, that's a really intriguing idea, how to do modx the pw way. Would be very attractive for designers and beginners. Would also show how easy and powerful the api of pw really is.

  2. I'd like to see an attractive default theme.

    Have you at least compared pw's api with craft ?? Obviously you didn't check the available admin themes in the forum and on git. Yes it takes time to dig the forum to find them. Some pw users here made really great looking admin themes. And "beautiful" backend or frontend isn't the same for everybody, it's totally subjective. You are expecting to find a theme that fits your personal taste. It doesn't work that way. And especially not for PW that is designed to be functional internally (core) in the first place. The external is up to the user customizing the admin css and html to make it look anyway you want.

    So many people decide whether to use the system or not by "looking" at it: it's a visual process.

    Yes I was once one of them. Typical script kiddy and web builder wannabee hanging around in the scene. Going from one cms to the next only by the look and feel of it because of lack of judging the ratio between cms rules and functionality. Same like you would judge on how a car looks because of lack of understanding how the engine is designed that makes it run. However after trying enough different cms'es each with it's own frustrating wall of rules you have to adapt to, you stop looking at how a cms looks. You start looking for a cms without frustrating and silly rules but that adapts to you as a designer or coder on how to use it any way you want at any level of experience you already have or will develop later on. Welcome to PW unlimited ;)

    • Like 2
  3. PW is very cool, but also very different from what I'm used to.

    Working with PW will make you a rapid ex modx'er, like happened more often here ;)  PW has a total open potential that always adapts to your level of experience, wants and needs. Haven't seen any other cms capable of doing that so easily. Dive into it's api and templating and you will see.

    I have a design for a homepage that will have multiple conent areas (8 to be exact) and I'm not sure what the best logic is for structuring my template.

    Why not simply use a css framework and fill the homepage in any way with any area you want.

    There are many of them out there, this is the one Im fond of http://simplegrid.info/

    Have a look here and get really pw hooked:


  4. http://papercut.codeplex.com/

    Is it for local testing or do you really want to send out emails ?

    If it is for local testing then no problem.

    1. Download Papercut.
    2. Run Papercut, while running it sits in your tray.
    3. Configure your application's smtp host to the machine running Papercut.
    4. Watch Papercut receive the emails and view the contents.
    5. When you are done. Close Papercut.

    But when want to really send out emails from your own local email server then you need to prepare yourself.

    I have used local smtp servers to help out tourists on their laptops. Tourists not using webmail but their own mail client like outlook express or thunderbird can receive their emails but not send them. Their isp in their country only allows sending emails when at home but not from a foreign country. It's flagged as spam and for protecting their smtp servers against free use by everybody. In your case you need to overcome blocked port 25, blocked email relaying and refused domains when the email address holds a different domain then your isp that connects you to the internet. You can by using email authentification or use port 465

    diagnosis: http://www.mxtoolbox.com/

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    Link1: You've been using MODX but now you've found ProcessWire. It’s
    totally amazed you and you can’t wait to get started. But…you are
    wondering where everything is. If this is you, read on…

    Link2: A MODX refugee: questions on features of ProcessWire


    Link3: Code comparison between modx and processwire.


    More here:


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